This is the March 2003 version of my homepage. You'll find the current one here.

Henriette's herbal homepage - herbfaqs - articles - classic texts - archives - links I like - pictures - plant names


Henriette's Herbal Homepage

Last updated 12Mar03 - email comments to hetta .


Welcome. On this site you'll find

There's also a page that tells you about the history of this site and a little about me. And then, completely unrelated to herbs, there's the Best of RHOD files.

Please sign my guestbook - I love to see new things there.


FreeFind Search

Above is a FreeFind search box, which currently only shows 60 of my 84 MB worth of .html pages - 60 MB is their extended free search limit, which I hit in January.
Below is a Google search box, tailored to ibiblio, which doesn't necessarily show all the relevant pages.
Your choice.


Hosted by sunsite^^W^W^

This is the March 2003 version of my homepage. You'll find the current one here.