

Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
Subject: Acne - Do You have a Remedy?
From: (Kathryn)
Date: 19 Dec 1994 20:40:22 GMT

I'm in my mid thirties and always had a problem with my skin breaking out. Can anyone recommend a herb/vitamin I could use to get rid of them? I have tried several vitamins but NOTHING seems to work!


From: (Don Scott)

>I'm in my mid thirties and always had a problem with my skin breaking out.

Yes. Two things. Both "natural products."

1. Take saunas frequently. My son never had any "zits" all thru high school --or since-- because we have a Finnish sauna in our house. He set the temperature at 100 C. (212 F.) but that's a little drastic. I use 80 C (176 F.).
2. Check with your physician, and take low dose tetracyline (preferably minocycline, which has a higher lipid solubility) prophylactically.

Both of these are helpful because they are antimicrobial insofar as skin organisms that might cause opportunistic infections.

From: (Steven Weigand)

>I'm in my mid thirties and always had a problem with my skin breaking out.

Try this: Take 200% USRDA vitamin A daily. Take also 100 mg Chelated Zinc daily. Drink plenty of water, too.

As always, check with a doctor before doing so.

This treatment gets rid of all my pimples/zits/etc. and clears my face up usually within a week. It works almost immediately to stop new pimples from forming, and within a week, the old ones disappear too.

Experiment with this treatment over a period of a month or so. You may want to decrease the dosage at times. You may want to go off the treatment for a few days to see what will happen, etc. If you don't see improvement, increase the dosage of vitamin A up to 400% USRDA, but no more. Do not go over 200mg Zinc daily, either. If you feel pains in your kidneys, decrease the dosage of Zinc (or stop taking it for a couple days).

A quick call to your doctor's office will ensure that you're okay to take that stuff.

I found this treatment in a natural healing book (actually several), and it worked like a charm. None of those zit creams worked, but the vitamins did.

Hope that helps,
- Steve Weigand

From: bk131.FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Andre Paquette)

> I'm in my mid thirties and always had a problem with my skin breaking out.

Kay - I know that this seems silly but do you follow a recommended program of washing your face, toning and moisturizing? I have found that careful attention can often be crucial in avoiding mild acne. One of my frineds has had good success with the Aveda line of natural face products. I have been happily using the Avon Sensitive line for a month or so now. It is important to find a complete regimen that works for you - something that will clean your pores, tone (close them) and moisturize without blocking them with gunk. Anyhow - that's just my thoughts.

Carlene (on her husband's account)

PS - Also - do you touch your face alot? I used to get terrible acne when I was in school and I'm sure that it's related to resting my face on my hand, picking at my face during class and otherwise sweating on and touching my face with germy hands.

From: Marian C <>

> Kay - I know that this seems silly but do you follow a recommended program of washing your face, toning and moisturizing? [snip]
> Carlene
> PS - Also - do you touch your face alot?

Carlene has a good point. The first thing is to try to determine the cause of acne. Do you get it only at certain times of the month and only in the T-zone of your face? In that case, the cause is likely hormonal changes.

Do you get it along your jaw line and chin only? Lots of small pimples along the jaw? In that case, the cause is likely cosmetics. You may be using cosmetics that you are sensitive to, or that contain oil. The remedy for this is to clean your face at the end of the day to remove all makeup. Some people can't use soap, and have to use other facial cleansers. Also, do not use any thing with alcohol in it to clean your face. Oh, and if you are on the telephone a lot (like I am) you can get acne on your chin from dirt on the phone receiver. Just clean the phone receiver periodically.

Do you get acne on your cheeks? This normally indicates a sensitivity to some food you are eating. Dairy products are the most likely cause, so you can try cutting our dairy for a while and see what happens.

One remedy that will probably help in all cases is to drink *lots* of water. Like a gallon a day, if possible. I know that's alot of trips to the restroom, but it will make a big difference in the appearance of your skin. No kidding!

Hope this helps!
