How to use this site.
To find something specific it's best just to use the search engine. Note, you'll need to spell things correctly - if you want the maximum number of results, that is.
Note, it's best to use " and " around combined terms: "zucchini flowers" will give you different results than zucchini flowers.
If you want to use a different search engine, try google: they index almost all of this site (49200 pages / 28Feb2014). They'll also point out typos to you, which can be quite helpful. (include "" in your search if you wish to get results only from this site.)
Yahoo holds 52000 pages / 15Feb2014, and bing shows 53200 pages of my site on their search engine.
On to the site structure, then.
1) you can click on menu items in the sidebar to the left, or at the top right of the page. That'll net you the top levels of various sections of the site: the FAQs, the classic texts, the images, etc.
2) clicking on any thumbnail at all, across the site, will net you a larger image with information about either the plant in question (if it's a photo) or with the caption of the drawing or photo from a scanned book (with a link to the page the image is on, too, for almost all old scanned images).
3) once you've gotten to one or the other page, you're likely to see smaller green text (they're links) at the top of the content field (the white bit of the page)..
Clicking on those links:
- any two-letter thingies will take you to the image gallery for the image you're on.
- any name-year combinations will take you to the image gallery for the classic text the image belongs to.
- any latin names will take you to a list of everything connected to that plant across the site - as far as I've crosslinked things. A few hundred pages are still missing, but shrug: I'm working on that, on and off.
- any named problems will take you to a list of everything connected to that disease or problem across the site, again, as far as I've crosslinked things. A lot is still missing, cos this is new-ish for the current setup. I'm working on that, too, on and off.
- any named preparation will take you to a list of everything connected to that preparation across the site - as far as I've crosslinked things. This is new-ish, too, so it's not all that comprehensive yet.
- if you're on a blog page you'll find a few other categories.
While you're on one or the other of above main categories, you can check out related topics by clicking on the breadcrumb links at the very top of the white bits of the page: that's the "Home » whatever » possibly more whatevers" -links. Breadcrumb links will take you up one level at a time, until you're at the front page of the site ("Home"). You'll get to the home page at any time by clicking on the text "Henriette's Herbal Homepage" (or the pretty photo next to it) at the top of the page, too.
And of course, on almost every page, you'll find a "previous - up - next" set of links at the bottom of the white parts of the page. On text pages that "up" link will give you the same as the breadcrumb, but on image pages you get a different summary page instead.
4) If you know the latin name of any given plant, try putting, oh, say, "" in the URL bar at the top of your browser. That'll give you all the species of that genus on my site, and will avoid such common problems as "Melilotus albus" vs. "Melilotus alba". I only list one of these on my site, and frankly, I don't care what the botanists call it today ... they'll change their mind within the next three weeks anyway. Giving the genus only gives you more results than giving both genus and species.
Questions (about using this site - I'm really not interested in "how do I use this herb" or "how do I cure this ouchie" or similar questions here.), comments, praise or similar? Tell me. Thanks!