Migraine: feverfew: dosage, growing it.

Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs
Subject: Re: Need Help for Migraines
From: Kay Carnes <carnes.uibrl.brl.uiuc.edu>
Date: 11 May 1995 16:49:02 GMT

My husband and I sell herb plants. All our customers who buy feverfew for migraines are firm believers in the herb. Most chew a leaf when they feel a headache coming on and report relief in about 15 min. Some also make a tea and drink that. I don't know that any take it daily. They all say the leaf tastes nasty but the headache relief is worth it. I can't confirm the effectiveness as I don't have migraines but seems to be worth a try. It is easy to grow and will reseed itself so you will have it every year.


From: ()

>My husband and I sell herb plants. All our customers who buy feverfew for migraines are firm believers in the herb.

I know many people who raise it and eat a leaf every other day or so, usually by putting it on a sandwich with thier lettuce. I made a tincture of feverfew, hops, valerian and something else (don't remember) that tasted horrid, but really worked very well. I have it written down somewhere..

From: janetm.online1.magnus1.com (Janet Morrissey)

> It is easy to grow and will reseed itself so you will have it every year.

Oh Boy! Does it reseed itself. Last year was the first year I grew it. I had it in a large container in an area with about 6 other containers. The container of feverfew is full of new growth, as are all the other continers. Full of feverfew, that is.

It is wonderful on headaches, thought. My husband uses is for really bad migraines, and, although he complains a lot about the taste, he keeps taking it because it helps a lot.

Janet Morrissey