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Summer days

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A few summer photos.

I've been on the shore of the baltic for a week or two. Here are some photos:

3 sails, seen from shore.Pic: 3 sails, seen from shore.

A pretty spinnaker and 3 other sails, seen from shore.Pic: A pretty spinnaker and 3 other sails, seen from shore.

A sail in the narrow part of Barösund, seen from the water.Pic: A sail in the narrow part of Barösund, seen from the water.

You see how narrow that bit is? One sailing boat went through that, and the next 5 or so nautical miles (which aren't all that straight, and which are as narrow as this bit) with the spinnaker up. Wheee! No pic, though, cos I didn't have my camera that time.

This fog hit suddenly, after a very sunny day: it rolled in from the sea. Very nice, it was.
Fog on land.Pic: Fog on land.

Fog on water.Pic: Fog on water.

Another day, another short while on the water in our outboarder:
A small sailboat with strange rigging and brown sails.Pic: A small sailboat with strange rigging and brown sails.

Doing 25 knots past two sailboats, one of which is the brown-sailed one.Pic: Doing 25 knots past two sailboats, one of which is the brown-sailed one.

I'll put a few of these up as background images in another few weeks. Let me know which you'd like, of them.


don't know if it will make your day, but do you have insect problems in the Baltic..?

Probably not on the water..just wondering what herbal things you might take along in your summer outings?

on the edge of my seat..(not really) i just read about oil of anise today for the fly and chigger-type critters.


Skeeters, not a problem this drougthy summer. Also, not all that much of a problem on the windy shores of the baltic.
Horseflies, not all that much of a problem on the windy shores on the baltic. Inland, I just cover up from top to toe, or slap away.
Ticks, just check all over before bedtime, they like to attach overnight.
Others, shrug. Not a problem in the archipelago.