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Inbox tidbits: twisted stalk berries, and sabdariffa flowers in syrup.

1) Ellie used to live in Alaska, and wrote to tell me about the twisted stalk plant (Streptopus amplexifolius): "these berries are very common in some places--but the locals know them as watermelon berries. They are very good, and they are a good survival berry because of the amount of liquid held in the ripe berry. You can also dig it up and chew (but not swallow) that last two inches or so of the bottom of the plant and get more liquid that way."

Thanks, Ellie!

2) Eunice wrote me about roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa): "have just bought a jar of sabdariffa in syrup. you put the flower in wine or champagne; it opens out, turns the wine pink, drink it then eat the flower. yum."

Thanks for that, Eunice! I'll have to make some roselle syrup, one of these months.

Related entry: Roselle syrup