Viburnum Cordial.

Selected writings of A. Jackson Howe.

Other tomes: King's

Viburnum Cordial represents the results of Professor Howe's studies in pharmaceutic combinations, and was originally devised by him for the relief of the stomach-pangs of the alcoholic tippler when suffering from the withdrawal of his favorite but damaging beverage. It was largely employed by him, as it is by others who follow his teachings, as an exceedingly efficient uterine sedative and tonic. The combination is ideal and shows the type of medicinal preparation to which Professor Howe was partial. Its popularity years after the death of the author attests to the worth of the preparation and the pharmacal and therapeutic skill of Professor Howe. See also paper on "Comments on the Action of Virburnum Cordial," etc.—Ed. Gleaner.

VIBURNUM CORDIAL.—Good words continue to come in regard to the results of the "black haw compound." Those who occasionally tipple too much find in the remedy relief from the cravings which attend inebriation.

Men who through age or over-indulgence begin to feel the approach of premature impotence, are finding the virtues of the remedy. Inasmuch as dyspepsia is a concomitant of such letting down, I write the following prescription:

Rx Viburnum Cordial, 4 ounces.
Fowler's Solution, 2 ounces. M.
Sig.—Dose, half teaspoonful every three hours.

This course of medication has relieved the dyspepsia and given confidence where it was needed. The drug never does harm, and often acts like a charm.

As a female tonic viburnum has no rival. It should generally have the arsenical admixture, or be taken in alteration with acid solution of iron. It is important to know when to apply a remedy. When there is febrile action present the average tonic is out of place. When the solar plexus is alienating the visceral functions, veratrum is the remedy which corrects splanchnic derangements. More than half of human ailments hinge upon visceral derangements, yet the average practitioner never thinks of the splanchnic system of nerves. Digestion and assimilation are influenced by mental shock—by violent impressions made upon the cerebro-spinal centers—yet a disordered splanchnic system of nerves is rarely considered. Think of the multiple plexuses of nerves along the front aspect of the vertebral column, and consider the functions of each. Treat the pectoral plexuses for an asthmatic cough. Arsenic and veratrum have relieved coughs no lung balsam will touch. What remedy will impress the semilunar and other vicinal ganglia? The ganglia and plexuses of the splanchnic system of nerves are neural centers where mandates go out to the viscera. Ergot is one of the agencies which influence splanchnic plexuses, especially the pelvic viscera. Ergot adds clonic action to parturient throes. The heart's action is impressed by the influence of digitalis; and the kidneys respond to viburnum.—HOWE, Eclectic Medical Journal, 1892.

The Biographies of King, Howe, and Scudder, 1912, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M. D.