
Botanical name: 

Related entry: Camphor

C10H18O = 154.144.
Synonyms.—Bornyl Alcohol; Borneo Camphor.

Borneol, C10H17OH, is a saturated alcohol, obtained from Dryobalanops aromatica, Gaertn. (D. Camphora, Colebrook), N.O. Dipterocarpeae, and other plants, or prepared by the reduction of camphor. It occurs in white crystals, with an odour of pepper and camphor, and a pungent taste. Somewhat volatile at ordinary temperatures, but does not collect in crystals on the sides of its glass container. Melting-point, 203° to 204°. Boiling-point, 212°. Specific gravity, 1.011. The artificial product is a mixture of about 80 per cent. of borneol, and 20 per cent. of isoborneol; this mixture melts at 206° to 207°.

Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses.—Borneol resembles ordinary camphor in its properties, and forms esters, some of which are used in medicine. Bornyl or borneol salicylate (Salit) is an oily liquid with a faint aromatic odour. It dissolves readily in alcohol and oils, and is mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil for external application in rheumatism and neuralgia, from 2 to 4 mils (½ to 1 fluid drachm) of the mixture being used for an inunction. Bornyl valerate or borneol isovalerianate (Bornyval or Hysterol) is a liquid with a faint odour of valerian. It is soluble in alcohol and ether, and is given in gelatin capsules containing 25 centigrams (4 grains) in hysteria and neurotic conditions.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.