Kino Eucalypti, I.C.A. Eucalyptus Kino.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Eucalyptus globulus leaf - Eucalyptus rostrata gum - Oil of Eucalyptus - Kino - Butea kino

Synonym.—Botany Bay Kino.

Eucalyptus kino is an exudation from the stems of various species of Eucalyptus (N.O. Myrtaceae), indigenous to Australia. The drug is sometimes found in cavities in the trunk of the tree, where it has accumulated, or between the wood and the bark. Much is obtained by incision, the thick, treacly liquid that exudes being dried in the sun. Eucalyptus kino occurs in irregular, dark red pieces, with a brittle fracture, the fractured surface being shiny.

Partially soluble in water, and, when freed from mechanical impurities, entirely soluble in alcohol.

Constituents.—The composition of eucalyptus kino appears to vary considerably, according to the species from which it is obtained. Kino suitable for medicinal purposes should consist chiefly of non-gelatinisable tannic acid (? kinotannic acid), which gives a green colouration with ferric chloride. Other constituents which may be present are a tannin glucoside, an insoluble phlobaphene (kino red), catechin, pyrocatechin (catechol), resin, and crystallisable bodies named eudesmin and aromadendrin. The tannin glucoside causes gelatinisation of tinctures prepared from kinos containing it, and is distinguished from the non-gelatinisable tannins by giving a violet colouration with ferric chloride.

Action and Uses.—Eucalyptus kino is official in the Australasian Colonies, for use in making the official preparations for which East Indian kino is directed to be used. Galenical preparations are made from eucalyptus kino, similar to those made from East Indian kino, and may be used similarly.

Dose.—3 to 12 decigrams (5 to 20 grains).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.