Olea. Oils.
- Oleum Adipis. Lard Oil.
- Oleum Ajowan, I.C.A. Oil of Ajowan.
- Oleum Amygdalae Amarae. Oil of Bitter Almond.
- Oleum Amygdalae, B.P., Almond Oil.
- Oleum Anethi, B.P. Oil of Dill.
- Oleum Anisi, B.P., Oil of Anise.
- Oleum Anthemidis, B.P. Oil of Chamomile.
- Oleum Arachis, I.C.A. Arachis Oil.
- Oleum Aurantii. Oil of Orange.
- Oleum Bergamottae. Oil of Bergamot.
- Oleum Betulae. Oil of Betula.
- Oleum Cadinum, B.P. Oil of Cade.
- Oleum Cajuputi, B.P. Oil of Cajuput.
- Oleum Camporae Essentiale. Essential Oil of Camphor.
- Oleum Carui, B.P. Oil of Caraway.
- Oleum Caryophylli, B.P. Oil of Cloves.
- Oleum Cassiae. Oil of Cassia.
- Oleum Cedri. Cedar Wood Oil.
- Oleum Cetacei. Sperm Oil.
- Oleum Chenopodii. Chenopodium Oil.
- Oleum Cinnamomi, B.P. Oil of Cinnamon.
- Oleum Citronellae. Citronella Oil.
- Oleum Cocois. Coconut Oil.
- Oleum Copaibae, B.P. Oil of Copaiba.
- Oleum Coriandri, B.P. Oil of Coriander.
- Oleum Crotonis, B.P. Croton Oil.
- Oleum Cubebae, B.P. Oil of Cubebs.
- Oleum Erigerontis. Oil of Erigeron.
- Oleum Eucalypti, B.P. Oil of Eucalyptus.
- Oleum Foeniculi. Oil of Fennel.
- Oleum Gaultheriae, I.C.A. Oil of Gaultheria.
- Oleum Geranii. Oil of Geranium.
- Oleum Gossypii Seminis. Cotton Seed Oil.
- Oleum Graminis Citrati, I.C.A. Oil of Lemon Grass.
- Oleum Gynocardiae, I.C.A. Gynocardia Oil.
- Oleum Hedeomae. Oil of Hedeoma.
- Oleum Juniperi, B.P. Oil of Juniper.
- Oleum Lavandulae, B.P. Oil of Lavender.
- Oleum Limonis, B.P. Oil of Lemon.
- Oleum Lini, B.P. Linseed Oil.
- Oleum Lubricans, B.P.C., Lubricant Oil. Oleum Ricini Aromaticum, B.P.C., Aromatic Castor Oil.
- Oleum Menthae Piperitae, B.P. Oil of Peppermint.
- Oleum Menthae Viridis, B.P. Oil of Spearmint.
- Oleum Morrhuae, B.P. Cod-liver Oil.
- Oleum Myristicae, B.P. Oil of Nutmeg.
- Oleum Neroli. Oil of Neroli.
- Oleum Olivae, B.P. Olive Oil.
- Oleum Petroselini. Oil of Parsley.
- Oleum Picis Liquidae. Oil of Tar. Oleum Picis Rectificatum, Rectified Oil of Tar.
- Oleum Pimentae Foliorum. Oil of Pimento Leaves.
- Oleum Pimentae, B.P. Oil of Pimento.
- Oleum Pini, B.P. Oil of Pine.
- Oleum Pulegii. Oil of Pulegium.
- Oleum Ricini, B.P. Castor Oil.
- Oleum Rosae, B.P. Oil of Rose.
- Oleum Rosmarini, B.P. Oil of Rosemary.
- Oleum Rusci. Birch Tar Oil.
- Oleum Rutae. Oil of Rue.
- Oleum Sabinae. Oil of Savin.
- Oleum Santali, B.P. Oil of Sandal Wood.
- Oleum Sassafras. Oil of Sassafras.
- Oleum Sesami, I.C.A. Sesame Oil.
- Oleum Sinapis Expressum, Expressed Oil of Mustard.
- Oleum Sinapis Volatile, B.P., Volatile Oil of Mustard.
- Oleum Succini. Oil of Amber.
- Oleum Terebinthinae, B.P. Oil of Turpentine.
- Oleum Theobromatis, B.P. Oil of Theobroma.
- Oleum Thymi. Oil of Thyme.