Elixir Rhei, B.P.C. Elixir of Rhubarb.

Format explanation

Related entry: Rheum

Synonyms.—Liquor Rhei Dulcis; Sweet Essence of Rhubarb.

Liquid Extract of Rhubarb 25.00 | 5 fl. ounces
Anethol 0.05 | 5 minims
Syrup 22.50 | 4 ½ fl. ounces
Glycerin 15.00 | 3 fl. ounces
Alcohol 2.50 | ½ fl. ounce
Distilled Water ... to 100.00 | to 20 fl. ounces

Dissolve the anethol in the alcohol, add it to the other ingredients previously mixed, and filter if necessary.
Dose.—4 to 12 mils (1 to 3 fluid drachms).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.