Cerous Oxalate.

Other tomes: Potter

Synonym—Oxalate of Cerium.

Administration—The salt may be given in doses of one grain every three hours. Three grains three times daily may serve the purpose. Eight grains is the maximum dose. It may be given in pill form or in a capsule. Large doses are sometimes effectual where small doses fail.

Therapy—The agent is a sedative to gastric irritation, controlling vomiting. Although acting similarly to bismuth subnitrate it has a wider action, through its influence as a nerve sedative, thus being especially advantageous in reflex vomiting. In vomiting of pregnancy it is commonly used; also in the vomiting or nausea present in hysteria and in uterine disorders and displacements. As a local gastric sedative, it is given in pyrosis, in acid dyspepsia, in catarrhal gastritis, especially if there are nervous complications and in small doses in vomiting of cholera infantum.

In the disordered stomach of chronic wasting diseases—phthisis, chronic diarrheas and chronic nephritis—it is sometimes advantageously used.

That the agent has an influence upon the nerve centers is proven by the fact that it effectually controls some cases of chorea, and has been given advantageously in other forms of nerve irritation, and in epilepsy. It must be given in full maximum doses of the pure salt to obtain good results in these cases.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.