Helonias. Chamaelirium luteum.

Botanical name: 

Synonyms—Chamaelirium Luteum, Blazing Star, Unicorn Root.

Chamaelirin, fatty acid.
Extractum Heloniatis Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Helonias. Dose, from five to thirty minims.
Specific Medicine Helonias. Dose, from one to twenty minims.
Helonin. Dose, from two to five grains.

Physiological ActionHelonias in large doses is a cardiac poison. In medicinal doses it is emetic, tonic, diuretic, vermifuge. Cattle are killed by feeding on it and the decoction will kill insects.

Specific Symptomatology—The most direct indication for the use of this agent is a dragging sensation in the extreme lower abdomen, and inclination to pull up, to hold up, or support the abdominal pelvic contents. In women suffering from pelvic engorgement and uterine prolapsus, with disordered menstruation, one drop of the tincture or fluid extract every two or three hours will relieve that sensation permanently.

Therapy—Homeopathists believe helonias to be particularly suitable for female disorders, where there is feeble constitution, where the nervous system is weakened and the patient is easily fatigued. It is restorative, promotes nutrition, promotes secretion of healthy fluids. It is peculiarly tonic.

Where disorders of the stomach are present with uterine or kidney disease, it should exercise a direct action. It cures amenorrhea and menorrhagia which depend on uterine atony. Where malpositions occur from weakness—loss of tone—where there is dragging sensation constantly present in the lower abdomen, or at the menstrual epoch, it is directly indicated. For the case of the worn mother who watches over the care of her charge, as well as for the young girl budding into womanhood, carefully and properly selected, this remedy will certainly give satisfactory results.

It is a pure and active restorative; is nutritious and promotes secretion; it promotes normal activity of the glandular organs. When glandular action is prevented, from the influence of uterine or renal disease, it is especially serviceable. The underlying indication is uterine. atony.

It will cure amenorrhea, menorrhagia, some cases of leucorrhea, and the dragging down sensations in the lower abdomen, which results from simple displacements. It will also relieve erratic pains of stomach and gastric disorders which depend upon or accompany this condition.

Wherever there is a tendency to uterine displacements, it should be used. If these disorders are present with threatened abortion, the remedy should be combined with viburnum, and both be given in full doses to prevent that condition. It, however, works more perfectly in combination with aletris farinosa and cimicifuga in atonic conditions, while caulophyllum and viburnum act best where irritable conditions are present. The remedy will also control hemorrhages of a passive character.

In addition, it is a general tonic improving the character of all the organs in their functional operations, and especially improving the tone of the digestive apparatus. It is a liver remedy of rare value, in many cases accomplishing most satisfactory results when there is deficient or perverted action.

A number of our physicians have spoken most highly of its action in albuminuria. It will be found valuable in those cases where the cause i's some fault of the liver, as deficient action of that organ, and not clue to heart or circulatory faults.

A number of excellent observers have confirmed this statement. Dr. S. B. Munn of Connecticut used it for many years with very satisfactory results. From another observation its influence would be improved in certain cases by the addition of phytolacca and where there is marked toxemia by echinacea.

If the sensation of dragging and weight occurs in the male from cystic disorder, the relief is fully as satisfactory. The general action of the agent in these cases is that of a tonic to the genito-urinary apparatus. It quickly overcomes the phosphatic diathesis, and in urinary irritability is serviceable, especially if from atonic causes. It is useful in impotence, and its properties as an aphrodisiac have been often noted.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.