Copper Sulphate.

Other tomes: Potter


Synonyms—Blue Vitriol, Bluestone.

Therapy—Given in doses of five grains dissolved in water the sulphate of copper is a prompt emetic, acting quickly and without irritation. It is used, though but seldom now for any purpose, in the same conditions for which the sulphate of zinc is advised, except as an emetic for the evacuation of the stomach after poisons are taken.

It was claimed that its influence in small doses upon the stomach would increase the flow of gastric juice, as it does of saliva in the mouth and also of the intestinal juices. Its use is limited by the irritation produced even by small doses. It has been advised in gastric ulcer, in atonic conditions of the stomach and bowels with loose, watery diarrheas.

This agent is one of the chemical antidotes for phosphorus in poisoning by that agent. It is administered carefully, as the agent itself is poisonous.

Externally it acts upon raw surfaces and open sores and wounds as a caustic and antiseptic, and is somewhat painful and irritating in its action. It serves a good purpose in solutions of one grain to the ounce of distilled water in purulent inflammations of the eyes, and in all catarrhal and ulcerative conditions of mucous membranes wherever located.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.