Diastase - Takadiastase.

Diastase is one of the principles of the digestive fluids of the animal body. It appears during the fermentation of starchy substances—grains. It is one of the enzymes capable of being classed with pepsin and pancreatin of the digestive group, Its especial function is the conversion of the starch molecule into a sugar molecule.

Takadiastase is a form of diastase which results from the growth, development, and nutrition of a distinct microscopic fungus known as the eurotium oryxae.

Administration—Two grains of Takadiastase is the usual dose, although five grains is often given. The dose is usually given in a capsule during or at the end of the meal, In liquid form one dram contains two grains.

Physiological Action and Therapy—As stated the agent possesses a diastatic and fermentative property. Its specific field is the correction of diastatic imperfections. It converts 100 times its weight of dry starch into sugar. It digests starches and prevents constipation, flatulence, malaise, insomnia, headache and vertigo, which result from the ptomaines of undigested and decomposed starch.

While starch digestion is its direct field of action, it is found of much benefit in apepsia—in incomplete digestion from atonicity. It is found to be a most useful remedy, and yet so recently has it been given to the profession, that complete observation cannot be said to have been made. It is believed that a much wider influence will yet be found to be exercised by it than has yet been observed.

Note—Other well known assistants to digestion are hydrochloric acid, described in another chapter, the malt extracts, lactopeptine and peptenzyme. The two latter preparations are proprietary, and the writer has no perfect knowledge of their composition, although they have served him a good purpose at times. Those described are in common use.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.