Corydalis. Dicentra canadensis.

Synonyms—Turkey corn, squirrel corn. (Corydalis formosa was the incorrect latin name given by Ellingwood -MM.)

Corydalin, fumaric acid, bitter-extractive, acrid resin, starch, volatile oil.


Corydalia (hydro-alcoholic extract). Dose, from one-half to one grain.
Extractum Corydalis Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Corydalis. Dose, from half a dram to one dram.
Specific Medicine Corydalis. Dose, from five to forty minims.

Physiological Action—In overdoses it has produced biliousness, deranged stomach, an excessive secretion of mucus, or catarrh of the stomach and intestinal canal, loss of appetite, indigestion, fetid breath, irregular bowels and colic, with malaise and general indisposition to exertion.

This agent was in great repute among very many of our older physicians as an alterative of special value. Tonic properties are so evident in it that the patient's vitality is increased while the metabolism of the system is influenced. In this particular it will operate in harmony with echinacea. In some eases it acts well with berberis, hydrastis, and stillingia. In syphilis, scrofula, and in all glandular derangements with general depravity of the system, marked blood dyscrasia and general impairment of the nutritive functions, this agent is indicated.

Its influences are demanded in these cases more especially if there be tumidity and enlargement or distention of the abdominal structures with general atonicity, or in some cases in which there are persistently coated tongue and fetid breath. This is often the condition in which a patient is found following a protracted attack of intermittent fever— ague, and since the entire glandular system has become sluggish from the disease the tonic effects of this agent are here indicated. Its influence can be greatly heightened by the direct nerve tonics and calisaya in such cases as these.

Therapy—When blood dyscrasia is present, sluggishness of the digestive apparatus, deficient glandular secretion, impaired secretion of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinal canal, this agent is indicated, as, in these cases, its tonic properties are plainly manifested.

It is of value in imperfect restoration of these functions after protracted disease, on which it operates with the tonic and restorative stimulants to an excellent advantage.

Amenorrhea, leucorrhea and dysmenorrhea, with relaxed condition of the uterine supports and prolapsus, sometimes occurring from the extreme debility following severe fevers, and common, also, with scrofula and other blood dyscrasias, are all materially benefited by corydalis formosa.

In chronic skin disorders with marked cachexia, this agent is speedily curative. It will be found superior to other agents in overcoming eczema with great relaxation of tissue and general plethora.

It has been used in all cases of syphilis and scrofula with marked results. In syphilitic nodules of the bones, in syphilitic and scrofulous ulcerations, its influence is direct, immediate and permanent. If there is persistent ulceration with general breaking down of soft tissue, a strong infusion has been applied externally with good results. This is in part due to its stimulating influence upon the emunctories of the skin, facilitating elimination through the glands of this structure.

It has a marked influence, also, upon the kidney function which, while beneficial in its direct influence upon general elimination, is hardly sufficient to enable it to be depended upon as curative of kidney or bladder troubles to the exclusion of the use of more direct agents.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.