Granatum. Punica granatum.
- Pelletierine, a colorless liquid, soluble in twenty parts of cold water, freely soluble in alcohol. Acted upon by sulphuric, hydrochloric, or hydrobromic acids, a crystalline salt is formed in each case. With tannic acid, the tannate of pelletierine is formed, a yellowish powder, odorless, pungent, astringent.
- Dose of the alkaloid, from one-tenth to one-half grain.
- Dose of the salts of the alkaloid, from one to five grains.
- Extractum Granatum Fluidum. Fluid Extract of Granatum. Dose, from fifteen to thirty minims.
Physiological Action—Pomegranate has an astringent influence quite marked, at the same time in full doses it produces evacuation of the bowel, and in some cases irritation and emesis may be induced. A decoction of the fresh bark of the root will produce the best results, when the anthelmintic influence of the agent is desired.
Therapy—It is a specific for the destruction of the tapeworm. Two ounces of the fresh bark is macerated in two pints of water for twenty-four hours, when it is then boiled down to one pint. After fasting one day, the patient may take a wine-glass of this every hour, until the pint is taken. It may induce vomiting and purging, but if the bowels do not move freely, a physic should be given near the end of the treatment, or sometimes a glycerine enema will be sufficient. If not at first successful, the treatment should be repeated within. a few days. When the fresh bark cannot be obtained, the alkaloid or its salts may be resorted to. This agent has been used in diarrhea and in colliquative night sweats. In bronchorrhea and as a gargle in various forms of sort throat, it has produced good results. It has been used both internally and as a douche in leucorrhea.
The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.