Quercus. Quercus alba.

Botanical name: 

Synonym—White Oak.

Tannin, quercin.


Extractum Quercus Albae Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Quercus Alba. Dose, from a half to one dram.
Specific Medicine Quercus. Dose, from. five to thirty minims.

Therapy—The agent is of value in epidemic dysentery acute and chronic diarrhea, obstinate intermittents, pulmonary and laryngeal phthisis tabes mesenterica, great exhaustion of the vital powers from disease, profuse, exhausting night sweats, colliquative sweats in the advanced stages of adynamic fevers, and debility, and severe diarrhea in sickly children, scrofula, gangrene, ulcerated sore throat, fetid, ill-conditioned and gangrenous ulcers, relaxed mucous membranes with profuse discharges, bronchorrhea, passive hemorrhages, relaxed uvula and sore throat, spongy granulations, diabetes, prolapsus ani, bleeding hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, menorrhagia, hemoptysis.

Generally white oak bark is used locally, in decoction, for the general purpose of an astringent, but it is also tonic and antiseptic, and possesses specific powers.

In severe epidemic dysentery, a strong decoction of white oak bark, given internally, in doses of a wineglassful every hour or two, the bowels being first evacuated by a cathartic of castor oil and turpentine, has effected cures where other treatment had proved of little or no avail.

In marasmus, cholera infantum, scrofula, and diseases attended with great exhaustion, baths medicated with white oak bark, accompanied by brisk friction, have restored the waning powers of life.

When employed as a local application to ill-conditioned ulcers and gangrene, either a poultice of the ground bark, or cloths wet with the decoction may be applied.

In pulmonary and laryngeal phthisis a very fine powder of the bark may be inhaled.

I have depended upon a decoction of white oak bark one ounce to the pint of boiling water, to which I have added after straining, a dram of boric acid for all ulcerations of the mouth or throat, both in the early stages and in many chronic cases. It is surprising how many simple early throat troubles this will abort, and bow frequently it will prevent suppuration in tonsillitis. Combined with Yellow Dock, it has cured for me the severest cases of nursing sore mouth that I have had, after other lauded remedies had signally failed.

When the remedy is given internally in diarrhoea and dysentery, it should be combined with cinnamon or other astringent aromatic.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.