Sumach. Rhus glabra.
Synonym—Smooth Sumach.
- Volatile oil, resin, tannic and gallic acid, albumen, gum, starch. The berries contain malic acid in combination with lime.
- Extractum Rhois Fluidum (A. D.), Fluid Extract of Sumach Bark. Dose, from a half to one dram.
- Extractum Rhois Glabrae Fluidum (U. S. P.), Fluid Extract of Sumach Berries. Dose, one dram.
Specific Symptomatology—Its influence is upon mucous surfaces in a relaxed, ulcerated and phlegmonous, but irritable and intractable condition.
Therapy—It is used in aphthous stomatitis, both internally and externally, in gangrenous stomatitis in conjunction with more active agents, and in stomatitis materni it is a good remedy. It will serve a good purpose in atonic ulcerations of the stomach and intestinal canal, in some cases of prolonged diarrhea and dysentery with greatly debilitated mucous surfaces. Its field is well covered, however, with more active remedies.
The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.