Tela Araneae.

The spider's web has long been used as an astringent. The freshly spun web free from dust, is macerated in alcohol, and a tincture is prepared, or the specific tela, of which from one to ten drops may be given as a dose. The web has been applied directly to fresh wounds to check hemorrhage, but because of the fact that it can seldom be found free from dust, it is not commonly used. Given in intermittent fevers, it is said to produce a positive antiperiodic effect. It is also given in periodical headaches or neuralgias, for this purpose.

Specific Symptomatology—Felter and Lloyd give the following as its indications: Masked periodical disease in hectic, broken-down patients. In diseases that appear suddenly, with cool, clammy skin, and cool extremities cool perspiration. It has been given in delirium of continued fevers and where there is great irritation of the nervous system or feeble heart under these conditions. It will relieve restlessness and morbid wakefulness, when feebleness is present and muscular cramps, also nocturnal orgasm, whether in male or female.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.