Xanthium Strumarium.
Related entry: Xanthium spinosum
The whole plant of Xanthium strumarium Linné (Nat. Ord. Compositae). Waysides in the United States.
Common Name: Broad Bur-Weed.
Preparation.—Fluidextractrum Xanthii Strumarii, Fluidextract of Xanthium Strumarium. Dose, 5 to 60 drops.
Action and Therapy.—This agent acts much like clotbur, and has been used with advantage in painful urination, with scalding, and marked sensitiveness of the urethra and bladder, with frequent micturition. It is also said to be of service in hemorrhages, as passive hemorrhage from the bowels and the epistaxis of purpura hemorrhagica. For the last-named disorders it is probably of little value, though it should be tried where other means are unavailing.