
Botanical name: 


A TALL tree native of our own country, and sufficiently common in our hedges. It grows to a great bigness. The bark is brownish, rough, and irregular; the twigs are also brown, and very tough. The leaves are small, broad, short, rough to the touch, and finely indented about the edges, and they terminate in a point. The flowers are not regarded; they appear before the leaves, and principally about the tops of the tree, and they are only thready; the seeds are flat.

The inner bark of the elm boiled in water, makes one of the best gargles for a sore throat that can be supplied by the whole list of medicines. It should be sweetened with honey of roses; it is extremely soft and healing, and yet at the same time very cleansing.

There are two or three other kinds of elms common in garden hedges; they are brought from other countries, but the bark of the English rough elm i preferable to them all as a medicine.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.