Thorn Apple.
A very beautiful plant, native of warmer climates, but frequent in our gardens; we sometimes meet with it, as it is called, wild; but it is no native of our country. Seeds have been scattered from gardens.
It is three feet high; the stalk is round, thick, and divided into many branches. The leaves are very large, oblong, broad, and of a bright green; divided at the edges, and of a pretty appearance, but a very ill smell. The flowers are very large, and white; they are hollow, and long; open, and angulatcd at the brim. The fruit is as big as a large walnut, and is covered with prickles; the root is very long and thick, white, and of an ill smell.
The leaves are used externally; the country people lay them upon burns and inflammations; but this is not always safe. The root and seeds are of a sleepy quality; but they are not thought safe to be given inwardly. Opium is a less dangerous medicine, so they are not used.