Plantago major.
Also see Hool, 1922: Plantain.
Natural Order—Plantaginaceae.
This plant is a perennial, and grows from 2 to 8 inches high. The leaves are broadly oval, on long, grooved stalks; scape round spike; long sepals with a prominent rib. The flowers are green, and bloom from June to August. It is a very common wild plant, growing almost everywhere.
Medicinal Properties: Vulnerary, Antiseptic, Detergent, and slightly Astringent.
This plant held, at one time, a high reputation as a vulnerary herb, being used by the country people for all kinds of wounds, sores, ulcers, piles, &c., and we find it stated, in one of Dr. John Skelton's works, that "it makes one of the best ointments for piles I know of." It has also been used for bleeding from the lungs and stomach, consumption, dysentery, summer looseness, whites, &c.
To prepare the infusion, pour one pint of boiling water on one ounce of the herb, and let it stand in a warm place for twenty minutes, after which strain and let it cool. Take one wineglassful to half a teacupful three or four times a day. For thrush or "frog" in children the seeds are most useful. Boil one ounce in 1½ pints of water down to one pint; strain and make into a syrup with sugar or honey, and give in tablespoonful doses three or four times a day.
Health from British Wild Herbs was written by Richard Lawrence Hool, N.A.M.H., in 1918.