
CHOLAGOGUES.—Dr. Baldi, in the Archives Italiennes de Biologie, gives a series of experiments with reputed chologogues. The Doctor is not in accordance with either Rohrig or Rutherford. Rohrig found that colocynth was the most active chologogue, and then jalap, aloes, senna, and rhubarb. Rutherford believed the order to be, podophyllin, rhubarb, aloes, colocynth, and senna. Baldi experimented with podophyllin, rhubarb, jalap, pilocarpine, and Carlsbad water; and from his results is inclined to doubt the chologogue value of all these agents.—Pac. Med. and Surg. Jour., May. 1885.

JABORANDI IN OBSTINATE HICCOUGH.—Pagenstecher (Ctrlbl. f. d. ges. Therap.) reports a case of hiccough which had resisted every known remedy, including the bromides, morphine, chloroform, and electricity. The patient's diaphragm contracted in the most violent manner about twenty or thirty times a minute, and he had been unable to take any nourishment for three days. After receiving four grams of jaborandi-leaves, in the form a decoction, he had a profuse perspiration, after which the hiccough was completely checked.—The South. Pract., May, 1885

The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 57, 1885, was edited by John M. Maisch.