Treatment of Syphilis.
I notice you took up the treatment of syphilis in the last issue of THE THERAPEUTIST. I had one case that proved to me the superiority of the specifics. A man came to me with a mixed infection nearly two years ago. I fixed the chancroids and told him he had better take some medicine for the other infection. He seemed to doubt my diagnosis and let it go. In about six weeks he had the finest specimen you ever saw. I put him on mercury and potassium iodide, giving all he would stand. He had several mucous patches and they would not heal. After having kept him on this treatment for a number of weeks and until we were both getting discouraged, I gave him the following: Sp. veratrum, two drachms; sp. phytolacca, four drachms; sp. echafolta, one ounce; syr. trifolium compound q. s., eight ounces. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water four times a day. He took the first bottle and when he came back he said it was the best medicine I had given him and to fill it up again. I kept him on it for several months and he improved steadily, the mucous patches healed nicely and quickly. I saw him several months after he stopped taking treatment and there was not a sign of any eruption on him anywhere. This case alone was enough to convince me of the efficacy of the specifics in this disease.
I find that I get much better and quicker results by giving the remedies in larger doses than is printed on the bottle. I have had several cases in children where there was glandular enlargements under the scalp and around the neck. I give them four to six drachms of spec. phytolacca in four ounces of water and order a teaspoonful every one or two hours and it fixes them every time, they very seldom need but the one bottle.
I have a case of itching in a pregnant woman that is worrying me, there is not a sign of anything anywhere but the itching at times is terrible, is apt to come on any time but seems to be worse at night. There is no eruption, skin nice and smooth, bowels normal, kidneys acting freely. I have diagnosed it as a terminal nerve irritation. Am I right and what will stop it? Thanking you in advance for your kindness, I remain, Yours very truly,
Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.