Introduction to the scanned version.

If you want the full Journal, ask your favorite antiquarian to find it for you. This scanned version includes all articles which mention plant remedies, and all articles which tickled me (just because, or perhaps they are amusing [nothing really changes], or maybe they give some historical perspective [things sure have changed a lot]). I've removed all surgery bits, most homoeopathic bits, and most boring bits ("Pay Your Journal Subscription Today!", "Medical Blatherskites" and similar).

As with the "Specific Medication", this was written a long time ago. Do look at it from a historical point of view, not as something to use without changes.

I do not know the chemicals mentioned at all. If you do decide to try, say, Carbonate of Ammonia, it's -your- risk. Also, some of the plants mentioned in this work are toxic even in small doses. That means that you have to know your plants (and chemicals) before you use ANY of the information in this work.

-- Henriette

On measurements:

Scudder, on page 134 of his "Specific Medication":
I might say in this connection, that when I specify the strength of Alcohol by degrees, I have no reference to an imaginary standard of proof, but the figures represent the number of parts in one hundred.
How to read the numbers:
Oj. = 1 pint
℥viij. = 8 troy ounces
ʒss. = ½ troy drachm
gtts. ij. = 2 drops
grs. x. = 10 grains

Weight and volume tables from the U.S. Dispensatory, 1876, here: dispensatory.html, with the difference between Troy and Avoirdupois ounces, drachms etc., and some Imperial measurements thrown in to add to the confusion. Too much, you say? Be glad that I left out the olde French measurements.

The Eclectic Medical Journal, Vol. XXXIV, 1874, was edited by John M. Scudder, M.D.