The Medical Flora of Kansas: Melilotus - Onosmodium.

Melilotus alba. Melilot, sweet clover. Flowering plant. Its influence is similar to the M. officinalis. Useful in "neuralgia with debility." Also in painful diarrhea, colic, dysmenorrhea, and sciatic neuralgia.

Menispermum Canadensis. Yellow parilla. Root. Alterative and tonic.

Mentha Canadensis (Mentha arvensis). Wild mint. Herb. I like it even better than I do the M. viridis (M. spicata). It is unsurpassed as an unirritating diuretic, and the most prompt of any I have ever used. In suppression of urine in children, it stands without a rival, in my estimation. My knowledge of it came through mistaking it for another species.

Mertensia virginica. Virginia lungwort. This is the Pulmonaria Virginica of some authors.

Mimulus. Monkey-flower. Several species of this plant are supposed to be medicinal. It seems to be directed to the nervous system in neuralgic affections.

Monarda fistulosa. Wild bergamot. Herb. This species is considered to be a reliable and efficient antiperiodic. One of the few remedies thought to be equal or superior to quinia in the cure of chronic chills, or relapsing intermittent fever. It has cured such cases when quinia has failed.

Monarda punctata and other species. Mountain-mint. Herb. Tonic, stimulant and anti-periodic.

Monotropa uniflora. Ice-plant. Plant. It is thought to be sedative, and to exert a special influence upon the nervous system. Claimed to be remedial in "convulsions, epilepsy, chorea," etc.—(SCUDDER.)

Nabalus (Prenanthes). Lion's foot. Fresh plant. The different species of the Nabalus are said to have a direct influence upon the nervous system that may be found useful.

Nepeta cataria. Catnip. Well known. An antidote for poisoning with Gelsemium.

Nicotiana tabacum. Tobacco. Green leaves. Sedative and narcotic, and useful in bronchial and pulmonary irritations, croup, asthma, etc.

Nuphar advena (Nuphar lutea ssp. advena). Yellow pond-lily.

Nymphaea odorata. White pond-lily. Root. Astringent and tonic, exerting a restraining influence upon excessive mucous discharges.

Oenothera biennis. Evening primrose. Plant. It has a direct influence upon mucous membranes, stimulating them. It also stimulates the nervous system, enabling one to endure fatigue. Tonic and astringent.

Onosmodium Virginicum. False gromwell. Roots and seeds. Diuretic and lithotriptic. It is considered to be a renal hydragogue of great utility. (No longer found in Kansas—MM)

Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, Vol. X, 1882-83, edited by Alexander Wilder.