Tinctura Quininae Composita.—Compound Tincture of Quinine.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Cinchona wossname

SYNONYM: Ague bitters.

Preparation.—Take of quinine, 30 grains; cream of tartar, 1 ounce; cloves, in powder, 1 ounce; diluted alcohol, 1 pint. Macerate for 24 hours, and filter.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—This tincture is febrifuge, antiperiodic, and tonic, and is used in intermittent and remittent fevers, and other diseases attended with symptoms of a periodical character. In intermittent fever, the dose for an adult is ½ fluid ounce every hour during the intermission, until 2 or 3 hours previous to the return of the next expected chill, when the dose should be given every ½ hour. The dose for children is 1 to 2 fluid drachms (T. V. Morrow, M.D.).

Related Tinctures.—TINCTURA QUININAE, Tincture of quinine. "Take of hydrochlorate of quinine, 160 grains; tincture of orange peel, 1 pint (Imp.). Dissolve the hydrochlorate of quinine in the tincture with the aid of a little heat; then allow the solution to remain for 3 days in a closed vessel, shaking occasionally, and afterward filter"—(Br. Pharm., 1885). Each fluid drachm contains 1 ¼ grains of the quinine salt. The preparation of the British Pharmacopoeia (1898) contains 175 grains of the quinine salt to 1 pint of tincture of orange.

TINCTURA QUININAE AMMONIATA, Ammoniated tincture of quinine.—"Take of sulphate of quinine, 160 grains; solution of ammonia, 2 ½ fluid ounces; proof-spirit, 17 ½ fluid ounces. Dissolve the sulphate of quinine in the spirit with the aid of a little heat, and add the solution of ammonia"—(Br. Pharm., 1885). The preparation of the British Pharmacopoeia (1898) is about 1/11 stronger in alkaloid than that of 1885. Each fluid drachm contains 1 grain of the quinine salt. Used in nervous debility and neuralgia, and other troubles arising therefrom.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.