Linimentum Camphorae Composita.—Compound Liniment of Camphor.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Camphora (U. S. P.)—Camphor
SYNONYMS: Rheumatic liniment,or drops, Tinctura camphorae composita, Compound tincture of camphor, Rheumatic tincture.

Preparation.—Take of camphor, 1 pound; oil of origanum, oil of hemlock, each, ½ pound; oil of sassafras, oil of cajeput, each, 2 ounces; oil of turpentine, 1 ounce; capsicum, 4 ounces; alcohol, 1 gallon. Macerate for 14 days and filter.

Action and Medical Uses.—This is exceedingly efficient as an external application in almost every painful affection, and is of advantage in chronic rheumatism, pains in various parts of the system, bruises, sprains, chilblains, contusions, lameness, numbness, white swellings, and other swellings, etc. In ordinary cases apply 2 to 4 teaspoonfuls to the affected part, and rub it well by the fire, and apply warm flannel over the region of the affected part several times a day. Internally, take 20 drops on sugar, but in severe and obstinate cases, after bathing as above directed, apply an additional piece of flannel, which must be kept constantly wet with the drops, until relieved. When applied to the teeth, wet a small quantity of cotton, and introduce it into the decaying teeth. If the face is swollen, bathe with it likewise (J. King). That of the British Pharmacopoeia (1885) is stimulant and rubefacient on account of the stronger ammonia employed. It may be employed in local painful conditions.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.