Elixir Aromaticum (U. S. P.)—Aromatic Elixir.

Related entry: Spiritus Aurantii Compositus (U. S. P.)—Compound Spirit of Orange. - Spiritus Aromaticus (N. F.)—Aromatic Spirit

SYNONYM: Simple elixir.

Preparation.—"Compound spirit of orange, twelve cubic centimeters (12 Cc.) [195♏︎]; syrup, three hundred and seventy-five cubic centimeters (375 Cc.) [12 fl℥, 327♏︎]; precipitated calcium phosphate, fifteen grammes (15 Gm.) [231 grs.]; deodorized alcohol, distilled water, each, a sufficient quantity to make one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎].To the compound spirit of orange add enough deodorized alcohol to make two hundred and fifty cubic centimeters (250 Cc) [8 fl℥, 218♏︎]. To this solution add the syrup in several portions, agitating after each addition, and afterwards add, in the same manner, three hundred and seventy-five cubic centimeters (375 Cc.) [12 fl℥, 327♏︎] of distilled water. Mix the precipitated calcium phosphate intimately with the liquid, and then filter through a wetted filter, returning the first portions of the filtrate until a transparent liquid is obtained. Lastly, wash the filter with a mixture of one volume (1 ol.) of deodorized alcohol and three volumes (3 vol.) of distilled water, until the product measures one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎]—"(U. S. P.).

Action and Medical Uses.—Carminative, generally employed as a flavoring agent.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.