Cataplasma Lini.—Linseed Poultice.

Botanical name: 

Related entries: Linum (U. S. P.)—Linseed

SYNONYMS: Flaxseed poultice, Linseed cataplasm, Flaxseed cataplasm, Cataplasma emolliens, Cataplasma communis.

Preparation.—To boiling water, 10 fluid ounces, add gradually, powdered flaxseed, 4 ½ ounces, or a sufficient quantity; stir constantly, so as to make cataplasm (Lond.).

The British Pharmacopoeia directs 4 ounces of linseed-meal. If American "cake-meal" be employed, the addition of about ¼ ounce of olive oil will be necessary. Some prefer a mixture of linseed-meal and cake-meal for this purpose.

Action and Medical Uses.—This is a valuable emollient cataplasm, to allay pain, inflammation, and favor suppuration. It is used for similar purposes with the elm poultice. If it should decompose, as it is apt to do, it may vesicate, or at least cause a pustular eruption, sweet oil, lard, glycerin, or olive oil may be mixed with or spread upon the poultice, both as a preservative and preventive. Flaxseed poultice causes the skin to be blanched, sodden, and wrinkled. Flaxseed poultice is frequently employed in acute pulmonic disorders.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.