Tinctura Cubebae (U. S. P.)—Tincture of Cubeb.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Cubeba (U. S. P.)—Cubeb

(Modern shorthand: 1:5 91 %)
SYNONYM:. Tincture of cubebs.

Preparation.—"Cubeb, in No. 30 powder, two hundred grammes (200 Gm.) 17 ozs. av., 24 grs.]; alcohol, a sufficient quantity to make one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎]. Moisten the powder with one hundred cubic centimeters (100 Cc.) [3 fl℥, 183♏︎] of alcohol, and macerate for 24 hours; then pack it firmly in a cylindrical percolator, and gradually pour alcohol upon it, until one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎] of tincture are obtained"—(U. S. P.).

Formerly, tincture of cubeb was a comparatively weak preparation, but the present official tincture has been increased to double the strength of the 1880 preparation. Diluted alcohol was formerly used, but as this but imperfectly extracted the oil and resin, stronger alcohol was substituted which better dissolved these bodies. The tincture has a green-brown color, and when added to water produces a milky turbidity.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—(See Cubeba.) Dose, 10 drops to 2 fluid drachms.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.