Spiritus Olei Volatilis (N. F.)—Spirit of Volatile Oil.

Preparation.—"Any spirit or alcoholic solution of a volatile oil, for which no formula is given by the U. S. P., or by this Formulary, should be prepared in accordance with the following general formula: Any volatile oil, sixty-five cubic centimeters (65 Cc.) [2 fl℥, 95♏︎]; deodorized alcohol, nine hundred and thirty-five cubic centimeters (935 Cc.) [31 fl℥, 272♏︎]. Dissolve the volatile oil in the deodorized alcohol. Note.—The strength of the spirit thus prepared is approximately 5 per cent, by weight, provided the specific gravity of the oil is in the neighborhood of 0.900"—(Nat. Form.).

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.