Linimentum Stillingiae Compositum.—Compound Liniment of Stillingia.
SYNONYMS: Stillingia liniment, Compound tincture of stillingia.
Preparation.—Take of oil of stillingia, 1 fluid ounce; oil of lobelia, oil of cajeput, of each, ½ fluid ounce; alcohol and glycerin, of each, 2 fluid ounces.
Mix in the order named. This formula is that revised by Prof. W. E. Bloyer, and is far preferable to the formula given below. Prepared in this manner, the component parts of the liniment do not separate as readily as in the old preparation, the formula for which is as follows: Take of oil of stillingia, 1 fluid ounce; oil of cajeput, ½ fluid ounce; oil of lobelia, 2 fluid drachms; alcohol, 2 fluid ounces. Mix together.
Stillingia liniment is prone to precipitate, and often thickens to a magma or jelly. It should be well shaken before being used. If it has solidified, it should be replaced by a fresh supply.
Action and Medica Uses.—This forms a peculiar kind of liniment, possessing stimulant and relaxant properties. It is used in chronic asthma, croup, epilepsy, chorea, etc. In asthma and croup, the throat, chest, and neck are to be bathed with it 3 or 4 times a day. With Prof. Scudder it was regarded as of great value externally in croup, and given internally it forms a good remedy for irritative and chronic coughs. It may be given on sugar, discs, or in syrup. In chorea, epilepsy, and spasmodic diseases, the whole vertebral column is to be bathed with it. In rheumatism, sprains, and painful affections, the diseased parts are to be bathed with it. In asthma its action is very prompt and effectual, relieving and ultimately curing some very obstinate cases. In the majority of instances, when applied to the chest, neck, etc., the patient experiences a peculiar taste in the mouth, somewhat resembling that of the lobelia and stillingia combined. It is often used of less strength, as—Take of oil of stillingia, ½ fluid ounce; oil of cajeput, ½ fluid ounce; oil of lobelia, 1 fluid drachm; alcohol, 3 fluid ounces. Mix. It is an agent peculiar to Eclectic practice, and is very active and efficient (R. S. Newton). The dose of stillingia liniment is from 1 to 5 drops.