Oxymel Scillae.—Oxymel of Squill.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Scilla (U. S. P.)—Squill

Preparation.—Mix 2 pounds (av.) of clarified honey, with 1 pint (Imp.) of vinegar of squill. Evaporate, by means of water-bath, until the product when cold, has a specific gravity of 1.32. This accords with the Br. Pharm., 1885 and 1898. Honey (2 parts), vinegar of squill (1 part). Evaporate to 2 parts and strain (Ger. Pharm., 3d ed.). Honey (4 parts), vinegar of squill (1 part). Clarify with pulp of paper and evaporate to specific gravity 1.26 (French Codex).

The National Formulary directs: "Vinegar of squill (U. S. P.), fifty grammes (50 Gm.) [1 oz. av., 334 grs.]; honey, one hundred grammes (100 Gm.) [3 ozs. av., 231 grs.]. Mix them in a tared porcelain capsule or enameled iron vessel, and apply the heat of a water-bath until the mixture has been reduced to the weight of one hundred grammes (100 Gm.) [3 ozs. av., 231 grs.]. Then strain, allow it to cool, and transfer it to bottles, which should be well corked"—(Nat. Form.).

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Used for the same purposes for which squill is employed (see Scilla). Dose, as an expectorant, for infants, 1 to 15 drops; for an adult, 20 to 60 drops.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.