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388. Lloyd, J. U. (In each of these studies great credit is due to Dr. Sigmund Waldblott, who made all the translations from foreign print and devoted much time to the work.—J. U. L.)
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Areca catechu, L. (Western Druggist, xx, 1898, pp. 195-198.)
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Citrullus colocynthis. (Western Druggist, xx, 1898, pp. 243-246.)
Copaifera officinalis. (Western Druggist, xx, 1898, pp. 54-57.)
Croton tiglium. (Western Druggist, xx, 1898, pp. 151-154.)
Historical story of sassafras. (Western Druggist, xx, 1898, pp. 484-489.)
Hydrastis canadensis. (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 59-60.)
Jateorhiza calumba. (Western Druggist, xx, 1898, pp. 8-11.)
Opium. (Eclectic Medical Gleaner, n, s, iii, 1907, 409-425.)
Physostigma venenosum (Calabar). (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 249-251.)
Punica granatum. (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 202-205.)
Strophanthus hispldus. (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 403-406.)
Strychnos nux vomica. (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 109-110.)
Vanilla planifolia. (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 548-554.)
Veratrum viride. (Western Druggist, xix, 1897, pp. 447-449.)

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388b. Lloyd Library.
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388c. Lloyd Bros.
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388d. Lloyd Bros.
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The History of the Vegetable Drugs of the U.S.P., 1911, was written by John Uri Lloyd.