Sub-order II. Phyceae, Endl.—Sea Wracks.
Fucaceae, Lindl.; Aplosporeae, Decaisne.
Characters.—Cellular or tubular algals propagated by spores (endogenous cells), contained in superficial, often bladdery (utricles) cells, produced singly out of endochrome, consisting of a simple nucleus clothed by its proper cellular membrane (epispore), and discharged by the opening of a transparent mother cell (perispore).
Properties.—Similar to those of the order (see ante, p. 50). To this order several esculent species belong: such as Laminaria digitata, called by the English sea-girdles, by the Scotch Tangle; and Alaria esculenta (Fig. 146, e), termed Badderlocks, Hen-ware, or Honey ware. These, as well as several other species of this order, viz., Laminaria saccharina (Fig. 146, c), and Halidrys siliquosa, have been already referred to as containing mannite (see ante, p. 50).
The only species used for medicinal purposes which it will be necessary to notice is Fucus Vesiculosus.