Contra-Indications for Drugs in their Secondary Action.
- Apocynum Cannabinum: Contra-indicated in anaemia when the pulse is full and strong.
- Bromide of Potassium: Contra-indicated in pale, anaemic people.
- Cactus Grandiflorus: Contra-indicated in increased arterial tension, exaltation of nerve force and excess of strength in heart action.
- California Laurel (Umbellularia Californica): In active inflammation of the intestinal tract and stomach.
- Capsicum: Contra-indicated in fevers, inflammation, recent cases of hemorrhoids and where there is marked burning, sensation in the rectum.
- Chloral Hydrate: Contra-indicated where there is marked depression, cerebral anaemia, in weak heart, especially in alcoholism.
- Cinnamomum: Contra-indicated in all gastro-intestinal tract inflammation.
- Colchicum: Contra-indicated in great debility, profuse diarrhoea, asthenic form of gout.
- Colocynthis: Contra-indicated in fever and inflammation.
- Conium: Contra-indicated in debility.
- Convallaria Majalis: Will not agree when tongue is clean and red or there are red edges on tongue showing irritation. Useful where there is a heavy coated tongue, pale and flabby. Do not use when tongue shows irritation of the digestive organs. Also in fatty degeneration of the heart.
- Copaiba: Contraindicated in inflammatory stage of gonorrhea with great irritation and profuse discharge. In some cases not to be used at all.
- Elaterium: Contra-indicated in cases of debility and in acute intestinal inflammation.
- Emetics: Contra-indicated, as a rule, where there is marked determination of blood to the brain. In apoplexy, cerebral congestion, pregnancy, hernia, aneurism or some other defect of the circulatory apparatus. In marked gastro-intestinal irritation or inflammation advanced stage of inflammatory fever and in cases of marked debility.
- Ergot: Contra-indicated as a parturient when os is hard and rigid; when there is an obstruction of the soft parts or excessive debility.
- Epsom Salts: Contra-indicated in great debility brought on by old age or wasting disease. Do not use in cholera. Dangerous to use when suffering from chills.
- Ferric Acetate. Contra-indicated in gastric catarrh.
- Fowler's Solution: Contra-indicated when there is irritability of the sympathetic and nerve centers.
- Galium: Contra-indicated in disease of a passive nature on account of its refrigerant and sedative effects on the system.
- Gelsemium: Contra-indicated when eyes are dull, pupils dilated and circulation feeble. Under these circumstances it is poison even in small doses.
- Guaiac: Contra-indicated in fever or vascular excitement.
- Ipecac: Contra-indicated in nausea from organic disease of the stomach.
- Jaborandi: Contra-indicated when pulse is weak; weak heart. Never give in large doses unless specially indicated; it may cause diarrhea and other disagreeable symptoms. Always be careful in giving it when the heart is feeble.
- Juniperus: Contra-indicated in inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract.
- Lobelia: Contra-indicated in general relaxation, in dyspnea from fatty or enlarged heart or enfeebled heart with valvular incompetence.
- Myrrh: Contra-indicated in fever and inflammation.
- Opium: Contra-indicated where there is congestion or a tendency to congestion. When there are kidney affections or when face is flushed, contracted pupils, pulse full and bounding, tongue red and turgid, eyes blood-shot, pain in head with wild delirium: In such cases it may kill and will always do harm. In dry skin, dry and dirty tongue and where there is a lack of secretion.
- Origanum: Contra-indicated in active inflammation.
- Passiflora: Contra-indicated when tongue is dirty and heavily coated. In insomnia with flushed face and determination of blood to the brain. In such cases gelsemium is useful.
- Peppermint: Contra-indicated where there is pain or pressure on the stomach, inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract indicated by dry, possibly contracted tongue, with red edges and tip.
- Pichi: Contra-indicated in structural degeneration of the kidneys. In Bright's disease.
- Podophyllum: Contra-indicated when pulse is small and wiry; also where there is irritation of the intestinal tract.
- Potassium Acetate: Will not act well when tongue is red and pointed.
- Potassium Iodide: Contra-indicated when tongue is red and pointed.
- Pulsatilla: Contra-indicated in fevers, inflammation and determination of blood to the head.
- Quinia: Contra-indicated when pulse is hard, vibratile, wiry. If skin is dry and tongue dry it will not give good results. If stomach is alkaline it will not be absorbed. Here it should not be given or else preceded by acid or lemonade.
- Rochelle Salts: Contra-indicated when there are deposits of phosphates in the urine.
- Rhus Aromatica: Contra-indicated in active inflammation. Use in glycerine and not in water.
- Salicylic Acid: Contra-indicated when tongue is red and pointed.
- Santal Oil: Contra-indicated in gonorrhea if there is swelling of the testes.
- Savine: Contra-indicated in active inflammation.
- Scammonium: Contra-indicated in debility and inflammation.
- Senega: Contra-indicated in fevers.
- Serpentaria: Contra-indicated in asthenic conditions.
- Spotted Spurge: Contra-indicated in acute diarrhea or dysentery.
- Squill: Contra-indicated in inflammation of the urinary organs and fevers.
- Strophanthus: Contra-indicated in any circulatory and respiratory troubles of vaso-motor origin. In active hyperaemia; also in tendency to visceral hemorrhage. In ascites of tumors, hepatic, splenic and pelvic.
- Sulphur: Contra-indicated in fevers and inflammation.
- Thuja: Contra-indicated in inflammation of the urinary tract.
- Turpentine: Contra-indicated in all active inflammatory conditions of the urinary organs.
- Veratrum. Viride: Contra-indicated where inflammation has resulted in marked structural changes. In asthenic cases and where there is irritation of the stomach.
- Zingiber: Contra-indicated in any inflammation, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract.
- Zinc Sulphate: Contra-indicated if irritant poisons have been taken.
The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.