Convallaria Majalis.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Convallaria; Lily of the Valley.
P. E.—Whole plant.
N. O.—Liliaceae.
N. H.—Europe, Asia, America.

Properties: Cardiac tonic, diuretic.

Indications: In organic weakness of the heart with valvular insufficiency, especially if accompanied by dropsy. A valuable remedy for dropsical infiltration anywhere if due to heart inefficiency.

Use: As it is not a poisonous remedy and has no cumulative action it is a valuable and safe remedy to use if not contra-indicated. It strengthens the heart's action, slows a rapid and feeble pulse, improves tone and power of the heart and improves the whole capillary circulation. Its influence is permanent. It is more of a tonic than cactus. In dropsy where there is sluggish circulation and diminished blood pressure it may be given in large doses in a cup of hot water. In Bright's disease, general depression, depressing effect of protracted fevers or inflammation. In rheumatism of the heart, rheumatic carditis or pericarditis. In mitral insufficiency and constriction, dilatation of the heart, chronic asthma, result of enfeebled heart, tobacco and bicycle heart. Although the physiological action of convallaria is not fully understood a fact remains that it will produce irritation in large doses, in which cases it will cause restlessness, tremor, stupor, dilated pupils, subnormal temperature, rapid and irregular pulse, flushed face, shallow respiration and even convulsions.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.