Homeopathic dilutions: C
Cactus Grandiflorus. 3 to 6d.
The main indication for cactus is a sense of constriction in the heart, bladder, rectum, uterus or vagina. In organic or functional heart troubles the patient feels as if an iron band was around the heart preventing its normal action. There is often in these cases difficult breathing, palpitation and fluttering of the heart, pulse irregular, intermittent and very faint at times. Suffocating attacks with cold sweat on face and even fainting spells. Numbness of the left arm. Swelling of left arm or leg or both. Lying on left side aggravates palpitation of the heart. Rheumatism beginning in the tipper extremities, especially in the joints, and going downwards. Heart troubles the result of inflammatory rheumatism. There may be in the cactus patient a heavy pain in vertex; or a heavy pressure as if a weight was pressing on it. In hemorrhages which appear to be in sympathy with some heart troubles the properly indicated remedies should be supplemented or alternated with cactus.
Caladium, 3 to 12d.
Perspiration sweet, attracting flies. Sexual excitement and desire but no erections, penis remaining relaxed. There is no emission or orgasm during embrace. Destroys craving for tobacco. Pruritis vaginae in pregnant women with mucus discharge.
Calcarea Fluorica. 3x or 6x.
Syn.—Fluoride of lime. Calcium fluoride.
A deficiency of this in the system will result in relaxation. of the elastic fibers and dilatation of the blood vessels, especially of the veins. Therefore of value in varicose veins, general relaxation of the blood vessels and for this reason it is a valuable remedy to alternate with heart tonics in case of weak heart. We also think of it in hemorrhoids, gumboils, vomiting of undigested food when indicated. Eye troubles where patient sees sparks before the eyes; also where there is flickering before the eyes. In organic changes of the heart, where there are cardiac pains, or result of endo- or pericarditis. In valvular thickening or other heart troubles bordering on effusion it is a good remedy. The average dose for adults is 10 to 20 grains in 2 ounces of water, 1 teaspoonful every 2 to 4. hours.
Calcarea Ostrearum. 3x to 12x.
This remedy is often indicated in fleshy subjects, with a marked tendency to obesity. Skin pale and generally soft and flabby. There is a tendency to glandular enlargement. Lack of bony development, some parts of the bony system often being well nourished and developed while others suffer from lack of nourishment, the result of faulty nutrition. In children this is most marked; here we often find open fontanelles that close too late or will not close, in which cases we generally have profuse sweating on the head or forehead, especially while asleep; again in others there may be curvature of the spine or deformities of the extremities. In digestive troubles the sourness of the whole alimentary tract is the most prominent indication. Patient smells sour, eructation or vomit sour; stool sour. Milk often curdles and is vomited up in large curds. Large, distended abdomen, mesentery often hard and swollen. Craving for eggs. Sensation of general or partial coldness. Head feels icy cold inside and outside; cold, damp feet and legs, giving sensation as if stockings were damp. Very sensitive to cold air, least cold air chills right through; sensation of internal coldness. In chest affections, especially where the upper right lung is affected, chest tender to the touch and with each inspiration. In subjects with the calcarea ost. temperament there is hoarseness without pain or soreness aggravated in the morning. Diarrhea or tendency thereto aggravated in the afternoon. A peculiar indication is that patient feels always better when constipated. Partial sweats. Profuse perspiration with cold surface which latter is more marked in the lower extremities. Profuse perspiration on head or head and face worse while asleep. In night sweats of the debilitated.
Calcarea Phosphorica. 2x to 3x.
This remedy is indicated in many conditions during the time of dentition, puberty and sometimes in old age. It is a good tonic and restorative. A valuable tonic after acute disease and where there is emaciation; in fact wherever there appears to be a lack of the lime phosphates in the system. In children we find that they are generally spare, although they may be fat, but the bones are often soft and pliable, the tissues soft and flabby. In conditions which show debility and a lack of proper assimilation calcarea phos. is a good remedy. Marked appetite for salt and sour foods, and in children for ham rind. In neuralgia if worse in bad weather and at night; the parts affected feel cold and numb. In brain fag, result of illness or worry. In catarrhal tendencies, it is a good remedy if indicated. Vomiting of undigested food. Diarrhea mostly occurring (luring dentition in which stool is offensive, hot, sputtering and consists of undigested material. Soreness around the umbilicus; child often craving for indigestible food and meat. In rheumatism coming on in damp, cold weather. Too early menstruation. During puberty in anemic girls troubled with headache in top of head, flatulent dyspepsia, gastric headache, distress in gastro-intestinal tract which is temporarily relieved when food is taken; acne and in fact any or all of these conditions resulting from lack of lime phosphate in the system. Pain in the joints of rheumatic nature at every change of weather.
Calcarea Sulphurica. 2x.
Has a direct action on all connective tissue; therefore a good remedy in abscesses, suppuration, tubercular ulcers and of benefit in some cases of rheumatism. Average dose for adults is about 20 to 40 grains in 2 ounces of water, a teaspoonful 2 to 4 times a day. In bad cases of suppuration or abscesses where lime is indicated it should be used in large doses and at shorter intervals.
Cantharides. 12d or Higher.
Frequent micturation with cutting, burning pain is a prominent indication for this remedy, no matter what the disease. In inflammation of the bladder or urethra where we have violent burning, cutting pain with frequent desire to urinate, urine is only voided in very small quantity or a few drops only at time with violent tenesmus. The cutting pains are severe before, during and after urinating. Severe burning or burning pain in any part of the alimentary canal from mouth to anus with great thirst. Burning in the larynx, chest and ovaries. in some cases we have burning with stinging. Skin affections in which watery vesicles form which burn and often itch also. In diarrhea with mucus, evacuations pale, red or streaked with blood looking like scrapings from intestines, if the peculiar burning and stinging is present in anus and pain or colic is relieved after stool. In inflammation of the eyes the result of burns. A useful remedy in burns of any kind in which case cantharides added to some soothing solution is also useful locally. Cantharides increases the secretion of mucus.
Carbo Vegetabilis. 12x.
In cachectic people whose vital forces are low this is a valuable remedy both in acute and chronic cases. In many conditions, ailments or diseases that have appeared ever since an accident or disease even if years ago, carbo veg. is the first remedy to be thought of. Spongy and bleeding gums, teeth sore, acid condition, heartburn, fat food cannot be borne and even plain food disagrees. Flatulence, especially in upper abdomen, lying down aggravates. Hoarseness worse in damp air and evenings. In hemorrhages of any orifice, blood oozes out as if mucous surfaces were too weak to hold it. The blood is dark and not clotted, showing that it is broken down.
Patient gets pale before hemorrhage occurs. In chest affections there may be a weak feeling or a burning as if from coals. It is our best remedy in many desperate conditions where the vital forces are so low that death is imminent, pulse is very weak and may be slow or rapid, thready and intermittent. Surface is cold, especially the legs and feet, which may or may not be covered with cold sweat. Breath becomes cold, in fact patient lies motionless as if life were extinct. The patient wants to be fanned in order to be able to breathe. Blood may almost become stagnated in the capillary vessels, which will make the skin appear bluish and, cool or even cold to the touch.
Caulophyllum Thalictroides. 12th.
Internal trembling without visible trembling. Pain or pain and swelling of the finger joints. Severe bearing down pain in women. In these cases, if at the menstrual period or after confinement or abortion there is an excessive flow and the blood dark, the result of weakness, caulophyllum is a valuable remedy if given in high potencies. Low potencies often aggravate conditions. In all these cases the sensation of internal trembling should be taken into consideration.
Causticum. 30th or Higher.
A remedy mostly indicated in chronic; but of great value in acute diseases. Its main indications are drawing or tearing pain, soreness or rawness anywhere. Burning with rawness or soreness, condition aggravated in dry and ameliorated in wet weather. There is often marked weakness which may gradually increase to paresis and even paralysis. This may be of the tongue, throat, vocal cords, face, upper or lower extremities or in general. It is especially affective in those conditions arising on the right side of the body. Sore throat with hoarseness or sudden loss of voice, with the characteristic soreness and rawness, at times accompanied by tickling or burning. Cough hacking and dry, ameliorated by a swallow of water. Mucus hard to raise but easily swallowed; however, after a long effort a little phlegm is raised. These conditions are generally worse in the morning. Pain in throat which is aggravated by swallowing, especially of solids. Stiffness in throat and neck. In influenza with the characteristic sore and bruised feeling, pain in chest, especially when coughing, it is a valuable remedy. Drooping eyelids, a feeling as if a fog were before the eyes, this latter condition is often present in. the early stage of cataract, in which case causticum is a useful remedy. In deafness with humming or roaring and all kinds of noise in the ears; ears often red and burning. Tongue coated white on the sides with red streak in center. Stiffness of jaws; sickly, yellowish tinge of face, especially the temples, no jaundice color however. Mental moods are generally tendency to look at the dark side of life, sad and melancholy feelings, which conditions are often the result of grief or worry; however, patient may be irritable or hysterical. There may be general twitching. If indicated causticum is useful in chorea, convulsions, epilepsy and even in the early stages of locomotor ataxia. Hemorrhoids that smart, burn, itch and feel raw and sore when walking or on thinking about them. Constipation with frequent desire but no result, patient strains so hard as to get red in face, accompanied by more or less pain. Feces pass more easily when standing. In urinary troubles, where a few drops are voided at a time but there is continual desire. There is feeling of rawness or soreness and may be itching of the orifice of the urethra. In some cases this condition is accompanied by spasms of the rectum. Urine passes involuntarily when sneezing, coughing, walking or on any unusual effort. In fact sensation may be so dulled patient does not notice passing of urine. There may be sediment in the urine of dark or light color. Drawing or tearing pain in any part of the body; but especially in the extremities, aggravated by cold air and easier in bed. Marked stiffness of back, especially when getting up from a sitting posture. Rheumatism or arthritis, with sensation or actual contraction of flexors. In chronic skin troubles, eczema or conditions resulting from suppressed itch, it is useful. In long standing sores from burns, and warts causticum is useful.
Chamomilla Matricaria. 2 to 3d.
Pain with numbness aggravated by heat, but not relieved by cold. Sensitiveness to cold conditions the result of a cold. Very sensitive to pain, although the pain may not be so severe patient thinks he is unable to bear it. Feels desperate and thinks that it would be better to die than stiffer so, in fact a condition of exalted sensitiveness. Restlessness and sleeplessness the result of pain and nervousness. In chamomilla patients we have the ugly mood, patient is generally very cross and spiteful. Children will cry a great deal, are cross and ugly, want things only to reject them if handed to them; they are peevish and nothing suits. It is our leading remedy in conditions the result of anger. Spasms in children the result of anger. In worms or other conditions where one cheek is cold and pale and the other hot and red. Stool green, may be watery, especially in infants during dentition and in small children. In some cases stool smells like rotten eggs. In fevers or other conditions where there is thirst, skin hot, yet moist. Flatulent colic with marked distention, but passing of flatus gives no relief. Toothache, taking anything warm in mouth aggravates. Cough dry, worse in cold weather and in the night; but the cough does not awaken the sleeper. Cough with tickling in throat. Earache with pressing pain. In parturition where os is rigid, or in afterpains where patient cannot bear the pain. Menstrual colic result of anger. Metrorrhagia where blood is coagulated and dark and comes in paroxysms.
Chelidonium Majus. 3 to 6d.
Hepatic troubles both acute and chronic where there is oppressive pain in right hypochondrium, with yellow skin and conjunctiva, bitter taste, yellow coated tongue with red, indented edges. There may be marked coldness of right foot and drawing pain in right thigh and leg. Either sharp or dull pain under right shoulder blade. Can only retain hot drinks. Vomiting of bilious nature. In persistent coughs with pain through right chest to right shoulder blade, this remedy has proven to be of value.
China Officinalis. 6d to 12d.
A remedy mostly indicated in conditions the result of debilitating losses of fluids, such as loss of blood, seminal emissions and excessive flow of saliva. In the females debility as a result of excessive leucorrhea. In nursing women who run down as a result of nursing. Patient shows effects of debilitating losses by weakness, prostration and often there is a sallow, sunken appearance of the face. China is an antiperiodic in conditions that appear every other day or are aggravated every other day. In digestive wrongs we find great distention and bloating of the whole abdomen, patient still feels hungry at meals. Everything appears to turn into gas, not relieved by passing flatus. Diarrhea if present varies in nature but is painless and consists partly of undigested food. In passive hemorrhages from any orifice of the body this is a useful remedy. Pressure ameliorates pain or soreness. Breeze of air, touching the head annoys and pains patient. Very sensitive to light. In liver troubles, generally hypertrophy, with soreness and marked sensitiveness to touch in the region of the liver. Skin and white of eyes yellow, stool light colored, urine generally scanty and of dark color. Senses very acute. Patient so sensitive to the touch that the least breeze, cutting hair or shaving seems to hurt him. Although light touch aggravates pain or soreness, deep pressure ameliorates
Cimicifuga Racemosa. 3 to 12d.
Nervous chills without coldness, uterine pains darting from one side to the other, menses irregular. Sharp or cutting pains anywhere, result of uterine trouble. Menses may be scanty but are generally profuse with severe pain in back through hips, down the thighs, pressing pain. Left sided infra-mammary pains at climateric. Rheumatism of the muscles but especially of muscles of the abdomen, pressing or expanding headache, pains may shoot in eyes or in occiput, running down the neck. In hysterical subjects we may have neuralgic pains, twitching spasms, change of mood; they sigh, and are gloomy, even thinking that they will become insane.
Cina. 30d or Higher.
Patient restless in the night, jumps, jerks or rolls around in bed, grinds teeth and often screams in sleep. Often swallows in sleep as if something came up in throat. Child cries a great deal and is cross, wants to be carried and then again not, wants things only to refuse them when handed. Picks nose a great deal. Face pale with dark circles under eyes; face may be glowing red, but with this, child is generally pale around mouth. Alternate loss of appetite and canine hunger. Cina is useful in spasmodic conditions, such as jerking, twitching, convulsions and whooping cough, when worm symptoms are present; whether patient has worms or not.
Cocculus Indicus. 30d or Higher.
General prostration, in the spine and extremities, excessive weakness even bordering on paresis or paralysis, especially in the small of the back. There is a general weakness in the lower extremities, bruised feeling in hip or thighs. Hands and feet go to sleep, and there is in some cases a sensation of fullness or swelling in the fingers, hands or feet. In the upper part of the spine we find a weakness which makes patient feel as if he could not hold head up. Vertigo, especially when rising from the recumbent position, confusion of mind, sick headache, preceded by nausea, stupefaction, tendency to vomit, especially after meals. Symptoms aggravated by riding or on the sea. Marked aversion to food. The odor of cooking food in some cases aggravates nausea. Therefore a great remedy in sea sickness. Great distention of abdomen, often with sensation as if sticks were in the stomach, generally worse nights. Gas forms, passes off but forms again continually, thus there is no relief from flatus. Bad effects of loss of sleep, overwork or riding. A sensation of emptiness anywhere, but especially in the head or abdomen. Mood is sad with inclination to be alone. Marked depression. In prostration and excessive weakness in small of back and extremities, especially in the lower; weakness in the cervical region; empty feeling, depression, affections caused or aggravated by riding cocculus ind. should never be forgotten.
Colchicum Autumnale. 6 to 12d.
The smell of food when cooked causes nausea and faintness. Symptoms aggravated from the time the sun goes down to the time it rises. There may be in the abdomen marked burning or a sensation of coldness. Dyspepsia with above symptoms with much distention and gas in the gastro-intestinal tract. Diarrhea uncontrollable, stool often mixed with mucus or of slimy nature. Dysentery with much tenesmus, discharges of mucus which is mixed with blood.
Colocynthis. 2d.
This is our best remedy in cramps, especially of a violent nature, ameliorated by doubling up and by pressure. In neuralgic pains of a crampy nature in the abdominal region, although it is of value in neuralgia of the face or other parts of the body. Pain in hips running down the posterior part of thigh into the popliteal fossa, if of neuralgic nature. Colocynthis is oftener indicated in acute conditions; but is equally useful in chronic conditions.
Crocus Sativus. 3d. or Higher.
A prominent indication for this remedy, especially in hysterical subjects, is a sensation as if there was something moving or hopping around in the chest, abdomen or uterus. Twitching of any muscles of the body, especially of the eyelids. Depression alternating with cheerfulness. Hemorrhages from any orifices of the body where the blood is black, clotted, hanging in long strings.
The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.