Leading Basic Indications of Some Drugs in Special Conditions.


From abuse of quinine: Belladonna.
From abuse of mercury: Carbo veg., hepar sulph., kali iodide.
With violent itching: Graphites, lycopodium, silica, sulphur.
With many scales on head: Calcium, graphites, staphisagria.
From long grief: Graphites, ignatia ani., lachesis, phosphoric acid, staphisagria.
From debilitating losses: China, ferrum acetate or ferrum met.
From frequent sweats: Mercurius.
From severe acute diseases: Calcium, hepar sulph., lycopodium, phosphoric acid, silica, sulphur.
Hair falling out or if they grow too slowly or in splits, especially in Sycotic: Thuja ox.

Antidotes for Effects of Abuse of Drugs, etc.

Overdosing with mercury for syphilis: Nitric acid.
After effects of abuse of argentum nit.: Natrum mur.
After effects of vaccination: Echinacea, thuja ox.
Lead poisoning: Kali bichrom.
Iodide of potassium: Hepar sulph.
Mercurial salivation: Belladonna dulcamara, hepar sulph., iodium, lachesis, nitric acid, sulphur.

Anal Fissures.

Of eczematous nature, if indicated: Graphites.
Sore painful and sometimes bleeding: Natrum mur.
Where the skin and membranes join, very sore, may bleed: Nitric acid.

Anal Prolapsus.

Frequent desire for stool, but in place of latter, rectum comes down, afraid to strain or lift. After stool there may be contracting pains for hours, shooting upwards, sharp pain in rectum: Ignatia am.
Prolapsus, occurring even at urinating, passage of flatus and when bowels move. Cannot bear the least touch to parts, even underwear or bed sheets: Muriatic acid.
Prolapsus of rectum or uterus after straining or lifting too hard, after or in parturition or, with characteristic diarrhea: Podophyllum.
Prolapsus aggravated on stooping or lifting: Ruta g.
Congestion of rectum, feels as if a ball or weight was in it, oozing of moisture from rectum; prolapsus ani: Sepia.

Asthma Spasms.

Blatta orientalis: For spasms and general condition 10 to 20 drops in 2 ounces of water, ½ teaspoonful every 15 minutes to ½ hour until easier, then at longer intervals. Ordinarily to correct condition it should be taken regularly for a short while, about 2 to 3 doses a day.

Causticum: Asthma worse in dry weather, better in damp weather.
Sambucus nig: In asthma millari, it is a splendid remedy. The child will turn blue in the face, gasp for breath and appears as though it would die. Will go to sleep only to wake up again with another attack. Attacks come on suddenly, generally in the night. Asthma with same indications in grown people will be relieved by: Sambucus nig.
Senega, mother tincture 10 to 20 drops in 2 ounces of water, ½ teaspoonful every 15 minutes to hour until easier, then at longer intervals.
Asthma remedies that are at times indicated in spasms: Lachesis, sambucus n., tartar emetic.
Asthma worse in cold weather, better in damp weather: Dulcamara, natrum sulph.


In the early stage, belladonna will often abort them. If beyond that stage calcium sulph., hepar sulph., mercurius or silica, will hasten maturity, then assist in shortening their course. If they are very painful and of bluish color lachesis is of value. However tarantula cub. is the best remedy we have to ameliorate pain.

Catarrh in the Head in General.

Dry nature, nose all stopped up. Worse at night, must breathe through mouth. Maybe nose bleed while washing face: Ammonium carb.
Nose stopped up when going out in cold air: Hepar sulph.
Scabs and plugs which form in nose often cause ulceration of septum of nose. Severe pain at root of nose: Kali bichrom.
Yellowish or greenish discharge of nose worse evenings and in hot rooms. Feels better in open air. Cough loose, rattling: Kali sulph.
Chronic catarrh of nose, dry form, worse at night, must breathe through mouth: Lycopodium.
Chronic. Much hawking and spitting of thick mucus that constantly accumulates, extending from nose into throat: Natrum carb.
Chronic nasal, blows a little blood from nose frequently: Phosphorus.
Pain in frontal sinuses, discharge dry and hard, and generally hard to dislodge. Continual tendency to blow nose, but none or very little result. Dry form of coryza with pain in frontal sinuses: Sticta p.
Catarrhal condition in head with fluent coryza, burning and a marked sensitiveness to inhaling cold air. Raw throat: Aesculus hip.
Catarrh, chronic sore throat, dryness and rawness, continued hawking. After a long while the patient raises a little thick, tough phlegm. Warm drinks or food relieve temporarily; clergymen's sore throat: Alumina.
Post-nasal catarrh in which mucus drops continually in the throat; but especially at night or when lying down: Corallium rubrum.
Discharge thick and bland, if indicated: Sepia.
Where dry crusts form in nose and reform if removed: Borax v.
In phlegmatic subjects if, indicated: Pulsatilla.
In dry, thin subjects if indicated: Alumina.
Where there is agglutination or ulceration of nostrils and nose obstructed and filled with a crust, or where there is fetid discharge. Melancholy disposition, tendency to suicide: Aurum met.

Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum.

Bismuth subnitrate: Especially in cholera infantum where the attack comes on suddenly. Stool is watery and passed without pain. Water cannot be retained and is vomited up as soon as it reaches the stomach. Face has a deadly pallor with very dark rings around the eyes. There is intense thirst and vomiting of severe nature. Skin is warm and may be covered with warm sweats.
Camphor: Great external coldness, stool, if any, is painless. Cramps in abdomen and extremities. Although objectively cold, patient does not want to be covered.
Colocynthis: Violent cramps, pressure and bending double ameliorate condition. In such cases this remedy is a valuable adjunct to other indicated remedies.
Cuprum met.: Cramps of a violent nature.
Kreosotum: In children with painful, swollen gums of bluish color, with decayed teeth, this is a splendid remedy.
Secale cor.: Patient cold to the touch, still cannot bear to be covered.
Tartar emetic: Intense nausea not relieved by vomiting, especially if there is very loose stool, prostration and even coma. Face is pale and in severe cases, cyanotic.
Veratrum album: Cold sweats on face and forehead, also on body. Body feels cold to touch. Breath cold, great prostration and collapse. Evacuations are profuse.

Cold in General.

To correct a tendency to always catch cold we think of: Hydrastis, calcium, carbo veg., dulcamara., graphites, nitric acid, sepia, sulphur.
Cold right after taking: Nux vomica.
Later: Aconite, chamomilla, belladonna, bryonia, dulcamara.
Cold from getting wet: Calcium, dulcamara, rhus tox.
With acrid discharge from nose: Allium cepa, arsenicum album, kreosotum.

Colic and Cramps.

Colic, alternate with vertigo: Colocynthis, spigelia.
Resembling labor pains: Pulsatilla, chamomilla.
Constant, violent pain with retraction of lower abdomen. Violent spasmodic pain, constant unsuccessful desire to urinate: Aconite.
Where heat gives relief in cramping pains: Magnesium phos.
Where there is burning and pain relieved by heat: Arsenicum album.
Pressure relieves pain, especially in chronic cases and where colocynthis fails we think of: Stannum met.
Cramps and colic with sensation of fullness: Lycopodium, china, aesculus hip.
With walls of abdomen retracted: Plumbum acetate.
Cramps and spasms, especially after bodily or even mental exhaustion, spasmodic, violent griping: Cuprum met.
Cramp, colic and congestive pain in abdomen, face red, throbbing carotids: Melilotus.
Colic from exposure to cold is often relieved by: Dulcamara.
Cramps and colic, with great distention of abdomen, flatus appears to radiate from one. place to another, passing of same giving no relief, as it forms again. Much pressure in inguinal region. May be sensation of emptiness, especially in the head: Cocculus ind.
Wind colic aggravated by bending forward or double and relieved by bending backwards, or straightening the body. Much pressure, pain generally starts in region of navel and radiate all over, in some cases even to the extremities: Dioscorea vil.
Wind colic, heat aggravates, but cold does not relieve. A green stool is also a prominent indication. Patient is generally in a bad mood: Chamomilla.
Doubling up after eating: Bovista.
Cramps of a violent nature, doubling up or pressing against something hard ameliorates pain. Colic after eating, after anger, or colic, alternated with vertigo with above indications: Colocynthis.
Walks around to get relief, cold sweats, especially forehead, prostration, bends forward to ameliorate pain; Veratrum album.
Chronic tendency to colic or cramps, with a tendency to sore eyelids, symptoms similar to chamomilla and colocynthis: Staphisagria.
Child cries continually, especially all night, with colic pains: Jalapa.
Colic and cramps: As a local application to pit of stomach or abdomen and between the shoulders, Lloyd's libradol will generally assist the internal treatment. This especially where a relaxant is indicated. Should its application produce nausea, remove.
Colic, Nephritic: With marked smell of the urine. Urine that may be in clothing scents the whole body, even the room: Benzoic acid.
Colic, Renal: In passage of renal calculi, pain attending the passage of gravel, especially at conclusion of passing urine Pain is almost unbearable. There may also be tenesmus of bladder: Sarsaparilla.


Aloe socotrina 200 P.: Inability to pass stool, still large hard chunks sometimes will pass away unawares, sometimes much gurgling or rumbling before stool.
Alumina: Stool adheres to the anus like soft clay. Inactivity of the rectum., especially in dry spare subjects.
Ammonium mur.: Hard dry and crumbling feces, difficult to expel, sometimes covered with mucus as if greased.
Antimonium crudum: Alternate constipation and diarrhea.
Aurum and natrum mur. 1000: Alternate black and white stool.
Bryonia: Where the cause is lack of secretion of intestines, stool hard and dry as if burnt.
Causticum: Unsuccessful desire for stool with much pain and straining with redness of face, stool passes better when standing, sensation of rawness and soreness. Stool often covered with mucus as if greased.
Collinsonia: Constipation obstinate, with colic on account of it; hemorrhoidal condition, piles often bleed, a feeling in rectum as if it was filled with sticks. In chronic constipation where patient can go for days or weeks without even desire for stool.
Graphites: Stool knotty, large lumps often connected by threads of mucus; mucus often follows stool.
Hydrastis can.: Chronic with dull, aching pain in stomach, a gone, weak, faint feeling in epigastrium; stomach actually sunken.
Lycopodium: Spasmodic contraction of the anus, which prevents stool.
Magnesium mur.: Stool hard, slow to pass, like sheep's dung, crumbling away at anus.
Natrum mur.: Stool hard and unsatisfactory, like sheep's dung, obstinate retention of stool. If indicated.
Nitric acid: Great agony after passage of stool, even if soft, has to walk floor in agony for 1 to 2 hours after stool.
Nux vomica: Impaired and irregular peristalsis, frequent and ineffective desire to defecate, passing but small quantity at each attempt.
Phosphorus: Stool slender, long, dry, tough like dog stool.
Platina: Stool adheres to the anus like soft clay.
Sepia: Great strain, manual aid necessary to pass stool; sensation as of ball in rectum. Mostly in children.
Silica: Strains very hard but stool only will protrude partly and then slip back, appears to be result of general weakness, or weakness of abdominal muscles and rectum. General weak condition.
Thuja oc.: Large, black balls, large stool, partly recedes again, rumbling in abdomen as if animal was in it. Abdomen puffed up irregular.
Veronica Off . 500, 200, 30: Alternate black and white stool.


Aethusa cy.: Eyes turn downwards, a sunken appearance of face with a pearly whiteness of upper lip and a white line from angle of nose to angle of mouth. In children vomiting of curdled milk.
Argentum nit.: Hour or days before attack pupils are dilated, convulsions preceded by great restlessness.
Cicuta v.: Opisthotonos, head draws backward, convulsions violent and patient violent.
Cina: During dentition with symptoms of worms.
Cuprum met.: Spasms start by twitching in extremeties, toes and fingers and from there becomes general. Marked spasms.
Gelsemium: Prostration all over, drooping eyelids, general trembling.
Hyoscyamus: General twitching all over and the spasms are clonic.
Ignatia am.: From mental emotion, fright or fear. Coming out of spasms with long, drawn sighs.

Coryza in General.

Dry: Ammonium, calcium, lachesis, nux vomica, sulphur.
Fluent: Arsenicum album, allium cepa, euphrasia, mercurius, pulsatilla, sulphur.
Secretion acid: Arsenicum album, mercurius.
Greenish: Pulsatilla, sepia.
Offensive: Calcium, pulsatilla, sepia, silica, sulphur.
Yellow: Bryonia, carbo veg., hydrastis, pulsatilla, sepia, sulphur.
Arsenicum album: Acute, discharge fluent, corroding nose and lips, burns.
Allium cepa: In coryza or influenza where there is sneezing all the time, worse indoors, discharge of eyes bland, of nose acrid..
Ammonium carb.: Dry, stuffed up, especially at night, epistaxis while washing face. Face may be bluish red.
Causticum: Coryza or influenza with cough and tickling in throat, dry cough, some expectoration after long cough. Rawness and soreness in throat.; burning pain in throat not aggravated by swallowing.
Eupatorium perf.: Coryza or influenza where there is aching all over.
Euphrasia: The lacrimal secretion acrid and secretion of nose bland.
Mercurius vivus: Sweating does not relieve, worse evenings and nights. Odor of mouth and discharge of nose and mouth fetid. In fluent coryza.
Sambucus nig.: Snuffles in small children. The dry variety. Child inspires but is unable or can only expire with difficulty.


Child cries before paroxysm as if sore: Arnica.
Result of enlarged tonsils: Baryta carb.
Nervous, followed by eructation of wind: Ambra g.
Pain in head when coughing: Capsicum.
With rawness and soreness. Hoarseness and even temporary loss of voice, condition better in wet weather: Causticum.
Worse at night, but cough does not waken patient; tickling in throat: Chamomilla.
With mucus dropping back in throat, continued hacking daytime, whooping nights: Corallium rub.
Spasmodic, with constriction in chest and abdomen: cough after measles: Drosera.
Cough worse during the day, eyes water, in coryza: Euphrasia.
With vomiting of food: Bryonia, ferrum met. or acetate.
Suffocating, child may become cyanotic, stiff: Ipecac.
Aggravated or starting about 3 A.M.: Kali carb.
Aggravated 11 P.M. to 1 or 2 A.M. in night especially: Arsenicum album.
Long continued cough after pneumonia or severe cold; expectoration profuse night sweats: Kali iodide.
Loose, rattling, yellow or greenish expectoration, better in open air, may be pain in head and chest when coughing: Natrum sulph.
During sleep, but does not awaken patient, aggravated by touching throat, sleeps into aggravation. Sense of constriction: Lachesis.
With stitching pain in chest (pleurisy) : Bryonia.
With pain in upper left lung through to left shoulder: Myrtus com.
Loose, with severe pain through left chest, especially below nipple: Natrum sulph.
With great hoarseness, can hardly talk, worse evening and fore part of night, tries to suppress cough. Good in latter stages of hepatization: Phosphorus.
With copious expectoration, purulent, with marked weakness: Phosphoric acid.
Dry with stitching pain through left lung below nipple; inhaling cold air aggravates: Rumex c.
Loose with offensive sputum often after pneumonia: Sanguinaria.
With much rattling of mucus, difficult breathing: Senega.
Dry from organic heart trouble: Spongia t.
Dry nose, dry cough, worse at night, restless: Sticta p.
With great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling, unable to raise it, patient may be drowsy: Tartar emetic.
Barking and hollow: Belladonna, drosera, hepar sulph., sambucus nig., spongia t., tartar emetic, veratrum album.
Hacking: Aconite., calcium, causticum, lachesis, dulcamara, mercurius, muriatic acid, sulphuric acid, sulphur, zincum met.
Panting: Muriatic acid, sulphuric acid.
Spasmodic: Belladonna, bryonia, carbo veg., cuprum met., hyoscyamus, veratrum album; cina, ipecac, mercurius, magnesium phos., nux vomica, pulsatilla, sambucus nig.
Tickling: Chamomilla, sanguinaria, cimicifuga, phosphorus, nux vomica, lachesis, bryonia, causticum.
Vomiting or retching: Bryonia, carbo veg., ipecac, pulsatilla, nux vomica, hepar sulph., tartar emetic, drosera, veratrum album.
Wheezing: Kreosotum, senega, spongia t., tartar emetic.
Night only: Rhus tox., mercurius, pulsatilla, aconite., belladonna, chamomilla, graphites, hyoscyamus, cimicifuga, drosera, tartar emetic, nux vomica, stannum met.
As from dust: Arsenicum album, ignatia am., pulsatilla.
Day time only: Euphrasia, lachesis, belladonna, bryonia, calcium, stannum met.
In bed: Arsenicum album, calcium, kreosotum, petroleum, mercurius, natrum mur., pulsatilla, stannum met.
In cold air: Arsenicum album, ipecac, lachesis, nitric acid, phosphorus, rhus tox., sulphur.
From inhaling cold air: Phosphorus, spongia t., rumex crispus.
When drinking: Arsenicum album, bryonia, hepar sulph., lachesis, squill.
When lying down: Arsenicum album, hyoscyamus, pulsatilla, sulphur.
Lying on back: Nux vomica, phosphorus.
With head low: Ammonium mur.
Lying on left side: Ipecac, ptelea.
On right side: Ammonium mur., stannum met.
From accumulation of mucus: Kreosotum.
Relieved by swallow of cold water: Causticum.
When sleeping: Arnica, calcium, chamomilla, lachesis, mercurius.
When pressing on pit of stomach: Caladium.
Cough with suffocation or paroxysms of suffocation: Cina, cuprum met., drosera, hepar sulph., ipecac, lachesis, sambucus nig., spongia t., tartar emetic.
Dry: Aconite, belladonna, bryonia, capsicum, chamomilla, cina, drosera, hepar sulph., hyoscyamus, ignatia am., lachesis, lycopus v., mercurius, natrum mur., nux vomica, phosphorus, rhus tox., spongia t., sticta p., sulphur.
Loose cough with copious expectoration: Bryonia, calcium, cannabis s., carbo veg., causticum, cuprum met.,dulcamara, kali, lycopus v., mercurius, natrum mur., phosphorus, pulsatilla, senega, sepia, silica, stannum met., sulphur, tartaricum.
Fetid expectoration: Arsenicum album, calcium, capsicum, ledum p., stannum met., sulphur.
Difficult expectoration with cough: Arnica, arsenicum album, bryonia, borax v., china, daphne ind., ferrum, kali mur., laurocerasus, sabina.
Difficult expectoration without cough:, Arnica, nux vomica, silica, ruta g.
Difficult expectoration of what cough has loosened: Arnica, causticum tartar emetic.
Cough from getting cold: Allium cepa, belladonna, chamomilla, carbo veg., dulcamara, euphrasia, hepar sulph., nitric acid, nux moschata (nutmeg), pulsatilla, sticta.
Evening: Arsenicum album, calcium, capsicum, cimicifuga, drosera, hepar sulph., mercurius, nitric acid, pulsatilla.
Early morning: Arsenicum album, china, causticum, euphrasia, kali bichrom., lycopus v., natrum mur., nux vomica, pulsatilla., sulphur.
When moving: Arsenicum album, bryonia, china, drosera, ferrum, lachesis, nux vomica, pulsatilla .
Coughing hard hurts head, person holds head with both hands as it hurts him so to cough: Bryonia, capsicum, eupatorium perf., natrum sulph.
Coughing hurts so in chest that patient jumps up and holds chest with both hands: Bryonia, eupatorium perf., natrum sulph.


Aconite: The remedy first thought of if aggravated in dry cold air. Marked fear of spasm of cough.
Hepar sulph.: Wheezing and rattling of mucus; cough loose as if mucus would come up but does not. It is generally indicated after aconite or spongia. Cold air aggravates.
Iodium: Wheezing, dry, barking cough, holds throat with both hands when coughing.
Lachesis:, Child gets worse in sleep. Marked sense of constriction and suffocation, seems to sleep into attack.
Phosphorus: Often indicated after aconite or spongia, if there is hoarseness in the evening with inclination to relapse and there is involvement of the lungs.
Spongia t.: Comes on with excitement, high fever, result of exposure to cold air or winds. Severe paroxysms, sleeps into paroxysms. In all severe cases it is better to apply to chest and around neck Lloyd's libradol. A general internal remedy that is very valuable is Abbott's iodized calcium in ⅛ grain doses dissolved in a little water every 5 to 10 minutes until easier, then at longer intervals and in smaller doses.

Delirium, Main Remedies.

Apis mel., arsenicum album, baptisia, belladonna, gelsemium, helleborus n., hyoscyamus, lachesis, phosphorus, phosphoric acid, rhus tox., stramonium.
Belladonna: Face red, eyes may be bloodshot. Blood rushing to head while extremities may be cool. Persistent wild delirium, although there may be at times stupid condition. Starts and jumps when falling asleep or awakening.
Helleborus n.: In advanced brain disease. Head rolling from side to side. Stupidity, forehead wrinkled, with cold sweats, jaws move as if chewing, continued movement of one arm and leg, while the other side is perfectly quiet. Pupils are dilated and patient often is insensible or only partly sensible of what is going on around him, urine scanty or suppressed.
Hyoscyamus: There may be violent delirium but if so it alternates with low form and in most cases the latter only is present. Patient is pale, weak, weakness increases although there may be momentary violent outbreaking. Generally does not move much but picks and reaches out.
Lachesis: Low muttering worse after sleep or sleeping into it.
Phosphorus: Better after sleep.
Stramonium: Ravings terrible, often wildly, loquacious. Singing, whistling, laughing, screaming, praying, swearing, turns in all kinds of shape, often will all of a sudden jerk up head from pillow. Later pupils may dilate, there is loss of sight and hearing and speech; patient drenched in sweat. Death from exertion.

Diarrhea, Dysentery, etc.

Aloe: Great rumbling in bowels just before stool.
Antimonium crudum: Alternate with constipation, especially in old people. From wrongs in diet and especially in heat of summer, stools partly solid and partly fluid.
Argentum nit.: Apprehension brings on diarrhea, sputtering of stool with much noisy flatus.
Bismuth subnitrate: Diarrhea coming on suddenly, with intense thirst, water vomited up as soon as swallowed, restlessness. Weak and pale; skin warm and may be covered with warm sweats.
Borax v.: Greenish stool day and night with aphthae.
Bryonia: Morning aggravation, after patient begins to move.
Calcium phos.: Sputtering of stool with much noisy flatus.
Chamomilla: Green, slimy stool smelling like rotten eggs. Especially during dentition.
Colchicum: Symptoms aggravated from sundown to sunrise. Smell of cooking nauseates to fainting.
Colocynthis: With cramps.
Croton tig.: Yellow, watery stool, coming out like a shot, least food or drink aggravates.
Dulcamara: From taking cold or from sudden change to cold weather from warm. From damp weather.
Gelsemium 30d: Diarrhea on excitement such as sudden emotion, bad news, fright, anticipation of something unusual, etc.
Mercurius: Tenesmus all the time, a never get done feeling.
Natrum sulph.: Morning aggravation, after patient begins to move.
Nitric acid: Great pain after passage of stool, has to walk the floor for hours in agony.
Nuphar: Morning aggravation.
Nux vomica: Generally worse in morning, mostly from overeating. Of slimy mucus and blood, small and unsatisfactory; pain greatly relieved a short time after each stool.
Oleander: Diarrhea from undigested food, involuntary stool when emitting flatus.
Phosphorus: Stool profuse, watery; pouring away as if from a hydrant with lumps of white mucus like grains of tallow, bloody stool with white particles like opaque frog spawn. Dysentery with wide open anus.
Phytolacca: Child wants to bite its gums on everything it can get a hold of, with diarrhea.
Podophyllum: Morning aggravation. Profuse, offensive, aggravated in morning and hot weather. Child wants to bite its gums on everything it can get hold of.
Pulsatilla: Generally worse in the night, mostly from overeating.
Rumex crispus: Morning aggravation.
Rheum: Sour stool, child smells sour also.
Staphisagria: Diarrhea aggravated by the least food or drink.
Sulphur: Morning aggravation, drives patient out of bed.
Thuja oc.: Forcibly expelled, copious, gurgling like water from a bunghole. Diarrhea from vaccination.


It is not the object of the writer to give a full treatise on diphtheria, still an outline of the form of treatment which will generally save the patient where other means fail, will no doubt be welcomed by all well wishers of humanity.

Lachesis 12 or 30d is our best remedy, especially if mucous surface of the throat, not covered by the membrane, is of a bluish red color, and if the membrane first started on the left side. However, it is one of our best remedies in any form. May be given in 6 to 10 drops in 2 ounces of water, ½ to 1 teaspoonful every 2 hours. If throat is much swollen apis 2d gtt. v to viii added to above will make it more effective.

Lloyd's specific echinacea 3 to 4 drachms; Lloyd's specific phytolacca 2 drachms and kali mur. 3x, v to vi grains in 2 ounces of water, ½ to 1 teaspoonful every 2 hours to alternate with above, thus giving the patient a dose of medicine every hour, will assist, lachesis and apis in bringing about a rapid cure.

In severe cases a dose of medicine may be given every ½ hour; ½ hour one and the next ½ hour the other.

In some cases, where prominently indicated, lycopodium 12d or mercurius vivus 30d are very good remedies. Sanguinaria nit. 6x is recommended and has proven to be a valuable adjunct to other remedies in many cases.

Depressants should be avoided as well as harsh physics. The recumbent position should be maintained as long as possible, especially in severe cases. Tonics and stimulants should be given as indicated. Any danger of paralysis can be met by argentum nit. 30d.

In all cases as the patient gradually improves give medicine at longer intervals and in smaller doses. Although with above treatment local applications are not necessary, at times they will assist the constitutional remedies, in which case papain (L. & F.) in glycerine with a little carbolic acid added is the best we can use. This can be applied to the parts every 2 to 3 hours to advantage.

Debility in General.

Argentum nit., carbo veg., China, gelsemium, helonias, kali carb., selenium, zincum met.


Lactic acid: With rheumatic pains in joints, great thirst and hunger. Urine profuse, with large quantity of sugar.
Natrum mur.: Hunger and intense thirst. Craving for salt and salty food. Eats well, but still emaciates.


Apocynum: In general dropsy. See part 1.
Acetic acid: With marked thirst. I
Arsenicum album: With marked thirst, but only drinks a little at a time.
Apis mel.: In general or local dropsy without thirst Swelling of lower eyelids.
Convallaria: In general dropsy, result of weak heart or heart trouble.
Digitalis: In general dropsy, result of weak heart or heart trouble.
Kali carb.: Mostly in anemic conditions with swelling of tipper eyelids.
Phosphorus: At times a valuable adjunct to control fatty degeneration. A few doses a week are sufficient.
Note: If dropsy is the result of portal obstruction, see ceanothus, carduus m., chelidonium and polymnia u. See part 1.


Calcarea ost.: If indicated, by temperament, etc., it is a fine remedy where we have the milk crust in children's eczema capitis.
Causticum: Eczema with rawness or soreness.
Cicuta virosa: Eczema pustules running together forming thick scab of yellowish color. Eczema capitis.
Croton tig.: Especially of scrotum where eruption itches intensely, but is so sensitive and sore to touch that patient cannot scratch. In such cases we think of above remedy.
Graphites: Eczema or eruptions oozing a thick honey like fluid.
Natrum mur.: Raw and inflamed, worse at edges of hair.
Petroleum, high potency best: Eczema or eruptions that are bad in winter and get better or well in summer. Slightest abrasion of the skin suppurates. Chilblains moist, burn and itch much in cold weather.
Rhus tox.: Eczema of vesicular type, itch very much and not much relieved by scratching. Burning, sometimes stinging.
Sulphur: Burning and itching.


Arsenicum album 12x: Where there is burning in stomach patient throws tip arms and finally falls down as if dead.
Belladonna 6d: Coming on from fright.
Causticum 15d: Right side mostly involved. Attacks come on generally in the night, generally after taking cold.
Chamomilla 3d: From anger. (To be used with other indicated remedies.)
Cicuta virosa 30d: Opisthotonos, spasm very violent and patient as violent as the spasm,
Cina 30d: If the attacks are the result of worms.
Cuprum met. 12x: Where the face is red, opisthotonos, generally comes on at menstrual period, spasm begins with twitching in fingers and toes, from this spreading over the body.
Hyoscyamus 3d: Face dark red or bluish, pupils dilated, deep sleep after the attack is over.
Ignatia am 3d: From grief or trouble. (To be used with other indicated remedies.)
Lachesis 30d: Left side mostly affected, confused mind before attack, impaired or loss of memory.
Oenanthe crocata 1d: Where there is rush of blood to the head, attack coming on suddenly without warning. A valuable remedy if continued for some time. If it produces headache reduce dose. If any nervousness is noticed before the attack give a few extra doses.
Pulsatilla 3d: Where face is pale and menses are suppressed.
Silica 12x: Those coming on at new moon and especially at night.
Stramonium 12d: If the attacks are very furious.
Sulphur 6x: If the attacks are the result of suppressed eruptions.
Solanum car.: Recommended in epilepsy; but especially in the female where the attack comes on at the menstrual period. It needs further investigation.
Teucrium marum 30d: If result of ascarides or growths in any part of the body of the nature. of a Polypus.


The remedy mostly indicated in the acute stage is cannabis sativa. Others that may be indicated may be alternated with above.

After the acute stage has passed and discharge be come thick and greenish mercurius 30d or pulsatilla 2d will generally correct the condition.

If a scanty, thin discharge remains sepia 12d, kali iodide 3x or sulphur 6x will correct.

If there is marked burning in gonorrhea in the latter stage, capsicum is to be remembered.

Involvement of the testicles, inflammation and swelling as a result or suppression of gonorrhea, pulsatilla or thuja oc. are the remedies.

In any tendency to stricture clematis erecta is a useful adjunct as well as for suppressed gonorrhea where testicles become large, swollen and hard.

As constitutional remedies to alternate with any of the above remedies tincture of echinacea and kali mur. 3x are very useful in fair sized doses. A much better and safer way to treat gonorrhea than by the old method of injecting. Do not give these remedies too often or too strong. If they increase trouble reduce dose ½ or more. A dose of medicine 2 to 3 times a day is sufficient.


Iodium: Give in small doses, high potency for a week, then discontinue for 2 or 3 weeks and again give for a week, etc.
Lapis albus: Give high potency and not too frequently. Especially indicated where there are burning and shooting pains.
Spongia tosta: In goitre where there is a sense of suffocation after awakening from sleep.

Hay Fever.

Arundo mauritanica 3d is claimed to be a fine remedy. Lachesis 200 p. is a good remedy. The 1000 or 2000p. often acts better.


Aesculus hip.: Feels as if rectum was filled with sticks. Hemorrhoids as a rule do not bleed; but there is great soreness, aching and pain in the back. As a rule no constipation.
Aloe: Rectum comes out like a bunch of grapes, color blue, itches intensely. Relieved by cold applications.
Antimonium crudum: Mucous hemorrhoids where there is a continual oozing of mucus, staining underwear.
Causticum: Swollen, itching, smarting rawness, stinging, burning, and soreness. Aggravated when walking, talking or thinking about them.
Collinsonia: Feels as if rectum was full of sticks; piles often bleed continually. Constipation with colic at times as a result.
Muriatic acid: Relieved by hot applications, very sore and sensitive to touch. Blue color of the hemorrhoids.
Nitric acid: They protrude, crack, bleed and are very sore. Severe pain after each stool.


Acid acetic: From every outlet of the body, the result of decomposition of the blood, a condition found in many forms of fevers, especially in the tropical regions.
Acid sulphuric: From all outlets of the body. There may form under the skin ecchymosed spots, showing that even the capillaries break down. Sense of internal trembling. Weak and prostrated condition of patient as a rule.
Alumina: Blood in large clots like pieces of liver, in typhoid.
Carbo veg.: In weak patients very much debilitated, pale even before hemorrhage. It appears as if tissues are not strong enough and are so relaxed as to let the blood ooze out. Collapse, "want to be fanned" condition.
Ipecac: Active hemorrhage from any outlet of body. Blood bright red and profuse.
Phosphorus:. In purpura hemorrhagica. The blood so broken down that it will not clot.
Sabina: Uterine hemorrhages worse from motion, coming on in paroxysms with pain running from back to pubes. Feels better in open or cold air.
Secale cor.: Useful in passive hemorrhage from all outlets of the body and especially useful in weak, thin and scrawny women with lax muscular fibers. Although cold to touch they cannot bear to be covered.

Locomotor Ataxia.

Alumina, argentum nit., causticum, conium in., phosphorus, silica. Any of the above remedies if indicated may be of service in this trouble.

Mind Symptoms in General.

Absence of mind: Anacardium o., kreosotum, lachesis, mercurius, natrum mur.
Anxiety, spells of: Aconite, arsenicum album, belladonna, chamomilla, ignatia am., nux vomica, pulsatilla.
Contradiction, tendency to: Causticum, ferrum acetate or met.
Contradiction internal, mental: Anacardium o.
Cowardice: As a result of sickness or nervous condition: Baryta carb.
Cross and ugly: Chamomilla, cina, colocynthis, nux vomica, staphisagria.
Depressed remedies: Causticum, cocculus ind., pulsatilla, sepia, silica.
Fear of death: When physical symptoms disappear mind symptoms appear and vice versa. Changeable, moody, gay or sad: Platina.
Fear of death, especially in fevers: Aconite.
Fitful, changing moods and dispositions: Aconite, crocus sativus, ignatia am., platina.
Hypochondriasis: Anacardium o., aurum, argentum nit., conium m., eupatorium perf., kali brom., natrum mur., nux vomica, phosphoric acid, spongia t., staphisagria.
Globus hystericus: Asafetida, belladonna, ignatia am., lachesis, platina, sepia.
Memory, loss of: Anacardium o., baryta carb., lycopodium, natrum mur., sulphur.
Thoughts, vanishing: Camphor, cannabis ind., lachesis, nux moschata (nutmeg).
Weak memory in general from fatigue of mental labor: Aurum, calcium, lachesis, natrum mur., nux vomica, phosphoric acid, pulsatilla, silica.
Headache or other conditions aggravated by the least mental exertion: Argentum nit., natrum carb., sabadilla. Mind symptoms:
Aconite: Fear of death, attacks of anxiety. Anger, the result of fright or fear. Conditions resulting from fright or fear.
Anacardium orientale: Loss of memory, especially in old people that are broken down in health. There is desire to curse and swear, which they cannot resist. Patient seems to have two wills; one will command him to do one thing, the other, another.
Antimonium crudum: Child cross, does not want to be touched or even looked at, will cry and scream at every little attention paid to it. This applies to grown people to some extent. In grown people there may be a tendency to commit suicide, the result of digestive wrongs.
Argentum nit.: The sight of high houses makes patient dizzy, often makes him stagger. It appears to him that the houses on both sides of the street lean toward him or are about to approach and crush him. He dreads to pass a street corner for fear that he will run against the corner of a house, as it seems to project so far. Is very impulsive, cannot help but walk fast. Hurried feeling; this may be result of wrongs of the sexual organs.
Arsenicum album: Mental and physical restlessness is very marked, still is too weak to toss about; a feeling as if there is no hope, it is useless to take medicine. Wants to continually change places even if there is no pain, can't keep still, wants to be moved or if strong enough walks about.
Marked anxiety, restlessness and weakness. May be a tendency to commit suicide but hesitates. Much anxiety nights.
Aurum met.: This remedy is indicated where there is a strong tendency to commit suicide. Patients look at the dark side of life, will weep and pray and think that they are not fit for this world. Patient is in despair, life seems to be a burden and death seems to be the only relief: Suicide is continually in their minds. In men this mental condition is often connected with liver trouble and in women with uterine trouble. Religious melancholy with a desire to die or commit suicide.
Baptisia: Weak, drowsy, mind confused and senses so blunted that patient will fall asleep before be can answer a question, or may fall asleep in the middle of an answer. As condition goes on he mutters, tosses about trying to get himself together as he feels as if he is scattered all over the bed. This is a typhoid condition.
Belladonna: In acute diseases with wild delirium, patient imagines he sees wild animals, insects, etc., laughs, screams, gnashes teeth, bites and strikes, wants to run away, is afraid of imaginary things. Hard to control. This where blood rushes to the head. In other general conditions sensitive to cold, wants head wrapped up, gets cold from having hair cut or head uncovered. Belladonna patients often have attacks of anxiety.
Causticum: Melancholy, sadness, looks on the dark side of life. Hopelessness. This melancholy disposition may be the result of sorrow, grief, anxiety, and care; of trouble, business or worry. This disposition may be alternated with an irritable or hysterical condition.
Chamomilla: Feels mean, cross, snappish, but cannot help it. For conditions the result of anger this is a splendid remedy, The child is cross, wants things only to reject them if handed. In adults we find that they are cross, ugly, snappish and even spiteful. Patient knows it, admits his fault, begs pardon, promises not to act so any more: only to repeat the offense.
Cimicifuga: Nervous symptoms, chilliness without coldness, fainting, talk uninterrupted, changing subject often. There is a gloomy disposition, sighs, and feels grieved and troubled. Thinks that he will lose his reason.
Coffea cruda: Nervous conditions calling for coffea cruda are that all senses are more acute than normal. Activity of body and mind, full of fancies and plans for the future, quick to act; smell, taste and touch all are more acute than usual. There is sleeplessness on that account. In pain, cannot bear pain, there is great anguish. If in coffee drinkers we would have to give chamomilla.
Crocus sativus: Patient is alternately cheerful or depressed, hysterical. Sings, dances, jumps, laughs, loves and wants to kiss everybody as Nash says. Again when depressed cries, often flies into a fit of rage, abuses and is uncivil to friends. Sensation as if there was something hopping in the chest, stomach or uterus, which latter is many times mistaken for pregnancy.
Helleborus niger: In severe acute diseases Head rolls from side to side, patient is stupid, there are cold sweats; motion of jaws as if chewing; pupils dilated and patient often cannot be made to see or hear. Continual motion of one arm and leg while other arm and leg lie as if paralyzed. Great thirst, wants water. There is great indication for helleborus in such desperate conditions.
Hyoscyamus: In acute delirium where there is stupid muttering; there may be occasionally an outbreak of violence, I but if so it does not last long as patient is too weak. Face pale and sunken. Any wild delirium decreases gradually, on account of weakness, until it often ends in unconsciousness. Tongue dry, mind blurred, cannot answer questions correctly or does not hear them, stares, looks around but sees nothing, eyes wide or half open. Picks at or grasps at something in the air, picks at bed clothes, lower jaw drops, teeth covered with sordes, bowels move involuntarily and the urine passes away involuntarily. A picture of a desperate typhoid condition, scarlet fever or typhoid pneumonia, in which it is a good remedy. In mania or mania after acute d!elirium it is a good remedy, where patient is very suspicious, thinks lie is to be poisoned, on that account does not want to take medicine. Thinks there is a plot against him, is jealous or thinks the attack is caused by jealously. Patient will expose him or herself, and talk and sing amorously. May be tendency to suicide after grief, trouble or a fit of anger.
Ignatia am.: Sadness and silent grieving. Suppressed grief, sobbing, long drawn sighs with tendency to hide grief from others. Patient desires to be alone with grief. Weak, faint and all gone feeling in the stomach Changeable mood in hysterical subjects who may be merry and full of joy suddenly followed by sadness with tears and a general melancholy condition. Being so easily impressed patient is easily frightened. Therefore good in effects of fright. Especially a remedy for nervous conditions in hysterical subjects of the female sex. Useful in angry and irritable moods the result of grief, trouble or a fit of anger in which case there may be a tendency to commit suicide. Attacks of anxiety at times.
Lachesis: Alternate action of the mind, excitation and depression is the most important indication for this remedy. There is abnormal mental activity and perceptibility. Talks very freely but changes subjects rapidly; jumps from one idea to another. When depression is present we find that the memory is weak, there is confusion of time, makes mistakes when writing. Delirium may be present at night, patient muttering; drowsy; face red; speech difficult and lower jaw dropped down. Patient feels very sad, distressed and depressed in mind. This condition is worse on awakening in the morning or in fact from awakening from sleep at any time. These symptoms may be found in acute and chronic cases, very often in chronic alcoholism, run down conditions and at t!he climateric. Circulation of lachesis patient is very uncertain, there may be rush of blood to head or anemia of the brain.
Natrum carb.: Unable to think or do mental labor without headache, vertigo or stupefaction. Headache worse by light or sunlight. Sadness, oversensitive to noise, especially music.
Natrum mur.: Patient is aggravated by consolation and comforting.
Nux moschata (nutmeg): Absence of mind, must collect his thoughts before he can answer a simple question. There is stupor and unconquerable desire to sleep. Thoughts vanish while talking, reading or writing. May suddenly change from deepest sorrow to joy. Now gay, then again grave. Weakness and loss of memory. Excessive dryness of mouth. Fainting easily.
Nux vomica, Hypochondriasis; gloomy disposition, easily roused from this condition to anger or becomes irritable. Oversensitive, easily offended; when excited to anger is spiteful and even mean. Desire to commit suicide after grief, trouble or fit of anger. Nux vomica patients often have attacks of anxiety or worry a great deal.
Phosphorus: Anxiety and restlessness precede other conditions. Therefore indicated in irritations of the brain and nervous system which if not checked may result in severe disease or even softening of brain. Patient fears to be alone, afraid in the dark, in thunder storm, in the woods, etc. In brain softening or latter stage-of brain or nerve trouble. May be indifferent or refuse to talk or talk very slowly; cannot think clearly, cannot study, ideas come too slowly or not at all. Sometimes patient becomes amative or exposes him or herself shamelessly.. Empty , gone feeling in the stomach, in fact in the whole abdomen.
Phosphoric acid: Feeling of heavy weight on vertex or pain in occiput. Prostration and marked despair. May be in severe disease such as typhoid or other conditions, or from emotion. The depression is almost stupefying. Is weak and feels exhausted, does not care to talk but wants to be left alone. So weak as to want to lie down whenever possible. These conditions may be the result of overstrain, bodily or mentally or result of onanism or sexual excesses. This remedy is also often indicated and of value in young people who grow too fast. In tall and slim subjects.
Pulsatilla: Mild, yielding disposition. Cries, is sad and weeps over almost everything. Gloomy disposition; feels blue. Pulsatilla temperament is the fair subject; with light hair, eyes blue, face pale, and is inclined to always look at the dark side of life and often has attacks of anxiety. There may be a desire to commit suicide but patient fears death.
Rhus tox.: Aggravation when quiet. In fevers dry or dark tongue with red edges. Stupefaction and delirium mild but persistent. Patient tosses around without knowing what is going on around. May answer question correctly but will not remember afterwards. Nervous restlessness. May be tendency to commit suicide with a marked restless and stupid condition.
Sepia: Sad and cries frequently not knowing the reason why. This generally in uterine troubles but applies to other conditions as well. This remedy as we see has similar indications to pulsatilla, however it differs in this: there being no sign of brain lesion or dementia; the patient will lose interest in comfort, family, occupation, household and even those she loves; which is contrary to her usual habits.
Staphisagria: Sudden outburst of passion, feels dissatisfied with what he or others have done and continually worries about the future. Becomes indignant; at the table he pushes things away as if they were in his way. Often what he handles he will throw away indignantly. There is oversensitiveness to impression, the least word seems wrong and hurts him. A hypochondriacal disposition, memory weak, all of which are often the result of disappointments, sleeplessness, sexual excesses, insults that were not earned or of continually having the mind on sexual subjects. Anger with indignation.
Stramonium: The most prominent delirium, remedy. Raving of the worst kind. Sing, whistle, grin, laugh, scream, pray or swear and are loquacious. Patient throws him or herself in all kinds of shapes, stiffens, rolls up in a ball, turns in all directions, jerks head from pillow. Everything looks crooked or oblique to him and we can thus see that the condition is a pitiable one. This may be followed by loss of senses, dilated pupils, loss of speech, sweats without relief and death, if not checked by this remedy. It is the remedy in the most wildly loquacious conditions, as Nash states. Patient wants to escape, feels as if lost. Face very red and often bloated. There may be present a desire to commit suicide with marked anxiety, delirium and restlessness.! Feeling as if head, legs or body were greatly enlarged or. expanded. Wants light; fears solitude. There may be fear of or aversion to water or fluids.
Thuja: Thinks a certain person was beside him; has an idea that soul and body are separate; thinks body, but especially the limbs, were made of glass, therefore thinks legs will break. Feels as if there was a living animal in the abdomen. Insane women will not be approached or touched. Think they are under the influence of a superior power. Has an idea a strange person is beside him or her.
Veratrum album: There is a mania with desire to tear and cut anything they, get hold of; but especially clothes. Their talk is lewd, lascivious, amorous, religious. Patient is very loquacious and religious. Face pale, sunken or hippocratic with general weakness. There may be violent mania alternating with disposition to be quiet; but if aggravated will scold, call names, and find fault with others. These may be in acute or chronic cases. The result of suppressed menses in women or any other cause. Sick of life, desire to commit suicide, with cold extremities or cold sweats or both. Useful in effects of fright or tear.

Orifices of the Body.

Graphites: In eczematous conditions or fissures of the orifices of the body.
Natrum mur.: In cracked and fissured orifices where mucous membrane joins skin.
Nitric acid: In cracked and fissured orifices where mucous membrane joins skin.
Sulphur: Red and burning, acrid discharge from all orifices of the body, causing redness and burning.
Thuja oc.: In warts near orifices or any other place.


Antimonium tartaricum: Much accumulation of mucus with coarse, rattling, filling tip but unable or too weak to raise. May feel drowsy.
Cina: As a general remedy, better where there are worm symptoms.
Corallium rub.: Continual hacking during day, severe paroxysms during the night. Given a few times a day it may often abort the trouble when child has been exposed.
Cuprum met.: Twitching, get stiff and may become unconscious.
Drosera: Barking cough, feeling of constriction in chest.
Ipecac: Suffocating cough, child will become blue in the face.
Magnesium phos.: For spasms, to be given whenever there is marked spasm or one is expected.
Sambucus nig.: Gets blue in face as if suffocating.
Solanum car.: Take Lloyd's specific solanum drachm one-half; glycerine and water of each two ounces. Of this one teaspoonful 2 to 3 times a day or in severe spasm of cough. If it causes dullness or drowsiness reduce dose. A very good remedy.

Prostration, Collapse, Cyanosis, Dyspnea, Stupor or Want of Reaction and Desperate Conditions.

Arnica: Feels sore and bruised all over, stupor from which patient can be aroused only momentarily. Dark streak along center of tongue. Urine and stool pass away involuntarily. Breath fetid. Face dark red.
Arsenicum album: Especially in latter stage of inflammatory fevers, marked prostration and restlessness. Too weak to move; but wants to be changed from one position to another almost continually. Symptoms aggravated about midnight. Although anxious about condition feels hopeless as to recovery. May be burning sensation.
Baptisia: Prostration, mind confused, drowsy, may be in a stupor from which he may be only momentarily aroused. Feels sore all over, bed feels too hard, feels about to gather himself together, moves almost continually to. get easier. Stool and sweat very offensive. Face dark red and at times puffed up. Dark streak along center of tongue. In fact a picture of typhoid condition.
Camphor: Sudden and marked prostration. Cold all over, still cannot bear to be covered.
Carbo veg.: Vital forces almost exhausted, patient lies as if dead and is indifferent to everything going on around him. Pulse faint and thready and may be slow or rapid. Breath may be cold, legs often covered with cold sweats. So weak as to be in a "want to be fanned condition" in order to breathe. Facies hippocratica, in these desperate conditions carbo veg. 12x will often save life where all other means would fail. Hemorrhage from any surface of the body of dark blood which is in such a broken down condition that if will not clot.
Digitalis: Cyanosis or dyspnea worse lying down. Pulse slow, irregular and may be intermittent.
Helleborus niger: Head rolls from side to side. There is a marked degree of stupidity, still may scream at times. Forehead wrinkled and covered with cold sweat. Arm and leg on one side move continually while, arm and leg on other side lie as if paralyzed. Urine scanty with coffee ground sediment, may be suppression of urine. All these symptoms are often found in brain complication in severe diseases.
Laurocerasus: Dyspnea or cyanosis worse sitting up.
Muriatic acid: Sliding towards the foot of the bed from general weakness, moaning and dropping of lower jaw. Tongue shrunken, pulse is weak and intermittent. Stool and urine pass involuntarily. Hemorrhage if present is dark but blood- is. not clotted. It shows that blood is broken down. A picture which we often see in typhoid conditions.
Psorium: Dyspnea or cyanosis worse sitting up.
Sambucus nig.: Cyanotic condition can inspire freely but expire only with difficulty.
Senega: Labored breathing, asthmatic or suffocating spells.
Tartar emetic: Great drowsiness and prostration, even coma. Face pale or cyanotic.
Valerian: If of nervous origin and the indicated remedy fails as a result.
Veratrum album: Collapse, fainting or great prostration with cold sweat on forehead. May be cold all over with clammy perspiration.

Rheumatism and Sciatica.

Antimonium crud.: Chronic rheumatism where feet are covered with corns and callosities, which are tender, can hardly walk on them on account of tenderness. With tongue indication.
Arsenicum album: Sciatica worse at midnight, 1 to 3 A. M.
Cactus g.: Pain goes downward in rheumatism.
Calcium phos.: Rheumatism aggravated in spring and fall. In cold, damp air, especially from melting snow.
Causticum: Chronic rheumatism, drawing and tearing pain in legs or joints; stiffness in sacrum when rising from chair, dull, drawing pain in hands and arms. Worse in open air; better in bed. Also useful in inflammatory rheumatism. Condition aggravated in clear weather and decreased in damp weather.
China: Every other day aggravation.
Colocynthis: Sciatica pain extends from hip down posterior portion of thigh into popliteal fossa. Decrease of pain on lying on affected side.
Ferrum met.: Worse in wet weather, drives patient but of bed. Rheumatism in right deltoid muscle.
Kali bichrom.: Pain does not stay long in one place nor is there a tendency to swelling.
Kali sulph.: Wandering rheumatic pains.
Kalmia l.: Pain goes downward, shifts suddenly.
Lac caninum: Pain alternates sides, one day one side is worse, next day the other side, etc.
Ledum p.: In chronic, patient is generally unnaturally cold. Warmth aggravates. condition, cold seems to relieve. Begins in feet and goes upward.
In acute pain begins in feet and travels upwards. Swelling is white, worse at night and hot. Covering tip nights makes it worse. Cold relieves.
Lithium carbonicum: Rheumatic soreness in cardiac region, violent pain in heart when bending over. Pains in heart when urinating or at menstrual period. Swelling with redness of small joints.
Manganum: Pain shifts crosswise from joint to joint.
Mercurius: Sweat does not relieve pains; may make them worse.
Phytolacca: In sciatica the pain runs down the outer side of limb.
Silica: Patient cold, lacks animal heat, aggravated at night, warmth ameliorates pain in legs and feet.
Sticta p.: Rheumatism of knee joints, it is of value..
Valerian: In some forms of rheumatism this is a valuable adjunct.
Veratrum album: Worse in wet weather, drives patient out of bed; if indicated otherwise. Pain so severe as to sometimes drive patient to delirium.
Marked wandering pains or erratic pains: Kali bichrom., kali sulph., lac caninum, pulsatilla. As a general remedy for rheumatism to add to other indicated remedies or alternate with same, fluid extract of rhamnus californica, one drachm to 2 ounces of water is a very good remedy. For particulars see rheumatism in part I.

Reproductive Wrongs of Female.

Before going into the general symptomatology of wrongs of the reproductive organs in the female sex I wish to call attention to a few causes of congested or engorged ovaries and uterus, which are often overlooked. Engorgement and congestion of the ovaries and uterus are often the result of the abuse of harsh physics, especially if the patient is in the general habit of taking them. Emmenagogues so extensively used are another cause which is to be deplored. The corset is another cause and the medical profession should step in and see that laws are passed to prohibit the use and sale of corsets. In coition, continued excitement without performing of function, in other words without orgasm is quite often the cause of congested ovaries. Masturbation is another w!s28 ell known cause. Cancers of uterus from various local irritations. Cancers or tumors of the mammae from pressure of corsets.

Ovaries: Inflammation in general of the ovaries, remedies most often indicated are: Aconite, apis mel., arsenicum album, belladonna or bryonia. However at times cantharides, lachesis or mercurius are indicated.
Trouble arising in the left ovary: Lachesis, lilium tigrinum, ustilago.
Trouble arising in the right ovary: Apis mel., belladonna, bryonia, Lycopodium, podophyllum.
Pain in ovaries ameliorated by lying on painful side, the pain sharp and cutting: Bryonia.
Pain sharp, cutting, stinging in ovaries, ovarian dropsy: Apis mel.
Pain in left ovary, aching, burning, ovaries hard and swollen and very sore to the touch: Ustilago.
Pain in ovaries, sharp cutting, extending across abdomen, also down left thigh: Lilium tigrinum.
Pain burning in ovaries, if indicated: Cantharides.
Pain in right ovary running down thigh of same side, ovarian tumors with this indication have disappeared by the use of: Podophyllum.
Arnica: Bruised, sore feeling in uterus, cannot walk erect.
Belladonna: Pressure downward in vulva as if it would come out, aggravated in the morning. Pain in back as if it would break.
Conium m.: Scirrhous affections of uterus, ovaries or breasts with burning, darting or stinging pain.
Graphites: Lumps in breasts. Hard cicatrix in breasts from abscess. These can be softened and absorbed by graphites, if indicated.
Kreosotum: Ulcers on uterus, tendency to uterine hemorrhages. The hemorrhages are intermittent, may be leucorrhea.
Lilium tigrinum: Sensation of constriction of heart, weight as if the pelvic contents would press out. Menses flow only when moving about. Pain and fluttering of the heart. Frequent desire to urinate. Reflex irritation in bladder, rectum or urethra. Hurried feeling, Pain in left ovary running down left thigh, often with numbness in leg. In nymphomania.
Murex purpurea: Excessive sexual desire. Sinking sensation in stomach and bearing down pressure. Uterus feels sore and tender. Sexual desire brought on by the least contact of parts.
Platina: Excessive sexual desire in virgins and others. Mental and physical symptoms alternate. Pruritis vulvae worse on sitting.
Pulsatilla: Pale face, headache, nausea, vomiting, or stitches in the side, before, during or after menses. Menses scanty and too late. Frequent desire to urinate during or after menses. Gastralgia before menses. Despondent and blue, cries often without knowing why.
Sepia: Aversion to sexual intercourse. No desire. Labor-like bearing down pain coming on from back, going to abdomen. Flashes of heat with perspiration and weakness. Hands hot and feet cold or vice versa. Tearful mind and loss of interest in house and home, etc. In ulceration of the os uteri it is a fine remedy.
Staphisagria: Cauliflower excrescence on os uteri or female genitals.
As a general sexual sedative in masturbation, nymphomania and to tone the organs to normal condition, 4 drachms of Lloyd's specific salix nigra aments to 4 ounces of water and a teaspoonful 3 to 4 times a day is our best remedy, especially if result of local irritation. If more of mental than local irritation, 10 drops of pulsatilla should be added to above. Locally in nymphomania a 50% solution of tincture of calendula applied to clitoris whenever the desire cannot be controlled is very effective to relieve the temporary condition as well as assist the internal treatment.
Coition: Increased desire.: Cantharides, china, murex P., nux vomica, platina, veratrum album, zincum met.
Disposition to coition in females: Hyoscyamus, kali, kreosotum, murex p., sabina, sulphuric acid.
Absence of or retarded enjoyment during same: Berberis vul., ferrum, ferrum mur.
Painful: Berberis vul., ferrum mur., kreosotum.
Repugnance to: Causticum, kali, natrum mur., petroleum.
Conception taking place very easily: Mercurius, natrum.
Abdomen enlarged in women who have born many children: Aurum met., aurum mur., belladonna, fraxinus am., helonias, phosphorus, sepia.
Abdomen enlarged in girls at puberty: Calcium phos., graphites, lachesis, sulphur.
Excoriating of the genitals: Carbo veg., graphites, kreosotum, mercurius, nitric acid, rhus tox., sepia, staphisagria.
Genital hair falling out: Mercurius, nitric acid, sassafras.
Genitals, sensation of heat in: Sulphuric acid.
Inflammation and swelling of vulva: Belladonna, bryonia, carbo veg., mercurius' sepia, sulphur.
Itching of vulva: Carbo veg., kreosotum, nitric acid, natrum sulph., platina, sepia, sulphur, tarantula hisp.
Ulcers on the vulva: Graphites, nitric acid, mercurius, sepia.
Uterus, burning in: Bryonia.
Uterus, sensation of dryness in: Murex p.
Vagina: Dryness of vagina: Belladonna, lycopodium.
—inflammation of: Mercurius.
—chronic burning in: Sulphur.


Painful in general: Belladonna, cimicifuga, cocculus ind., crocus s., gelsemium, ignatia am., magnesium phos., platina, pulsatilla, veratrum album.
Pain in back during: Ammonium mur., belladonna, causticum, lycopodium, phosphorus.
Pain bearing down during: Belladonna, china, conium m., nux moschata (nutmeg), platina, sepia.
Pain in back with suppression: Arsenicum album.
Pain in mammae before menses, aggravated by walking, pain is of a burning, stinging or darting nature: Conium m.
Pain or soreness in mammae, with swelling before menses: Calcium.
Pain in stomach before or during menses: Lachesis, magnesium phos., nux moschata (nutmeg), pulsatilla, sulphur, viburnum opulus.
Abdomen, distention of during menses: Berberis vul., cocculus ind., kreosotum, zincum met.
Epistaxis before menses: Lachesis, sulphur, veratrum album.
During menses: Natrum sulph., sepia, sulphur.
—With suppressed menses: Bryonia, phosphorus.
Face bloated during menses: China.
Fainting during menses: Berberis vul., ignatia am., nux vomica.
Feels better during menstruation than at other times: Zincum met.
Feet swelling during menses: Graphites, lycopodium.
Headache before menses: Calcium phos., carbo veg., conium in., cuprum met., ferrum acetate, lachesis, natrum carb., natrum mur., nux moschata (nutmeg), sulphur, veratrum album.
Headache during: Borax v., calcium phos., carbo veg., graphites, hyoscyamus, ignatia am., lycopodium, magnesium carb., natrum mur., natrum sulph., nux vomica, lachesis, phosphorus., platina, pulsatilla, sulphur, veratrum album.
Headache after: Lachesis, natrum mur., pulsatilla.
Heat in genitals before menses: Kreosotum, mercurius, nitric acid, rhus tox.
—During menses: Calcium phos., ignatia am.
Irritable before or during menses: Conium in., kreosotum, natrum mur., platina, sulphur.
Melancholy before menses: Causticum, natrum mur., lycopodium, stannum met.
Melancholy during: Pulsatilla, sepia.
Spasms, hysterical before: Hyoscyamus, kreosotum. During: Lachesis, pulsatilla.
Sensation of fullness in pit of stomach during menses: Daphne ind., digitalis, lycopodium, phosphorus, sulphur.
Stomach, fullness of, during menses which appears to obstruct respiration: Natrum sulph., nux moschata (nutmeg).
Swelling in pit of stomach during: Aconite, arsenicum album, calcium phos., causticum, hepar sulph., lycopodium, natrum mur.
Sensation of heat in pit of stomach during: Bryonia, sabadilla.
Urination, frequent desire before: Phosphorus, sulphur. During: Hyoscyamus, pulsatilla. After: Pulsatilla.
Yawning frequent during day time, coldness of left lower leg. Weariness of lower limbs. Unable to sleep at menstrual time: Agaricus.

For hysterical symptoms, see mind symptoms.

Menstrual Period, Colic or Cramps.

Cimicifuga racemosa: Pain in back to hips and then down along the thighs.
Caulophyllum: Intermittent and spasmodic pain Screams with pain. Internal trembling.
Chamomilla: Menstrual colic following anger. Laborlike pains begin in back and pass oft inner side of thigh or press upwards.
Cocculus ind.: Great distention of abdomen, griping, cramping pain. Flow scanty or becomes scantier. Depression. May be empty feeling.
Coffea: Black clots with almost unbearable pains. If this does not correct see chamomilla.
Cuprum met.: Spasm from bodily exhaustion from overexertion. Begins in fingers and toes and spreads generally.
Magnesium mur.: Flow worse at night, very painful, accompanied by severe cramps, so severe as to throw patient into hysterical spasms at times.
Magnesium phos.: Cramp-like pain. Hot application ameliorates pain.
Pulsatilla: Menses stop and flow. Painful menstruation with marked restlessness, suppressed menses from chilling or getting feet wet. Menses too late and scanty. Feels better in the open, cool air.
Sabadilla: Cramps or flatulence with red spots forming on abdomen at times.
Viburnum opulus: Pains beginning in back, radiating to loins and ending in cramps in uterus, especially if of neuralgic nature.

Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia.

Bovista: Flow worse in bed at night. Generally profuse.
Calcarea carb.: Too early and profuse, generally in spare subjects.
Calcarea ost.: Profuse menses, especially in fleshy subjects, inclined to obesity, generally menses are too early.
Capsella bursa pastoris: In persistent metrorrhagia from general weakness and weakness in lining membrane of uterus as well as capillaries, the least exertion bringing on the flow. Condition as above are often the result of abortion; 1 or 2 drops of the mother tincture in water 2 to 4 times a day is average dose.
Carbo animalis: Flow weakens patient so she can hardly walk, especially in delicate women; may be too long or too early or both.
Carbo veg.: Flow weakens much, may be "want to be fanned" condition.
Caulophyllum: Bearing down pain (pain in fingers) blood dark, liquid. Also in passive hemorrhages.
Cimicifuga: Marked pressing down pain in back, through hips down to thighs. Sharp uterine pain darting to either or both sides.
Ferrum met. or acetate: Anemic condition, with rush of blood to head. Menses too soon and too profuse and last too long, with marked red face, ringing in the ears, flow watery and weakening.
Lac caninum: If throat and breasts get sore at period. Menses flow in great gushes only.
Magnesium carb.: Blood black and offensive, stains napkin. Hard to clean.
Nux vomica: A few days too early and at times lasts too long. Copious.
Platina: Too profuse, black and clotted blood. Genitals excessively sensitive to touch. Changing mood, gay and sad.
Sabina: Marked hemorrhage comes in paroxysms. Pain from back to pubes.
Secale cor.: Coldness of surface of body, but cannot bear to be covered. Best adapted to feeble women with lax muscles. Motion increases hemorrhage.
Ustilago: More irritation and pain in ovaries. Especially at climateric.

Menstrual Irregularities.

Menses flow all night: Bovista, ammonium mur.
Flow only when moving about: Lilium tigrinum.
Flow only at night or when lying down: Magnesium carb.
Vicarious menstruation: Bryonia, phosphorus.
Menses before proper age: Calcium, calcium phos., carbo veg., china, cocculus ind., sabina, silica, veratrum album.
Irregular: Ferrum, phosphorus, pulsatilla, secale cor., sepia, sulphur.
Recurring too. early every time: Calcium phos., carbo an., ignatia am., kreosotum, nux vomica, sabadilla, secale cor.
Recurring too late: Phosphorus, pulsatilla, sepia. Suppressed from Cold:
Antimonium crud.: Caused by cold bath or baths.
Dulcamara: From getting cold in change of warm to cold weather.
Pulsatilla: From getting feet wet or chilled.
Suppressed from fright: Aconite, coffea, ignatia am., lycopodium, veratrum album.


Aconite: Especially if from fright or inflammatory condition.
Antimonium crud.: Caused by cold bath or baths.
Arsenicum album: With pain in back and loins.
Bryonia: Bursting headache. Epistaxis in place of menses.
Kali carb.: Weak, anemic, skin milky white, weakness, pain in lumbar region. Swelling of upper eyelid. May bloat in face.
Phosphorus: If menses do not appear there may be epistaxis or bleeding of the lungs.
Pulsatilla: From getting wet feet, or chilled feet. Weeping disposition, wants to be comforted.
Veratrum album: Mental symptoms as a result, if indicated.


Cocculus ind.: Scanty and get scantier, changing at times to leucorrheal discharge. Weakness and depression.
Graphites: Scanty and too late.
Kali carb.: Weak and anemic, skin milky white, weak, pain in lumbar region. Swelling of upper eyelids. Bloat in face.
Natrum mur.: Weak, anemic, throbbing headache, palpitation of heart. Shortness of breath; despondent, weeping disposition, comforting aggravates feeling.
Pulsatilla: Scanty and delayed, changeable, stop and flow.
Caladium, calcium, causticum, kreosotum, lobelia, mercurius, nitric acid, platina, sepia, staphisagria, sulphur, tarantula his., thuja oc.
Mechanical displacement of uterus: Secale cornutum.


Flushes of heat, if indicated: Sulphuric acid.
Flushes of heat, sudden: Lachesis.
Flushes of heat, in climateric, if indicated, especially with heat in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands: ,Sanguinaria can.

Cancers of Breast and Uterus.

Carbo an.: Hard nodular mammary tumors; swelling in axillary, mammary or inguinal region, especially in those that are subject to glandular swelling.
Conium m.: If from a blow or injury. (Hard and heavy feeling.) Pain may be darting, stinging or burning.
Graphites: Nodular breast tumors. Lumps in breasts. Hard and old cicatrices, the result of abscesses of the breasts, will soften and disappear by the use of this remedy.
Kreosotum: Uterus hard , bleeds easily, but changes off-bleeds easily, then stops, etc. Mammae hard, bluish red, covered with protuberances.
Lachesis: Bluish nature, very sensitive to touch, if open bleeds easy, latter giving temporary relief. Marked blueness or swelling. Blue any part of the body or in mouth, uterus, etc.
Lapis albus: Tumors and cancers in general, with burning pain.
Ova testa 3x: Pain of cancer, of mammae and uterus.
Tarantula cub.: Bluish swelling, very painful.


Thick, bland and yellowish green: Carbo veg., pulsatilla,, sepia, stannum met.
Greenish: Carbo veg., lycopodium, nitric acid, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sepia, sulphur.
Discharge thin, afterwards becomes thicker and more bland, worse in night:, Mercurius.
Viscid, stringy: Hydrastis, iris v., kali bichrom.
Jelly-like discharge, gringy: Aloe, kali bichrom.
Thin, watery, burning discharge: Arsenicum album, natrum mur.
Sticky: Graphites.
Corrosive: Arsenicum album, iodium , kreosotum, mercurius, natrum mur., sulphur, sulphuric acid.
Acrid, corrosive, leucorrhea, chronic, so sharp as to eat holes in linen: Iodium.
Corrosive, putrid leucorrhea, staining linen yellow. Parts it comes in contact with itch, burn; scratching only increases inflammation: Kreosotum.
Profuse, as if menstruating, running down to heels at times: Alumina.
Suppressed: Sabina.
Starchy, with sensation of warm water running down: Borax v.
Offensive discharge, fetid odor: Asafetida, baptisia, china, kreosotum, nitric acid, psorium.
Purulent: Calcium, kreosotum,, mercurius, sabina, sepia.
Brown: Ammonium mur., nitric acid.
Cervical: Hydrastis, phytolacca.
Bloody: Arsenicum album, carbo veg., china, ferrum acetate, nitric acid, sepia, sulphuric acid.
Burning: Arsenicum album, kreosotum, sulphuric acid.
Itching: Kreosotum, mercurius, sepia.
Smarting: Conium m., ferrum, hepar sulph., lachesis, mercurius, phosphorus, sepia, sulphur.
Syphilitic: Mercurius, nitric acid, thuja oc.
Leucorrhea before menstruation: Baryta carb., calcium phos., carbo veg, china, kreosotum, lachesis.
After: Bovista, phosphoric acid, pulsatilla, ruta g., sabina.
Leucorrhea in general, discharge profuse, pain in ovaries; ova testa 2x or 3x 1 or 2 tablets before retiring, acts favorably.
With marked prostration, periodical headache, flushed, face, weak, but cannot remain quiet: Onosmodium v.
Pregnant women, bloody discharge during the time if no other remedies are indicated we may think of: Kali, phosphorus, rhus tox.
Toothache, suffering from, as a result, is often benefited by: Magnesium carb.
Pruritis vaginae: Caladium is useful or any of the other remedies indicated in pruritis of the vagina or vulva.

Pregnancy, Vomiting In.

Aconite: Elevation of temperature, restlessness and where the os uteri shows active irritation, color bright red as a result.
Arsenicum album: Where there is restlessness, but almost too weak to move, burning in stomach showing considerable gastric disturbances.
Belladonna: Where os uteri is more of bluish color, showing congestion.
Bryonia: With dizziness, especially on rising from bed.
Ipecac: Persistent nausea, vomiting does not relieve.
Nux Moschata (nutmeg): Where mouth is very dry, especially nights.
Nux vomica: In some cases this is useful, if indicated.
Sepia: Smell. of food causes nausea and vomiting. Empty and gone feeling in stomach.

In Nursing Women.

Milk scanty or suppressed: Bryonia, phytolacca, pulsatilla.
If there are brain symptoms: Belladonna.
With much fever: Aconite.
Milk, too much: Calcarea carb., iodium, phosphorus.
If there is general weakness:. China.

Early Signs of Pregnancy.

It is claimed by many that the earliest signs of pregnancy are dilated pupils, Pulse high, about 102 or little below or above, and marked throbbing of the abdominal aorta.

Reproductive Wrongs of Male Sex.

As a general sexual sedative where the irritation is in the sexual organs themselves, spermatorrhea, etc., our best remedy is Lloyd's specific salix nigra aments 4 drachms in 4 ounces of water, 1 teaspoonful 2 to 4 times a day as the case demands.
If condition is one more of the mind than due to local causes 10 drops of pulsatilla should be added to above.

Acetic acid: Prostatic fluid oozes when sleeping, walking, sitting or at stool. In this condition where weakness is of long standing acetic acid acts well. Hungry, yet will lose weight, while eating heartily.
Caladium: Sexual excitement with desire and relaxed penis. No emission or orgasm during embrace.
Cannabis ind.: Sensation of swelling in perineum or near anus as if sitting on a ball, if otherwise indicated. However, this sign is more prominent in chimaphila umbellata, patients.
Chimaphila umbellata: Sensation of swelling in perineum or near anus, as if sitting on a ball.
Conium m.: Intense desire and amorous thoughts but, unable to perform act. Has emission at the very thought or presence of women. The erections are insufficient, last only a short time, go back on him in the act. As a result of this becomes despondent. This condition of mind may be present in either sex, the result of overindulgence; or especially too infrequent indulgence.
Corallium rubrum: Chancroid or soft chancre, red, coral red, flat, sensitive, sore. Use internally.
Dioscorea villosa: Emissions during sleep with dreams of women all night, knees weak, genitals cold, despondency.
Lupulin ix: Is one of our best remedies for sexual debility, emissions of semen in the night, etc. One or two grains, once or twice a day, for a few weeks, then discontinued for a week and used again for a few weeks until condition is corrected.
Lycopodium 200 P.: If from onanism or sexual excess the penis becomes small, cold and relaxed; desire as strong, as ever and perhaps more so, but no power, this is a good remedy.
Platina: Excess of sexual desire, overestimation of self, etc. This applies to females; but may be tested in the male.
Selenium 200 P.: General weakness, also of the male organs. Although desire is strong, erections are weak and ejaculation in coition is too quick. Feels weak and out of humor afterwards. Frequent oozing of prostatic fluid. Is forgetful, weak and easily exhausted from physical or mental exertion. Strong desire for liquor but feels worse after using it. This remedy is also useful in bad after-effects of tea.
Sepia 12 to 30d: There is aversion to sexual intercourse. No desire .
Staphisagria: Burning in urethra except when urinating; backache, always worse at night in bed and in morning before rising. One of our best remedies in prostatic troubles in old men with frequent urination and dribbling of urine afterwards. Also good in onanism.
Coition, aversion to: Agnus cast., caladium, conium m., lycopodium.
—During sleep: Lycopodium.
—Prepuce retraction after: Caladium.
—Odontalgia after: Daphne ind.
—Pain after in urethra: Cantharides.
—Pain in perineum during: Alum.
—Vertigo after: Bovista.
—Vomiting after: Moschus.
—Weakness after: Calcium, conium m., lycopodium,. petroleum,, selenium, sepia, silica.
—Weakness in parts after: berberis vul.
Ejaculation of semen, absence of, in coition: Caladium, graphites, lycopodium.
Without energy: Calcium, conium m., natrum mur., ,phosphorus, sulphuric acid.
Too speedy: Berberis v., caladium, conium m., lycopodium, phosphorus, platina, selenium,, sulphur, zincum met.
Too slow: Calcium, lycopodium, zincum met.
Emission of prostatic fluid after every emotion.: Conium. m.
—During evacuation: Anacardium, calcium, carbo veg., Causti-cum, conium m., selenium, silica, sulphur.
Ruta g.: Feels sore and bruised in parts he lies on.
Staphisagria: Upper and lower extremities feel sore, bruised and weak.


Of bladder: Gelsemium, hyoscyamus, pulsatilla.
Of glottis: Gelsemium, apis mel., cicuta v.
Of larynx: Cicuta v., cimicifuga, lobelia.
Of uterus: Gelsemium.


Chamomilla: Taking anything warm in the mouth aggravates; but cold does not relieve. Very sensitive to pain. May be irritable.
Coffea: Easy as long as cold water is in contact with tooth. Very sensitive to pain, cannot bear it.
Kalmia l.: A valuable adjunct to any indicated remedy if toothache is on right side.
Magnesium carb.: In decayed teeth, pain easier during the day, worse in the night. Must walk about to get a little easier. Especially useful in toothache in pregnant women.
Mercurius: Worse at night, sweating does not relieve or even aggravates.
Spigelia: A valuable remedy to any of the above indicated remedies if toothache is on the left side.
Valerian: The mother tincture of valerian is a valuable adjunct as a rule in any form of toothache.

Urinary Organs.

Aconite: Constant unsuccessful want to urinate with violent pain in lower abdomen, with retraction of same. Violent spasmodic pain in lower abdomen.
Apis mel.: Burning and stinging pain in urethra.
Benzoic acid: Urine scanty and of dark brown color, smells bad, no deposits. Urine scents the clothes it comes in-contact with.
Berberis vulgaris: Suffering in back aggravated by fatigue. Burning on passing urine. Bubbling sensation in region of kidneys. Soreness.
Camphor: Strangury, if from cantharides. Useful sometimes in other forms of strangury.
Cannabis sativa: Urethra very sensitive to touch. Specially useful in early stages of gonorrhea.
Cantharides: Burning and cutting pain in urethra. Violent bladder pain, frequent urging to urinate with intolerable tenesmus. Violent burning, cutting pain in neck of bladder. Before, during and after urinating fearful cutting pains. Constant urging to urinate; urine passed off drop by drop. Where there is great cutting and burning pain in urinating, it is a good remedy in affections of the respiratory tract.
Causticum: Itching of orifice of urethra, constant ineffectual desire to urinate, often only a few drops passed at a time, with spasm of rectum and constipation. Sensation of soreness and rawness. Involuntary passage of urine when coughing or sneezing, blowing nose, at night when asleep, when walking. Hardly knows when he urinates until by sense of touch. Urine loaded with lithic acid. There are thick deposits or sediments of various colors from dark to light.
Chimaphila: Large amount of mucus in urine. Cystitis.
Clematis: Result of enlarged prostate gland.
Conium m.: Intermittent flow of urine.
Digitalis: Urine brown, color of dark beer, may be bile in it; in jaundice, pulse slow and weak and often intermittent.
Equisetum: Urinating very painful. In inflammation of the bladder and urethra. Violent pain as in cantharides, but there is no decrease in quantity of urine, in fact in some cases large quantity is voided, instead of drop by drop as in cantharides.
Gelsemium: Involuntary urination from paralysis of neck of bladder.
Helleborus niger: Scanty, with coffee ground sediment, may be suppression, especially in severe acute diseases.
Hepar sulph.: Waits a while before urine starts, flows slowly, never finishes, feels as if some urine was left in bladder. Urine drops straight down on account of weakness of muscles of bladder.
Kreosotum: Copious urine, pale color, they cannot go quick enough. Can only urinate when lying down. Wets bed in first sleep. Sleep profound, can hardly wake lip.
Lycopodium: Red sand with urine. Pain in kidneys relieved after passing sand with urine.
Mullein oil: In difficult urination, strangury, 1 drop every ½ to 2 hours, is useful. In enuresis, it is one of our best remedies, 2 to 3 drops 3 to 4 times a day.
Natrum mur.: After urinating cutting and burning pain in urethra.
Nitric acid: Urine has odor like horse urine.
Petroselinum: Great and sudden desire to urinate, itching in urethra. Cannot go quickly enough.
Sarsaparilla: White sand with scanty, slimy or flaky urine, may be tenderness of bladder; much pain at conclusion of passing water, sometimes almost unbearable. These symptoms also apply to a lesser degree to: Berberis vulgaris, equisetum, thuja oc.
Selenium: Involuntary dripping of urine while walking or after urinating at stool.
Sepia: Wetting bed during first sleep; which is very profound, can hardly wake up. Urine very offensive, cannot bear to have it in room, especially in women. Sourish.
Staphisagria: Burning in urethra, but not when urinating.
Terebinthina: Urine brown, black or smoky from admixture of blood. Strangury. Burning and smarting on passing urine. In kidney and bladder troubles.
Zincum met.: Can only urinate when sitting bent back.
For inflammatory retention see: Aconite, cannabis ind., cantharides, nux vomica, pulsatilla.
For paralytic retention see: Arsenicum album, dulcamara, hyoscyamus.
For spasmodic retention of urine see: Aurum, cantharides, conium m., digitalis, hyoscyamus, lachesis, nux vomica, opium, pulsatilla, rhus tox., veratrum album.
For thickening of the viscus see: Dulcamara, mercurius, pulsatilla.
Periosteal pain from suppressed gonorrhea: Sarsaparilla.
Cystitis: Causticum, chimaphila, equisetum, dulcamara, cantharides, terebinthina.

Urine, Color and Nature:

Brownish: Arnica, causticum, colchicum, digitalis, kreosotum, lachesis, mercurius, nitric acid, pulsatilla.
Clear: Belladonna, dulcamara, kreosotum, phosphoric acid, sulphur.
Deep color: Belladonna, calcium, digitalis, helleborus nig., lachesis, lycopodium, mercurius, nitric acid, sepia.
Milk white: Aurum,, berberis vul., chelidonium, colchicum, croton tig., iodium, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, pulsatilla.
Reddish: Bryonia, cantharides, carbo veg., mercurius, nux vomica, platina, squill, valerian, zincum met.
Whitish: Mercurius.
White, turbid, dirty:. Causticum,. china, conium m. rhus tox.
Yellow: China, croton tig., hyoscyamus.
Diminished secretion: Belladonna, bryonia, carbo veg., colchicum, colocynthis, digitalis, dulcamara, graphites, kreosotum, pulsatilla, stannum met., sulphur, sulphuric acid, veratrum album.
Feeble stream: Chamomilla, helleborus, mercurius.
Interrupted: Clematis e., conium in., pulsatilla, sulphur, zincum met.
Retarded: Hepar sulph.
Suppressed: Belladonna, cantharides, iodium, stramonium.
Too frequent urinating: Lycopodium, mercurius.
Too great increase in urinating: Alum, ammonium mur., china, kreosotum, magnesium sulph., phosphorus.
Nausea, hunger or headache with flow of urine: Veratrum album.
Redness of orifice of urethra: Hepar sulph.
Urethra, pain in during urination: Colchicum.
—After urination: Bovista.


Causticum, nitric acid, thuja oc. If the result of suppressed gonorrhea thuja oc. is the best remedy.


Belladonna: Worms with head symptoms. In these cases belladonna should be alternated with the indicated remedy.
Cicuta v. 30d or higher: Worm symptoms with opisthotonos, this remedy should be alternated with the indicated remedy.
Cina 30d or higher: Restless in the night, jumps, jerks and rolls around in bed, grinds teeth and often screams in sleep. Sometimes swallowing as if something was coming tip in throat. Child cries a great deal and is cross and contrary. Wants things only to reject them; wants to be carried around and then again not. Picks nose a great deal. Dark circles around the eyes. Face may be pale or glowing red, in which latter case the child is generally pale around the mouth. Alternate loss of appetite with canine hunger. A valuable remedy to remove lumbricoides or conditions the result of this pest.
Chamomilla: We have similar symptoms, but in this drug the face is red and hot on one side, while the other is pale and cool.
Teucrium Marum, 30d or higher: Children or grown people that are troubled with ascarides will find this an effective remedy. In these cases there is generally a great deal of itching of the nose. Examination of the feces will often show little worms. There is generally also itching of the rectum.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.