Iris Versicolor.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Iris; Blue Flag.
P. E.—Root.
N. O.—Iridaceae.
N. H.—North America.

Properties: In small doses alterative; in medium doses antisyphilitic; in large doses cathartic, emetic.

Indications: Of use in malarial jaundice where there are clay colored stools, scanty urine. In irritable condition of the digestive tract, manifesting itself by neuralgic pains over the eye, generally of the right side; often pain in the face of same side; nausea and vomiting of acid liquid with burning sensation in the throat and stomach; regurgitation of food, especially after eating fats or very rich pastry. Diarrhea with sour, watery discharge. In most cases it should be associated with other indicated remedies.

Use: In chronic jaundice from catarrhal conditions of the duodenum or obstruction of the bile ducts. In syphilis and strumous conditions where there is glandular inactivity it is a fine remedy. In glandular enlargements, enlargements of the lymphatics of a soft nature, especially of the thyroid it is used with success. Of value in recent cases of goitre. In skin diseases of chronic nature, oozing ulcers, it is of great value, especially if combined with other indicated remedies; also in sick headaches caused by morbid accumulations in the stomach. It stimulates the whole glandular system, lymphatics and skin to action, and especially the pancreas and salivary glands and-the upper intestinal tract and liver.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.