Phytolacca americana.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Phytolacca; Poke.
P. E.—Plant and berries.
N. O.—Phytolaccaceae.
N. H.—North America.

Properties: In small doses, alterative. In large doses cathartic emetic, narcotic.

Physiological action: In large doses it acts as a gastro-intestinal irritant, producing vomiting, purging, dizziness, drowsiness, feeble pulse, general prostration, cool and sometimes clammy skin and even convulsions, coma and death. Generally a tingling or prickling sensation is felt over the whole body.

Indications: Pallid tongue and mucous membrane, tongue slightly coated, looking as though it was covered with a glutinous substance; sometimes tongue has a leaden appearance. In inflammation and various affections of the lymphatic glands, especially if swollen and hard.

Use: Phytolacca has a specific influence on the glandular structures, increasing waste and improving nutrition. A good remedy in inflam-mation of the glandular system, especially of the lymphatic glands. In rheumatism in which the white fibers are involved it may be used to advantage. Irritants in the blood, the result of deficient catabolism, producing pains of rheumatic nature will be corrected by the use of phytolacca. It will relieve irritation, inflammation and ulceration -of the mucous membrane in any part of the body. Our best remedy in mastitis and to abort mammary abscesses, in these cases we combine it to advantage with echinacea. We think of it in stomatitis, tonsillitis, sore nipples, pain in the breasts with fullness, inflammation of the mammae. We also think of it with other remedies indicated, in diphtheria, sore mouth of nursing child, chancre, bubo, syphilis and skin disease, especially if of the squamous variety. We should never forget that in the affections of the lymphatic glands, especially where they are hard and swollen phytolacca is our best remedy.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.