Pinus Canadensis.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Hemlock; Spruce.
P. E.—Resin.
N. O.—Coniferae.
N. H.—Northern part of the United States.

Properties: Astringent, stimulant.

Use: The oil of hemlock is very extensively used in liniments. The oleoresin commonly known as Canada pitch is used in plasters very extensively. The tincture is valuable in obstinate cases of leucorrhea; 1 part of specific pinus canadensis to 3 parts of castor oil applied locally to walls of vagina and cervix of uterus every other day is of great value. A little echinacea and tiger lily may be added. Of value locally as an astringent in sore throat.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.