Remedies Acting on Certain Regions of the Body.


Burning: Arsenicum album, bryonia; cantharides, nux vomica, phosphorus, rhus tox., sabadilla, sepia.
Coldness: Arsenicum album, cedron, kreosotum, phosphorus.
Fullness and hardness: Anacardium or., antimonium crud., carbo veg., china, crocus s., graphites, lycopodium, nux vomica.
Heat: Belladonna, cantharides, nux vomica, selenium.
Heaviness: Asafoetida, calcium phos., graphites, helleborus n., nux moschata (nutmeg), sepia, sulphur.
Pain and tenderness aggravated by least jar: Belladonna.
Pain forcing patient to bend double: Belladonna, chelidonium, colocynthis, sabadilla, sepia, stannum in., veratrum album.
Pain when bending double: Aconite, dioscorea vil.
Pain and tenderness in hypochondriac region: Belladonna, china, mercurius, natrum sulph., nux vomica, podophyllum.
Pain of throbbing nature in hypochondrium: Aconite, graphites, podophyllum, pulsatilla.
Protruding, irregular as if there was something alive in abdomen shifting about: Thuja oc.
Rumbling in abdomen, especially in the splenic flexure of colon: Lycopodium.
Rumbling in abdomen, especially in the ascending colon: Podophyllum.
Sunken abdomen: Hydrastis, plumbum acetate.
Swelling abdomen: Arsenicum album, kali mur.
Tenderness in abdomen: Arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, podophyllum, sulphur, thuja oc.
Trembling in abdomen: Ignatia am.


Carduus m.: Pain in region of liver, bad or bitter taste, vertigo and nausea. In gall stone colic it is auseful remedy and if taken any length of time will remove the tendency to formation.
Chelidonium: Pain or soreness in region of liver with pain tinder right shoulder blade. Bitter taste. Stool gray, clay or gold colored. Nausea and vomiting, only being able to retain hot water or drinks. In acute or chronic liver troubles.
China: In hypertrophy of the liver with much soreness.
Lycopodium: In atrophy of the liver when indicated.
Magnesium mur.: Soreness or pain in region of liver., aggravated by lying on right side; with constipation.
Mercurius: Soreness or pain in region of liver aggravated by lying on right side; with loose bowels.
Ptelea: Soreness or pain in liver aggravated by lying on left side.
Jaundice: Aconite, aurum mur. and natrum, high potencies; chelidonium, china, digitalis, podophyllum.


Ceanothus am.: This is our best remedy for the spleen. See first part of this work under Ceanothus am.


Bloating in the pit of the stomach: Arsenicum album, daphne ind., lycopodium, nux moschata (nutmeg), nux vomica, petroleum.
Burning in stomach: Arsenicum album, bryonia, cantharides, nux vomica, phosphorus, rhus tox., sabadilla, sepia.
Sensation of swelling in pit of stomach: Bryonia.
Swelling of pit of stomach: Aconite, arsenicum album, bryonia, calcium., kali mur., lycopodium, natrum mur., sulphur.
Throbbing in epigastrium: Caladium, cannabis ind., pulsatilla.
Throbbing in the inguinal region: Lycopodium, sulphuric acid.
Throbbing in umbilical region: Aconite, aloe.
Trembling in abdomen: Iodium.
Weak, empty, gone feeling in stomach: Hydrastis, ignatia, sepia; in whole abdomen-phosphorus.
Gastralgia: If of nervous origin. There is generally severe burning in the stomach and a pressing pain between the shoulders, often accompanied by anguish and restlessness: Bismuth subnitrate.
Gastric fever where tongue is coated all over with a heavy white layer almost milk color: Antimonium crud.
Gastric ulcers: Argentum nit., hydrastis, iris v., or kali bichrom., if indicated.
Pyrosis and heartburn: Calcium, capsicum, carbo veg., chamomilla, china, belladonna, nitric acid, nux vomica, pulsatilla, staphisagria, sulphur, sulphuric acid.
Waterbrash: Bryonia, calcium, hepar sulph., ipecac, mercurius, nitric acid, nux vomica, pulsatilla, sepia, silica, sulphur.


Burning in the back: Carbo an., lycopodium, nitric acid, phosphorus.
Drawing in back: Anacardium or., causticum, lycopodium, nux vomica, rhus tox.
Lame back: Agaricus, gaultheria, rhus tox.
Pain in back: Where muscles are contracted manual treatment will give relief where medicine would fail.
Pain in back in general: Belladonna, gaultheria, ledum p., lycopodium, colchicum, petroleum, pulsatilla, sepia, zincum met.
Pain in back of sharp nature: Carbo an., lycopodium, nitric acid, phosphorus.
Pain, cramp-like: Bryonia, colocynthis, conium m., euphrasia, graphites, lycopodium, magnesium phos., spongia t.
Pain from wet cold: Dulcamara, rhus tox.
Pain in:
Region of kidneys: Benzoic acid, berberis vul.
Neck: Belladonna, helleborus n., lachesis.
Nape of neck: Ammonium carb., daphne ind.
Lumbar region: Bryonia, graphites, lycopodium, nitric acid, petroleum, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sepia, silica, sulphur, zincum met.
Hips: Calcium, dulcamara, ledum p., pulsatilla, valerian.
Shoulder blades: Belladonna, graphites.
—right: Chelidonium.
—left: Chenopodium.
Hips, when stooping: Natrum sulph.
Sacral region in the night and especially before rising in the morning: Staphisagria.
Back in general worse lying down and in the morning: Nux vomica.
Pain in back extending into gluteal region, of dull nature with weakness: Kali carb.
When rising from a stooping position: Veratrum album.
In lumbar region when rising from stooping position: Lycopodium, veratrum album.
In back after sitting down: Ledum p.;
when sitting down: zincum met.;
when moving: bryonia, chamomilla, kali bichrom.;
severe when rising from seat relieved when walking or standing: argentum nit., causticum, sulphur.
In back in general: zincum met. is a good remedy if of nervous origin; if of rheumatic origin: ledum p.
Pain in sacral region, a dull nature, result of hemorrhoids, motion aggravates: Aesculus hip.
Pain in coccyx: Magnesium carb.
If severe, so sensitive as not to bear the least touch no matter how soft the seat: Lobelia.
Paralytic pains in back or tendency to paralysis: Cocculus ind., natrum mur., silica.
In neck: Lycopodium.
In lumbar region: Natrum mur.
Lumbago: Bryonia, ledum p., nux vomica, pulsatilla, rhus tox., sulphur.
Perspiration in axillae: Bovista, sulphur, thuja oc.
Sciatica: Aconite, arsenicum album, bryonia, chamomilla, coffea, colocynthis, ignatia am., nux vomica, pulsatilla, phytolacca, rhus tox.
Stiff neck: Belladonna, bryonia, cimicifuga.


Aconite: Numbness of left arm, especially in acute conditions. Palpitation with heat.
Arsenicum album: Constriction or compression in heart when walking. Constriction on awakening throws off covers. Palpitation worse lying down.
Cactus grand.: Sensation of constriction of heart as if a band was around it, preventing its normal action and causing difficult breathing. Pain and weight on vertex. Irregularity of the heart's action, pulse weak, irregular and even intermittent, cold perspiration on face and even fainting. Walking or lying on left side aggravates condition. In edema of left extremities or heart trouble resulting from inflammatory rheumatism. Wrongs of the heart's action are much benefited by this remedy if indicated.
Calcium fluor.: In organic changes of the heart where there are pains as a result of endo- or pericarditis; in valvular thickening or other heart troubles bordering on effusion this is a valuable adjunct to the other indicated remedies.
Carbo veg.: Vital forces so low as to threaten collapse. Weak feeling in chest. Want to be fanned in order to be able to breathe.
Convallaria m.: Dropsical condition the result of weakness of the heart. Palpitation of sympathetic nature, in women with uterine troubles.
Crataegus: As a general tonic to the heart muscles. Should be given in 3 to 5 drop doses of the mother tincture 3 to 4 times a day. In emergency in 5 to 10 drop doses, as often as necessary.
Digitalis: Pulse slow or irregular and may be intermittent. There is often blueness of the eyes, face and nose; patient staggers, cannot get his breath, worse lying down. Feels weak and faint in stomach and has a sensation as if heart would stop if moving. Respiration may be difficult and irregular and patient often draws a deep sigh. Breath seems to fade away when going to sleep. Dropsy, the result of heart trouble in which face is bluish and in some cases the hands, lower parts of legs and feet also.
Glonoine: Pain and weight in vertex. Face red, throbbing carotids. Sensation of rush of blood to the head and in some cases the same sensation is felt in chest. A remedy for temporary conditions only.
Iodium: Sensation as if heart was held in a tight grip.
Kalmia lat.: There may be wild, tumultuous action of heart, and again the heart may beat very slowly but hard. Again where it beats faintly this remedy is also of value. Pulse may be fast but generally is remarkably slow. Of value in heart troubles result of rheumatism This remedy appears to have tendency to correct abnormal conditions, especially where pulse is slow.
Lachesis: Constriction in chest and in some cases in throat also; especially on awakening from sleep. Sleeps into aggravation.
Laurocerasus: Heart troubles with cyanosis and dyspnea which is worse sitting tip.
Moschus: Nervous palpitation of the heart.
Oxalic acid: Palpitation and dyspnea which are worse when patient thinks about it, in cases where there is organic heart trouble.
Psorium: Cyanosis or dyspnea worse sitting tip.
Senega: Dyspnea, especially if there is ail asthmatic condition.
Spigelia ant.: Cannot lie on left side, amelioration lying on right side. Condition aggravated by lying with head low. Half sitting posture the most comfortable. A valuable remedy in acute attacks and chronic attacks following same. Where there is violent, visible palpitation of the heart with blowing sounds, may be so violent as to shake whole chest. Pain is often of a violent nature. Palpitation of the heart stooping forward.
Spongia tosta: Valvular trouble of the heart in which patient awakens with a sense of suffocation. Violent, loud cough, great anxiety, result of heart trouble. Cannot lie with head low. Useful in valvular murmurs of years' standing as well as in acute attacks.
Tiger lily: Sensation as if heart was grasped and released alternately, in the female, where there, are wrongs in the reproductive organs.
Veratrum album: Prostration, collapse with cold sweat on forehead. May have cold, clammy sweats all over. Extremities cold.
Angina pectoris, remedies useful in general: Arsenicum album, cactus g., carbo veg., crataegus, digitalis, nux vomica, sambucus nig., senega, veratrum album.
Shooting pains in heart: Belladonna, bryonia, mercurius.


Arsenicum album: Pain through tipper part of right chest. Burning pain. Pain ameliorated by heat, may be midnight aggravation.
Bryonia: Pain aggravated by motion, ameliorated by pressure, quiet, or lying on affected side, cough generally dry.
Calcarea ostrearum: Middle and upper part of right lung affected.
Croton tiglium: Pain drawing through from nipple to back while nursing.
Kali bichrom.: Ropy or jelly-like expectoration.
Kali carbonicum: Sitting up and leaning forward ameliorates chest affections. Cough or other symptoms aggravated at about 3 A.M. Lying on side affected aggravates. Pain through lower right chest.
Lachesis 30d: In tuberculosis of the lungs in the last stages to give temporary relief our best remedy. Also for sore mouth in last stage of consumption.
Mercurius: Pain through lower right chest if indicated.
Myrtus communis: Pain in upper left chest through to scapula. Cough generally dry and obstinate.
Natrum sulph.: Pain through lower left lung below nipple of a stitching nature, cough loose.
Phosphoric acid: Expectoration profuse, purulent and offensive. See mind symptoms: in such cases it will if used early save many a one from tuberculosis of the lungs.
Phosphorus: Great oppression in breathing, a sensation as if a heavy weight were on chest. In pneumonia to stop hepatization in early stage or in later stages to favor resolution. Given too often or too low potency will aggravate condition. Stitches in left side aggravated by lying on same, in pleurisy. In bronchitis coughing hurts so that patient tries to suppress it as long as possible. In tuberculosis a dose here and there, high potency, gives relief.
Rumex crispus: Pain through lower left lung below nipple of a stitching nature.
Silica: Pain drawing through from left nipple to back, if indicated.
Sulphur: Chest sensitive to touch and when inspiring. Left lung affections. Lips bright red as if blood would burst through.
Theridion currassavicum: Pain in upper left chest through to shoulder.
Tuberculinum 500 or 1000 P.: A drop once a week for 4 weeks, then every 2 weeks for a month, then every month for a short while. A useful remedy in tuberculosis of the lungs.

For remedies especially effective in pneumonia or pleurisy see under proper heading.


Bones, swelling of in ears: Pulsatilla.
Boring pain in ears: Belladonna, helleborus n., spigelia ant.
Burning in ears: Agaricus, kreosotum, rhus tox., sanguinaria, sulphur.
Cold, suffering in ears caused by cold: Agaricus, causticum, kali mur.
Cracking in ears: Baryta carb., calcium, kali mur., nitric acid.
Deafness: Arnica, kali mur., phosphorus, raphan sat. nig., secale cor.
Dryness in ear: Graphites.
Hammering noise: Spigelia ant.
Hearing, difficult after cold: Kali mur., mercurius.
Herpes in ears: Before lobes; oleander.
Behind; graphites, sepia.
In lobes; causticum, sepia.
Human voice, difficult to hear: Calcium, phosphorus, sulphur; voice harder to hear than other sounds, ignatia am.
Itching in ears: Ammonium carb., graphites, sulphur.
Music in ears, sounds of: Calcium, natrum; pain when hearing music, phosphoric acid.
Mucous discharge: Calcium, carbo veg., graphites, kali mur., lycopodium, mercurius, nitric acid, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sulphur.
Purulent discharge: Aurum met., belladonna, borax v., calcium , carbo veg., graphites, hepar sulph., mercurius, rhus tox., silica, sulphur.
Obstruction of ears when swallowing: Mercurius.
Otitis, acute: Bryonia, chamomilla, kali mur., mercurius, pulsatilla, with involvement of brain, belladonna.
Otitis, chronic: Belladonna, borax v., calcium, causticum, kali mur., lachesis, mercuritis , nitric acid, petroleum, pulsatilla, silica, sulphur, thuja oc.
Note: For best general treatment of otitis acute and chronic see part I of this work.
Pain in ears: Add to your indicated remedies in a 2 ounce bottle the following: 20 drops of mother tincture of valerian; give ½ to ¾ teaspoonful every 15 minutes to ½ hour until easier, then at longer intervals. If earache is left sided add spigelia ant., ½ drachm to the valerian and indicated remedies, and if right sided kalmia ½ drachm to above mixture and use as before.
Polypus in ears: Calcarea ost., staphisagria, thuja oc.
Ringing in ears: Causticum, kreosotum, ledum p., lycopodium, nux vomica; ringing in ears, of bells, arsenicum album, valerian.
Roaring in the ears: Aconite, arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, calcium phos., carbo veg., causticum, china, chamomilla, graphites, hepar sulph., mercurius, nitric acid, pulsatilla, sepia.
Snapping in ears: Calcium, saba dilla, silica, sulphur.
Sounds of drum in ears: Lachesis.
Whistling in ears: Graphites, kreosotum, muriatic acid, nux vomica, secale cor.


Ciliary neuralgia pains running from eyes through to back of head, headache of a stabbing nature or presses outwards with sensation as if eyeballs were too large for socket: cimicifuga, spigelia.
Confused sight as if looking through a fog or as if caused by something that could be rubbed away, especially in the open air, mornings or evenings. Frequent and profuse lachrymation when exposed to wind or bright daylight. Patient more pale, pupils contracted: pulsatilla.
Pressure in eyes as if caused by sand, confusion of sight when reading, which disappears on rubbing eyes, dilated pupils, photophobia: cina.
Profuse lachrymation with burning, severe pain and sensation of dryness in eyes, nocturnal blindness: veratrum album.
Sudden attack of blindness by day or cloudiness of sight as if covered with a veil. Frequent lachrymation, especially in open air and wind. Extremely sensitive to light, especially bright light. Pressing pains in eyes, orbit and forehead: Phosphorus.
Most important remedies in inflammation of the eyes: Agentum nit., belladonna, conium, euphrasia and mercurius. Less so,: Aconite, arnica, calcium, cantharides, chamomilla, dulcamara, ledum p., nitric acid, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sulphuric acid, veratrum album.
Argentum nit.: In inflammation of the eyes; but especially in the purulent form, in which it is our best remedy. Useful in both acute and chronic ophthalmia.
Arnica: In inflammation the result of bruises.
Belladonna: Pain ameliorated by holding head back: very sensitive to cold touch and very restless. Photophobia is generally marked. Sight is not clear; as if looking through a heavy fog.
Cantharides: If the result of burns or the heat and glare of fire.
Conium m.: Especially in scrofulous persons. Although the inflammation does not appear to be severe the pain and sensitiveness to light are very severe. Worse nights. Pressure and darkness ameliorate pain.
Euphrasia: Lachrymation and photophobia. Eyes red inflamed, often with mucus of sticky nature forminon the eyes which shifts when moving the eyes or lids. There may be agglutination of eyelids and matter may form, especially at the inner carthus of the eyes. Valuable in both acute and chronic conditions. Tears acrid and corrosive.
Ledum palustre: If result of blows. Blue or black eyes.
Mercurius: Worse nights and when sweating. Discharge at first thin and acrid, often becomes thick and bland in a short while. Purulent form where there is agglutination of the lids with pus forming under them
Burning heat in eyes: Arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, capsicum , calcium, carbo veg., colocynthis, crocus s., euphrasia, kreosotum, mercurius, nitric acid, phosphorus, rhus tox., sulphur, veratrum album.
Congestion of eyes: Aconite, belladonna, phosphorus.
Dryness of eyes: Arsenicum album, asafetida, baryta carb., crocus s., drosera, lycopodium, nux moschata (nutmeg), pulsatilla, staphisagria, sticta p., sulphur, veratrum album, zincum met.
Dryness, sensation only: Asafoetida, belladonna, baryta carb., nux moschata (nutmeg), nux vomica, silica.
Ecchymosed conjunctiva or sclerotica: Arnica, belladonna, chamomilla, lachesis, ledum p., nux vomica, senega.
Eye strain from close study, reading, writing, sewing, etc.: Bryonia, natrum mur., ruta g., senega.
Inflammation of iris: Argentum nit., clematis e., conium in., mercurius, plumbum acetate, senega, sulphur.
Itching: Belladonna, causticum, kali bichrom., kalmia l., kreosotum, lobelia, mercurius, nux vomica, sulphur.
Pain in eyes: Arsenicum album, belladonna, euphrasia, graphites, mercurius, pulsatilla, spigelia, sepia, staphisagria.
Pain, drawing or tearing: Arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, causticum, sulphur.
Pain worse at night: Arsenicum album, mercurius.
Tears acrid and corrosive: Arsenicum album, euphrasia, kreosotum, natrum mur.
Watery Eyes:
Allium cepa: From Colds, discharge bland.
Chelidonium: In general conditions, especially of the right eye.
Euphrasia: In general or from colds, etc., discharge acrid and corrosive.
Spigelia ant.: Left sided headache, ciliary neuralgia, with lachrym-ation of left eye.
Weak eyes in general: Apis mel., belladonna, bryonia, china, euphrasia, phosphorus, ruta g.
Blindness in heat of sun: Conium m., glonoine, lachesis, veratrum album.
Blindness, attack by day: Aconite, silica., sulphur.
Blindness, attack at night: Belladonna, veratrum album.
Colors before eyes
Blue or objects appear bluish: Strontium.
Green or objects appear greenish: Phosphorus, sepia.
Red or objects appear reddish: Belladonna, conium m., crocus s., hyoscyamus , strontium.
Yellow: Arsenicum album, cantharides, digitalis, sulphur.
Various colors: Cicuta v., digitalis, stramonium.
Confusion of colors: Belladonna, calcium, crocus s., mercurius, pulsatilla, ruta g., staphisagria, stramonium.
Confusion of letters when reading: Bryonia, china, daphne ind., graphites, lachesis, lycopodium, natrum mur., silica, stramonium.
Diplopia: Belladonna, cactus grand., cicuta v., cimicifuga, daphne ind., digitalis, gelsemium, hyoscyamus, natrum mur., sulphur.
Flames of fire before the eyes: Aurum. met., belladonna, bryonia, cannabis ind., lachesis, mercurius, pulsatilla, zincum met.
Flashes like lightning before the eyes: Crocus s., nux vomica, spigelia.
—see only lower half of object: Aurum met;
—see only left half: Lithia carb., lycopodium.
Mobility of letters when reading: Belladonna, cicuta V., conium m., mercurius.
Objects appear nearer than they are: Bovista;
more distant: Anacardium O., nicotine, stannum met., sulphur.
Objects appear inverted: Belladonna.
Appear smaller than they are: Platina, stramonium.
Appear larger than they are: Hyoscyamus.
Appear as if coming towards you: Argentum nit.
Photophobia: Arsenicum album, belladonna, calcium, cina, conium m., drosera, euphrasia, hepar sulph., ignatia am., mercurius, nux vomica, phosphorus', pulsatilla, rhus tox., veratrum album.
Pupils contracted: Anacardium o., arnica, belladonna, chamomilla, chelidonium, cicuta v., cina, digitalis, ignatia am., cimicifuga, muriatic acid, phosphorus, pulsatilla, silica, staphisagria.
Pupils dilated: Belladonna, calcium, china, cina, cicuta v., cocculus ind., hyoscyamus, nitric acid, stramonium.
Distorted: Baryta carb., mercurius, sulphur.
Immovable: Belladonna, cuprum met., digitalis, laurocerasus, nitric acid, stramonium.
Blue around lighted candle: Lachesis.
Green ring; Phosphorus, sepia.
Red ring: Ruta g.
Variegated colors and objects: Cicuta v., stannum met.
Sight not clear as if looking through a heavy fog: Belladonna, calcium, digitalis, kalmia l., mercurius, plumbum acetate, sabina.
Spots moving before eyes: Aurum m., cocculus ind., conium m., phosphorus, ruta g., secale cor., sulphur, thuja oc.
Black before eyes: Aconite, anacardium o., cocculus ind., fluoric acid, lycopodium, mercurius, nitric acid, phosphorus, secale cor., staphisagria, sulphur.
White spots: Arsenicum album, sulphur.
Gray: Phosphorus, silica. Stars: Belladonna.
Whirling spots before eyes: Squill.
Strabismus: Belladonna, gelsemium, hyoscyamus, secale cor., stramonium.


Inflammation of eyelids in general: Argentum nit., arsenicum album, euphrasia, graphites, mercurius v., staphisagria, sulphur.
To a less degree: Belladonna, calcium, chamomilla, pulsatilla, veratrum album.
Argentum nit.: In severe, obstinate cases, discharge generally Purulent, although it may be watery and bland. Eyelids and eyes red. Ulceration and agglutination of eyelids.
Arsenicum album: Discharge, thin, watery, acrid and burning.
Borax v. : Excoriation of, margin of lids, lashes stick together, are sticky and gummy and turn inward, thus setting tip irritation in the eyes, chronic inflammation of margin of eyelids with above indications.
Cantharides: With vesicles, especially if from burns.
Euphrasia: With lachrymation and photophobia. Discharge generally acid. This may be in acute or chronic conditions, in colds, influenza, etc. We often see spots of mucus on the eyes which shift when eyes or lids are moved and there maybe an accumulation of pus in inner canthus of eyes. Ulceration of margins of the eyelids.
Graphites: Chronic inflammation, especially of the margins. Eczema of the eyelids with scales and crusts; eruptions moist.
Mercurius: Worse nights. Sweating aggravates. Discharge thin and acrid, changing to thick and bland: but may be purulent. Ulceration of eyelids. Agglutination of eyelids, especially in the morning.
Rhus tox.: Vesicular inflammatory conditions of eyelids with much burning and itching. Marked restlessness. Agglutination of the eyelids, especially in the morning.
Staphisagria: Acute or chronic inflammation, but especially the latter and of the margins of the eyelids. There may be itching which is relieved by scratching, but soon begins to itch in other places near by. Eczema of the eyelids.
Sulphur: Chronic forms where eyelids and especially the margins are very red. There may be burning and itching, ulceration of the margin of the eyelids. Eczema of eyelids, margin very red.
Burning and heat in eyebrows and margin of eyelids: Belladonna, calcium, euphrasia, rhus tox, sulphur.
Chalazion on eyelids: Staphisagria, thuja oc.
Drooping or falling of eyelids: Causticum, conium m., gelsemium, sepia.
Dryness of eyelids: Arnica, arsenicum album.
—Dryness when sleeping: Pulsatilla.
Eyebrows falling out: Alum, plumbum acetate, selenium, silica.
—When result of syphilis: Mercurius., nitric acid.
Herpes on eyelids: Bryonia, kreosotum, rhus tox., sepia.
Itching of margin of lids: Nux vomica, staphisagria, sulphur.
Opening eyelids is difficult: Arsenicum album, causticum, mercurius, phosphorus, spigelia, sulphuric acid.
Paralysis: Causticum, conium m., gelsemium, sepia, veratrum album, zincum met.
Pimples on eyebrows: Fluoric acid, silica, thuja oc.
Styes on eyelids: Graphites, pulsatilla, staphisagria, thuja oc.
Swelling of eyelids:
Hard: Aconite, thuja oc.
Edematous: Arsenicum album, pulsatilla, rhus tox.
Upper lids from constitutional cause: Kali carb.
Lower lids from constitutional cause: Apis mel.
All around eye from constitutional cause: Phosphorus.
Twitching: Dulcamara, ignatia am., nux vomica.


Face, ears or nose red and itching: Agaricus.
Flushes from least emotion: Ferrum acetate or met.
Chronic flushes: Amyl nitrite.
With heat in top of head, if indicated: Sulphur.
Freckles: Berberis vul., bryonia, calcium phos., graphites, lactic acid, lycopodium, natrum mur., nitric acid, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sulphur, veratrum album.
Greasy appearance of face and greasy perspiration: Natrum mur., plumbum, selenium, thuja oc.
Hanging down jaws: Arsenicum, lycopodium, muriatic acid.
Lips bright red as if blood would burst through: Sulphur:
In tubercular subjects: Tuberculinum.
Lips, dryness: Bryonia, china, tartaric acid, veratrum album.
Lips purple: Baryta carb., digitalis, sulphur.
Pimples on face: If no other remedy is especially indicated, muriatic or nitric acid is useful. As a general remedy Lloyd's specific berberis aquifolium in 5 to 10 drop doses 3 to 4 times a day in a little water is an excellent remedy. We find the following are often indicated: Belladonna, causticum, carbo veg., hepar sulph., sepia, sulphur.
Swelling from toothache: Belladonna, chamomilla, coffea, magnesium carb.
From gum boils: Mercurius.
Swelling of upper lip: Belladonna, calcarea ost., natrum mur.
Yellow color of face: Calcium, china, digitalis, graphites, lycopo-dium, mercurius, natrum mur., pulsatilla.
Yellow color around eyes: Nitric acid, spigelia.
On lips: Stramonium.
Around mouth: Nux vomica.
On temples: Causticum.
Coppery look of face: Alum, nitric acid.
Parchment-like look of face: Arsenicum album.
Yellowish, swarthy appearance of face: Lycopodium.


Burning in head.: Aconite, argentum nit., arnica, arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, cantharides, causticum, graphites, melilotus, nux vomica, phosphorus., rhus tox, sepia, spigelia.
Coldness in head: Arnica, calcium. laurocerasus, phosphorus, phytolacca, valerian.
Confusion in head—Bewilderment: Aconite, aethusa cy., belladonna, benzoic acid, bryonia, calcium, nux moschata (nutmeg), nux vomica.
As if from coryza: Berberis vul.
As if from fatigue in head: Natrum carb., natrum mur.
As if caused by intoxication: Pulsatilla.
Alternated with clearness: Murex p.
Stupifying: Cocculus ind., crocus sativus, dulcamara.
Congestion in head: Aconite, argentum nit., belladonna, bryonia, helleborus n., kali iodide, melilotus, mercurius, nux vomica, rhus tox.
Congestion, chronic, with burning in the brain, feels as if the heat comes tip from spine: Phosphorus.
Dullness in head: Cocculus ind., crocus sativus, dulcamara, kalmia l., podophyllum.
Empty feeling: Cocculus ind., cuprum, pulsatilla.
Feeling of expansion or fullness: Aesculus hip., argentum nit.
Fullness in head: Aconite, ammonium mur., belladonna, bryonia, rhus tox., sulphur.
Hammering or throbbing: Ammonium mur., belladonna, calcium, clematis e., ferrum acetate, glonoine, lachesis, natrum mur.
Heat in head: Arnica, aurum, belladonna, bryonia, laurocerasus, nux vomica, phytolacca sulphur.
Heat, flushes of: Caladium, ferrum acetate, lycopodium, sulphur.
at climateric in women: Lachesis, sanguinaria nit.
Itching in head: Digitalis.
Itching of scalp, violent: Graphites, lycopodium, silica, sulphur.
Sensation as if band or circle was around head: Aethusa cy., mercurius, sulphur, theridion cur.
Sensation as if head was in a vise: Magnesium , platina, pulsatilla, sabadilla, stannum met., sulphur.
Softening of the brain: Kali iodide, kali mur., lachesis.
Vertex, throbbing in, often with one side of face cold and pale, chronic flushing of face: Amyl nitrite.

Lower Extremities.

Abscess in hip joint disease in the joints or in long bones: Calcarea hypophosphorica 1x.
Weakness, bending outward: Natrum carb., 12x.
Weakness in ankles, if indicated: Carbo an., natrum mur. 30x.
Paralysis of late in afternoon: Chamomilla 3d.
Burning in feet in general: Phosphorus, pulsatilla, sulphur.
Burning, still cold to the touch, cannot bear to have feet covered: Secale cor.
Callous skin on soles of feet: Antimonium crud., silica.
Chilblains in feet: Petroleum.
Red and itching: Ammonium mur., agaricus 30d or 200.
Coldness of lower extremities: Belladonna, calcium, carbo an., carbo veg., causticum, conium m., graphites, lycopodium, nitric acid, silica, veratrum album, zincum met.
Coldness, sensation without actual coldness: Berberis vul., mercurius, rhododendron.
Cramps in legs: Calcium, causticum, graphites, hyoscyamus, nitric acid, secale cor., sulphur.
Delay in walking in children on account of weak ankles: Calcium phos., phosphorus, sulphur.
Drawing in feet: China, cuprum, rhododendron, .sepia, staphisagria, valerian, zincum met.
Drawing in legs: China, ferrum acetate, muriatic acid, natrum mur., natrum sulph., pulsatilla, rhododendron.
Feet, heels and soles—
Soles get sore from foot sweat: Baryta carb.
Tender and painful: Pulsatilla.
Soles and heels tender when walking: Ledum p.
Soles swollen and painful; Lycopodium.
Soles covered with corns and callosities, can hardly walk on them, so tender: Antimonium crud.
Soles of feet and palms of hands hot, with flashes at climateric: Sanguinaria.
Feet, offensive sweat: Baryta carb., silica.
Pain in feet: Ammonium mur., causticum, ledum p., phytolacca.
Sensation as if stockings were damp: Calcarea ost.
Shortening of tendons in lower extremities: Causticum, cimex lect., sulphur.
Shortening of tendons of ham: Graphites, natrum mur., sulphur.
Sensation of, without actual shortening of tendons: Causticum, cimex lect., sulphur.
Sweating of feet: Calcium, calcarea ost., carbo veg., lachesis, silica, sulphur.
—Sweating of feet, suppressed: Silica, sulphur.
Trembling in legs and feet: Gelsemium, ledum p., lycopodium, pulsatilla, ruta g., zincum met.


Borax v: Green stool with aphthae. Afraid of falling from downward motion.
Kali bichrom.: Ulcers with deep, regular edges as if cut; saliva stringy.
Mercurius vivus: Gums swollen and may be bleeding; odor of mouth very offensive, saliva soapy or stringy.
Nitric acid: Corners of mouth cracked and sore. Gums swollen and odor of mouth very offensive, all outlets of the body may be sore or cracked.
Phytolacca: Often useful in aphthae, especially if there is glandular swelling.
Sulphuric acid: Great debility, with aphthae, sour eructation. In children they smell sour all over. In grown people there is often a sense of internal trembling.
Burning in mouth: Chamomilla, magnesium mur., sabadilla, veratrum album.
Burning heat in mouth: Bryonia, carbo veg., chamomilla, colchicum.
Coldness in mouth: Camphor, tartaric acid, veratrum album.
Dryness of mouth without thirst: Apis mel., lachesis, pulsatilla.
Especially at night: Nux moschata (nutmeg).
Dryness, sensation only, without actual dryness: Natrum mur.
Broken down condition, especially of the alimentary canal, gums get spongy, bleed easily: Carbo veg.
Very painful, swell and look dark red or blue, teeth decay rapidly, gums spongy: Kreosotum. If cholera infantum has these symptoms kreosotum is the remedy also.
Mouth moist, yet thirst, gums swollen, spongy, sometimes bleeding. Tongue may also be swollen and take imprint of teeth: Mercurius.
Inflammation of mouth in general: Mercurius, nitric acid.
Produced by salt: Carbo veg., spirits of nitre.
Produced, by burning: Apis mel., cantharides high potency.
Produced by mercurius: Carbo veg., nitric acid.
Lips bright red as if blood would burst through: Sulphur.
In tubercular patients: Tuberculinum 1000 p.
Ulcers of lips: Kali bichrom.
Mouth moist, yet intense thirst: Mercurius.
Saliva accumulates, still there is sense of dryness: Colchicum.
Hot water coming up in the mouth: Daphne ind.
Salivation or accumulation of stringy mucus: Hydrastis, iris v., kali bichrom.
Of watery mucus: jaborandi, lobelia, natrum mur.
From abuse of mercurius: Carbo veg., nitric acid.
Of mucus in general: Belladonna, colchicum, dulcamara, nitric acid, phosphorus, phosphoric acid.
—In salivation faradic current often is beneficial. Use negative pole to tip of tongue and positive in hand. Use 3 to 4 times a day and only very mild current. If galvanic current is used, reverse poles.

Saliva Taste and Nature.

Acrid: Arsenicum album, kalmia l., kreosotum, mercurius, nitric acid, veratrum album.
Bitter taste: Arsenicum album, bryonia, kali sulph., kalmia l., pulsatilla, sulphur, thuja oc.
Fetid: Digitalis, kreosotum, mercurius, nitric acid.
Frothy: Berberis vul., bryonia, cantharides, plumbum acetate, sabina, spigelia, sulphur.
Hot: Daphne ind.
Metallic taste of saliva: Bismuth subnitrate, cocculus ind., cuprum met, zincum met.
Salty: Arsenicum album., phosphorus, sepia, sulphur, veratrum album.
Soapy: Bryonia.
Sour: Calcium phos., ignatia am., iris v., natrum sulph., nitric acid, nux vomica, podophyllum.
Sweetish: Digitalis, plumbum acetate, pulsatilla, sabadilla, stannum met.

Odor of Mouth.

Fetid or putrid: Anacardium o., arnica, arsenicum album, bryonia, chamomilla, china, graphites, mercurius, nitric acid, nux vomica, podophyllum, pulsatilla, sulphur.
Flesh odor: China, sulphur.
Sour: Calcarea ost., calcium phos., nux vomica.
Stinking, unbearable: Arsenicum album, chamomilla, mercurius, nitric acid.
Urine: Graphites.


Bawling: Cuprum met.
Dryness of throat from: Bryonia, causticum, senega.
Higher than normal: Lachesis.
Indistinct: Bryonia, calcium phos., causticum, lachesis., lycopodium, secale cor.
Interrupted suddenly: Cannabis ind., tabacum.
Loss of speech: Belladonna, cannabis ind., causticum, laurocerasus, mercurius, plumbum acetate, stramonium, veratrum album.
Loss of speech after apoplexy: Laurocerasus.
Nasal, as if talking through the nose: Belladonna, lachesis, phosphoric acid.
Paralysis of speech: Cannabis ind., cantharides, causticum.
Stammering: Belladonna, secale con, stramonium, veratrum album.
Trembling voice: Aconite, ignatia am.
Whispering or murmuring: Stramonium.
Whistling: Belladonna, causticum.


Black pores: Graphites.
Blackness of nose: Mercurius.
Blowing of blood from nose: Aurum met., causticum, carbo veg., graphites, secale cor., sepia, sulphur.
Caries of bones of nose: Aurum met.
Bones swelling: Mercurius.
Chronic inflammation of nose: Fluoric acid.
Coldness of nose: Arnica, belladonna, murex p., plumbum acetate, veratrum album.
Dryness of nose: Belladonna, calcium, graphites, natrum mur., petroleum, phosphorus, sepia, silica, sticta, sulphur.
Epistaxis after blowing of nose: Argentum nit., phosphorus, spongia t.
Fan-like motion of alae nasi in severe disease: Lycopodium, tartar emetic.
Freckles on nose: Phosphorus, sulphur.
Itching of nose, in general: Alum, carbo veg, cina, nitric acid, oleander, silica, spigelia, teucrium marum.
Itching of alae and point of nose: Causticum, silica.
Mucous discharge of nose:
Burning: Allium cepa, arsenicum album, sulphur.
Corrosive: Allium cepa, kreosotum, mercurius.
Greenish: Carbo veg., kali sulph., pulsatilla.
Putrid: Graphites.
Watery: Arsenicum album, euphrasia, lachesis.
Yellowish: Phosphorus, sulphur.
Nodosities in nose: Arsenicum album, calcarea ost., teucrium marum.
Numbness and tingling in nose: Natrum mur.
Pain as from contraction,: Sabadilla.
Pain in root of nose: Hyoscyamus, petroleum, pulsatilla, ruta g., sticta p.
Picking of nose, impulse to: Cina, phosphoric acid, selenium, teucrium marum.
Polypus of nose: Calcarea ost. 6x: teucrium marum.
Perspiration on bridge of nose: Ruta g.
Redness of nose: Belladonna, calcium phos., mercurius;
of corners: Plumbum acetate;
of interior: Belladonna.
of margins: Lachesis;
of point: Calcarea, carbo an., nitric acid, rhus tox, silica.
Scabs or plugs forming in nose: Alum, aurum mur., borax v., calcium, carbo veg., graphites, kali bichrom., lycopodium, nitric acid, sepia, silica, sulphur.
Sensation of foreign body in nose: Calcium phos.
Chronic tendency, to sneezing: Silica.
Worse in the morning: Causticum.
Itching or tickling in the nose which causes an inclination to sneeze without sneezing. Wants to sneeze but cannot: Carbo veg.
Tickling in nose followed by sneezing: Pulsatilla.
Sneezing from cold or coryza see indicated remedies.


Black pores: Nitric acid sulphur.
Crawling in skin at night if no other remedy is indicated: Sulphur.
Creeping in skin; Agnus. cast., spongia t., staphisagria.
Chronic dryness of skin: Graphites.
Itching in skin in cold: Spongia t.
Itching in general, in skin, especially evenings or when getting warm in bed: Bryonia, cocculus ind., mercurius, oleander, nux vomica, pulsatilla, rhus tox., sulphur.
Parchment-like skin: Arsenicum album.
Perspiration greasy: Carbo veg., china, magnesium.
Perspiration, too profuse or general tendency. to Carbo veg., china, mercurius, veratrum album.
Blue: Ledum p., sulphuric acid.
Brownish: Sepia, thuja oc.
Confluent: Belladonna.
Coppery: Lachesis, nitric acid.
Flea bite like: Aconite, graphites.
Bad in cold weather: Sabadilla. Scarlet: Belladonna.
Whitish: Sulphur.
Yellow: Natrum phos. Yellow, turning green: Conium m.


Acute: Aconite, arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, helleborus, laches, pulsatilla, rhus tox., stramonium, rhus tox., sulphur.
Asthma alternate with eruptions:, Caladium, causticum, rhus tox, sulphur.
Blisters, small: Apis mel., cantharides, natrum mur., rhus tox.
Bluish: Baptisia, lachesis, tarantula cub.
Burning: Argentum nit, arsenicum album, capsicum, carbo veg., causticum, kreosotum, mercurius, rhus tox., sulphur.
Callous: Antimonium crud., chelidonium, causticum, nitric acid, thuja oc.
Chronic: Calcium, graphites, hepar sulph., lycopodium, nitric acid, petroleum, rhus tox., sepia, silica, sulphur.
Cold air, appearing in: Hyoscyamus, mercurius, nitric acid, sassafras, stramonium.
Cold air, receding in: Calcium, lachesis, stramonium.
Copper colored: Arsenicum album, kreosotum, nitric acid.
Itching: Arsenicum album, bryonia, causticum, mercurius, nitric acid, oleander, rhus tox., sepia, staphisagria, sulphur.
Painful: Arsenicum album, belladonna, lachesis, lycopodium, mercurius, phosphorus, tarantula cub.
Scabby: Arsenicum album, calcium, cicuta v., dulcamara, graphites , hepar sulph., lycopodium, mercurius, muriatic acid, sulphur.
Scabious: Mercurius, sepia, sulphur.
Scarlet color: Belladonna.
Yellowish: Arsenicum album, cicuta v., mercurius, nitric acid.
Eruptions in general: Eruptions, chronic, pimples, etc., especially of the dry form, Lloyd's specific berberis aquifolium in 5 to 10, drop doses 3 to 4 times a day in a little water, is a valuable remedy. If there is suppuration as a general remedy Lloyd's specific echinacea and silica 6x are our best remedies. Where there is involvement of glands Lloyd's specific phytolacca should be added. To enable the reader to select the special remedy for certain conditions outline is given below.
Arsenicum album: Burning like fire mostly in dry or scaly form although it acts favorably in moist forms if indicated. Burning pain. Aggravation towards midnight. Hot applications or heat ameliorate burning pain. In suppressed eruptions where indicated.
Belladonna: In suppression of eruptive diseases, such as itch, eczema, etc. Old burns which will not heal. There is a sense of burning, rawness, soreness and often pain of drawing nature.
Causticum: In suppression of eruptive diseases, such as itch, eczema, etc. Old burns which will not heal. There is a sense of burning, rawness, soreness and often pain of drawing nature.
Cicuta v.: Pustules form with thick scabs of yellowish color, which become confluent.
Graphites: On any part of the body, but oftener on face, eyelids, hands and. genital organs. Generally crusts form, oozing a, glutinous honey-like fluid. Eczema of the eyelids and anus. Slight abrasions suppurate easily. Suppressed eruptions when indicated.
Hepar sulph.: Tendency to suppuration, even small abrasions will suppurate. Supersensitiveness to touch and cold air.
Mercurius: Slight abrasions suppurate. Worse nights, especially after getting warm in bed, sweating aggravates.
Natrum mur.: Eczema, tetter, etc., inflamed and raw, oozing an acrid fluid. Vesicular eruptions, Urticaria.
Psorium: Dry and scaly, disappearing in summer and returning in winter, itching worse when body becomes warm. Eruptions break out, disappear and appear again. Skin looks dirty, body has a filthy odor even if clean. Suppressed eruptions if indicated.
Rhus tox.: Vesicular with restlessness.
Sepia: Itching but burning after scratching, pustules, often of large size, which continue to suppurate. Brown spots on face or body, tetter, etc.
Sulphur: Itching, scratching ameliorating but causing burning. Eruptions very red. The person may have very offensive odor of the body. In suppressed eruptions it is one of our best remedies or in local congestion the result of suppressed eruptions.
Abscesses and ulcers in general: Arsenicum album, calcium sulph., graphites, hepar sulph., kali bichrom., mercurius, silica.
If of bluish nature and painful: Lachesis, tarantula cub.
Condylomata: Nitric acid, staphisagria, thuja oc.
Proud flesh: Fluoric acid, nitric acid, phosphorus or silica.
Ringworm: Sepia. Locally an ointment made of equal parts powdered sulphur, sanguinaria root and staphisagria with vaseline is a good local application.
Scabies: Mercurius, sepia, sulphur or causticum. Locally: Ointment made of sulphur, powdered sanguinaria root and powdered staphisagria seed with vaseline as a base.
Urticaria: Apis mel., arsenicum album, calcarea ost., hepar sulph., natrum mur., rumex, rhus tox.


Accumulation of mucus in throat: Alum, ammonium, carbo an., carbo veg., causticum, china, colchicum, graphites, nitric acid, pulsatilla, stannum met., zincum met.
Aphonia: Belladonna, cannabis ind., causticum, mercurius, Phosphorus.
Choking in throat: Belladonna, lachesis.
Cold weather, loss of voice in: Carbo veg., sulphur.
At night: Carbo an.
From overheating: Antimonium tart.
Constriction: Belladonna, lachesis, lycopodium, veratrum album.
Difficult expectoration: Alum, ammonium mur., borax, ferrum met., lachesis, mercurius.
Easy expectoration: Argentum nit., carbo veg., kali sulph., natrum sulph.
Dryness of throat: Arsenicum album, asafoetida, belladonna, bryonia, china, cocculus ind., lachesis, lycopodium, mercurius, nux moschata (nutmeg), oleander, petroleum, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sabadilla.
Dryness extending into chest: Lachesis.
Dryness, burning, constant desire to swallow to relieve sense of dryness. Sense of constriction: Belladonna, sabadilla.
Frequent necessity to swallow: Belladonna, causticum, lachesis, mercurius, sabadilla, staphisagria.
Gurgling in gullet when drinking: Cuprum met., laurocerasus.
Hindered deglutition: Arnica, arsenicum album, belladonna, cantharides, carbo veg., hyoscyamus, lachesis.
Of solid food: Baptistia, chamomilla, rhus tox.
Of liquid food:. Belladonna, cantharides, hyoscyamus, ignatia am.
Hoarseness in general:
Carbo veg: Hoarseness worse in damp air, especially in the evening.
Causticum: Hoarseness generally worse in the morning, there is a marked raw feeling in throat, sometimes burning., very hoarse, even loss of voice at times, clergymen's sore throat. Voice generally very deep.
Eupatorium perf.: Hoarseness, especially in the morning with soreness in chest. Phosphorus: Great hoarseness, can hardly talk above a whisper. Worse evenings and fore part of night.
Spongea t.: Great hoarseness, worse when talking, singing and swallowing. Marked burning and soreness in chest. If cough, it is of a spasmodic nature, worse after waking up.
Selenium: A desire to always clean throat of mucus, especially when starting to talk loud or sing.
Indistinct voice: Causticum, graphites, mercurius, spongia t., sabadilla.
Itching in throat: Sambucus nig.
Painful tenderness and soreness in throat: Belladonna, kali brom., lachesis, phosphorus.
Rawness in throat: Ammonium carb., arsenicum album, carbo an., carbo veg., causticum, graphites, hepar sulph., hyoscyamus, sabadilla, sulphur, sulphuric acid.
Sensation of ball in throat: Ignatia am., lobelia, plumbum acetate.
Dry sensation: Bryonia, rhus tox., stannum met.
Sore throat: Acute: Aconite, apis mel., arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, dulcamara, hepar sulph., kali mur. lachesis, mercurius, nitric acid, phytolacca. Chronic: Baryta carb., carbo veg., causticum, hepar sulph., lachesis, nitric acid.
Spasm of glottis: Apis mel., cicuta v., gelsemium.
Spasm of larynx: Cicuta v., cimicifuga, lobelia.
Tickling in throat: Lachesis, nitric acid, sanguinaria, sulphur.
Tonsillitis: Apis mel., kali mur., lachesis, lac caninum, lycopodium, mercurius, nitric acid, phytolacca.
Tonsils, chronic, enlarged: Baryta carb., hepar sulph., lycopodium, plumbum acetate.
Tonsillitis, chronic, tendency to: Baryta carb., hepar sulph.
Uvula, inflammation of: Coffea, mercurius, nux vomica, pulsatilla.
Voice, variable, at times strong, others weak: Arsenicum album, lachesis.


Atrophy of tongue: Muriatic acid.
Blisters on tongue: Ammonium carb., cantharides, mercurius, natrum mur.
Bluish tongue: Arsenicum album, digitalis, sabadilla.
Brownish tongue: Arsenicum album, baptisia, belladonna, bryonia, muriatic acid, sulphur.
Burning sensation on tongue: Ammonium carb., carbo an., causticum, daphne ind., hyoscyamus, senega.
Chapped, cracked: Belladonna, chamomilla, kali bichrom., magnesium mur., plumbum acetate, spigelia, veratrum album.
Convulsion or spasm of tongue: Aconite, belladonna, ruta g., secale cor.
Difficult to move: Calcium, carbo; veg., lycopodium, mercurius.
Dirty tongue: Bryonia, lycopodium, oleander.
Heat in tongue: Belladonna.
Heaviness of tongue: Colchicum, muriatic acid.
Imprint of teeth on sides: Arsenicum album, chelidonium, podophyllum, rhus tox., stramonium.
Numbness: Aconite, arsenicum album, belladonna, ignatia am., hvoscyamus, natrum mur., nux vomica, pulsatilla.
Paralysis of tongue: Aconite, cannabis ind., dulcamara, secale cor., stramonium.
Redness of tongue or margin of tongue: Arsenicum album, belladonna, bryonia, kali bichrom., lachesis, nux vomica, sulphur, veratrum album.
Sensation as if tongue was big: Pulsatilla.
Shining or glazed looking tongue: Kali bichrom., lachesis.
Smarting on tongue: Arnica: At night: Phosphoric acid.
Spots of red color on tongue: Raphan sat. nig.
Thickening sensation of tongue: Nux vomica.
Trembling of tongue: Arsenicum album; belladonna, gelsemium, mercurius.
Whiteness of tongue: Aconite, anacardium o., arsenicum album, berberis vul., kreosotum, oleander.
Coated Tongue.
Blackish: Arsenicum album, china, mercurius, phosphorus.
Brownish: Belladonna, bryonia, hyoscyamus, phosphorus, sabina, silica, sulphur.
Dark streak in center, typhoid tongue: Arnica, baptisia, muriatic acid.
Dirty: Bryonia, lycopodium, oleander.
Grayish: Kali mur., pulsatilla, tartaricum.
Greenish: Plumbum acetate.
Semilateral coating: Daphne ind., lobelia.
Slimy coat: Belladonna, china, digitalis, dulcamara, mercurius, natrum mur., nux vomica, pulsatilla, secale cor., sulphur.
Thick coated: Belladonna, bryonia, mercurius, phosphorus, pulsatilla, sabadilla.
White, a thick layer of white on tongue: Antimonium crud.
White in general: Arnica, belladonna, carbo veg., chamomilla, china, digitalis, ignatia am., ipecac, mercurius, nux moschata (nutmeg), nux vomica, oleander, phosphorus, sulphur, tartaricum.
Yellow: Belladonna, bryonia, carbo veg., chamomilla, china, colocynthis, ipecac, kali bichrom., kali sulph., lachesis, nux vomica, phosphorus, plumbum acetate, pulsatilla, sabadilla, sulphur.

Upper Extremities.

Coldness of upper extremities: Belladonna, carbo an., carbo veg., veratrum album.
Contraction of, tendons of hands and fingers: Causticum, sulphur.
Cramps in arms: Belladonna, causticum, lycopodium, secale cor.
Cramps in hands: B elladonna, calcium, causticum, secale con.
Cramps in fingers: Calcium, cannabis ind., stannum met.
Drops things, cannot hold fast, drops things without knowing it: Bovista, apis mel.
Hands hot and cold alternating: Cocculus ind.
Burning in hands: Phosphorus, sanguinaria, secale cor.
Copper colored patches on or in hands: Nitric acid.
Heat in hands: Aconite, cocculus ind., ledum p., lycopodium, murex p., phosphorus, staphisagria.
Jerking in upper extremities: Belladonna, bryonia, cocculus ind., lycopodium.
Numbness of upper extremities; Aconite, chamomilla, crocus sativus, ignatia am., nux vomica.
Numbness when grasping an object: Chamomilla.
Paralysis of hands or wrist: Ferrum, mercurius, plumbum acetate, ruta g., silica.
Of arms: Calcium phos., cocculus ind., phosphorus, sepia.
Trembling of upper extremities in general: Gelsemium, kali brom., phosphorus, silica.
Trembling of hands:, Calcium, lachesis, phosphorus, sulphur, stramonium, tabacum, zincum met.
Trembling of fingers: Bryonia, iodium, oleander, rhus tox.
Trembling of hands of drunkards: Arnica, lachesis, sulphur.
Trembling when holding anything: Coffea, phosphorus.
Ulceration of nails: Mercurius.
White spots on nails: Nitric acid.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.