Sanguinaria Canadensis.

Botanical name: 

Syn.—Sanguinaria; Blood Root.
P. E.—Rhizome.
N. O.—Papaveraceae.
N. H.—United States and Canada.

Properties: Stimulant, tonic, emmenagogue, emetic. Physiological action: In large doses it will produce irritation and inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract, resulting in thirst, nausea, dilated pupils, coldness of extremities, diminished pulse, cold sweats and prostration. The anxious expression in the face that is present in severe affections of the gastro-intestinal tract is not lacking here. In toxic doses it will paralyze the vasomotor centers by overstimulation.

Indications: In relaxed condition of the larynx, pharynx and bronchi, with a sense of constriction, burning, uneasiness, tickling or dryness of throat. Nasal catarrh with little or no discharge. Harsh, dry cough with relaxed. tissue.

Use: In small doses it is a stimulant to the spinal and sympathetic ganglia. Has a stimulating effect on the mucous surfaces of the bronchi, and to a less degree on the stomach and intestinal tract. We think of it when there is either a deficiency or excess of secretion from atony of the mucous membranes of the parts. It stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, improving nutrition and secretion. Has also an alterative effect on the blood, stimulates the liver and portal circulation, glandular organs and intestinal tract. It increases pelvic circulation, especially in females. As an emmenagogue it is of value where there is fullness of circulation. It favors absorption of exudates and improves the functional activity of the lungs. One of our best remedies in stubborn coughs the result of bronchial or tracheal irritation, bronchial coughs, membranous and spasmodic croup, coughs and colds. In pneumonia if combined with lobelia it is a useful remedy. Sanguinaria is of value in diphtheria both locally and internally, but in this disease the nitrate of sanguinaria in the 5th or 6th trituration is one of our best remedies and should be given internally in 1 to 3 grain doses every ½ to 2 hours. The 2nd trituration 5 to 10 grains in 2 ounces of syrup and vinegar, is a very good form to give sanguinaria nitrate, ½ to 1 teaspoonful doses every ½ to 3 hours. In most conditions the nitrate of sanguinaria is to be preferred.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.