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Auri et Sodii Chloridum, Gold and Sodium Chloride,—a mixture of dry Gold Chloride and Sodium Chloride, equal parts of each. Dose, gr. 1/30-1/10 , in pill or solution.
*Auri Chloridum, Gold Chloride,— Dose, gr. 1/60-1/30. Best given in solution.
Triturations of the metal itself may be prepared according to the general formula of the U. S. P. for Triturations.

Physiological Action. The effects of Gold resemble those of Mercury closely. In small doses, the Salts of Gold promote appetite and digestion, stimulate the cerebral functions, and produce a marked mental exhilaration, a sense of well- being. Continued, they induce aphrodisiac effects in both sexes, and in women an increase of the menstrual discharge. Full doses cause nausea and vomiting, glandular irritation, salivation without loosened teeth or sore gums, increased urine, sweats, and fever (the auric fever); nutrition is impaired, and rapid waste set up. Toxic Doses produce effects similar to those from Corrosive Sublimate, violent gastro-enteritis, mental disturbance, convulsions, priapism, trembling, paralysis.

Poisoning by Gold Chloride is treated by Albumen or flour, and evacuation of the stomach, just as in the case of Hydrarg. Chlor. Corrosivum.

Therapeutics. The Salts of Gold are useful in—
Irritative Dyspepsia, with red glazed tongue, epigastric pain, diarrhoea.
Gastro-duodenal Catarrh,—is much benefited by very small doses.
Hepatic and Renal Sclerosis, and especially in the chronic fibroid kidney ,—the Salts of Gold in small doses are extremely valuable, if given in the incipiency, as they prevent hyperplasia of connective tissue (?).
Hypochondriasis,—is best treated by the auric preparations in small doses.
Amenorrhoea and Impotence, of the functional kind,—may be cured by it.
Syphilis, especially its tertiary ulcerations, and syphiloma of bones, etc.,— after other ineffectual treatment, try Gold Chloride, or triturations of the metal itself, persistently.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.