
Source and Composition. Pulsatilla is the herb, collected soon after flowering, of Anemone Pulsatilla and Anemone pratensis, small, herbal plants of the nat. ord. Ranunculaceae, to which Aconite also belongs. They inhabit Europe and Siberia, have large, purple flowers, and though inodorous are vary acrid, containing an acrid, yellow oil, which in the presence of water is gradually changed into Anemonin, which is a volatile camphoraceous principle, and Anemonic Acid, which seems to be inert.

Preparations. The herb is alone official, but a tincture may be made according to the pharmacopoeial directions for Tinctures of Fresh Herbs, which may be used in doses of ♏︎1/10-x.

*Anemoninum, Anemonin,—Dose, gr. 1/10-ij, in pill.

Physiological Action. Pulsatilla is a paralyzer of motion and sensation, a gastro-intestinal and cutaneous irritant, a cardiac, respiratory, and spinal depressant. It dilates the pupil, produces diaphoresis and diuresis, and is believed to possess emmenagogue power. Locally applied it produces numbness -and tingling in the part, and may even excite violent Inflammations Its action is due to Anemonin, and strongly resembles that of Aconite.

Therapeutics. Pulsatilla is a very efficient drug-if a fresh preparation be employed. It is excellent in—

Uterine Affections,—as functional amenorrhoea, dysmenorrheea, suppression of the menses from fright or chill, and leucorrhoeal discharges.
Epididymitis and Orchitis,—are often controlled and dissipated by very small doses of Pulsatilla, a few drops of the tincture in a glass of water, and of this a teaspoonful every two hours (Piffard).
Dyspepsia, or sub-acute gastritis, with white-coated tongue, no taste or a greasy sensation in the palate, nausea, flatulence, heartburn, etc.,—Pulsatilla in 5 drop doses of the tincture every four hours.
Coryza, Otitis, Rhinitis, Conjunctivitis, and other inflammations of mucous membranes with mucous or muco-purulent discharge,—Pulsatilla internally and locally (ʒj-ij of the tincture to ℥iv aquae as lotion).
Coughs of irritative character, whooping cough, etc.,—Anemonin in doses of gr. ss-j has been found very useful.
Tape-worm,—an extract of the root has proved an efficient taeniafuge.
Cutaneous Affections, especially the eczematous forms, ulcers of indolent character, and syphilitic eruptions,—Pulsatilla locally and internally.
Acute Meningitis, cerebral and spinal,—it is said to have been efficient.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.