Chap. 049. Of Stone Basil.

Botanical name: 

Basil, Stone Greater. I. The Names. It is called in Greek, **********: in Latin, Acinus and Acinos by Lobel and Dalechampius: Clinopodium Vulgare, by Matthiolus: Clinopodium majus, by Cameranus: Botanica Pauli, by Guilandinus: Pulegium montanum, by Lonicerus; Polycnemon, by Gesner and Clinopodium Origano simile, by Bauhin: in English, Stone Basil, and Great Wild Basil.

II. The Kinds. This is properly the first and chiefest of the Wild Basils; and is twofold.
1. Acinus major, the greater Stone Basil. (Clinopodium acinos. -Henriette.)
2. Acinus minor, the lesser Stone Basil. (Clinopodium acinos. -Henriette.)

III. The Descriptions. The Greater Stone Basil has a bushy Root, of many Strings jet together at, and depending from one Head, which shoot forth sockets round about: from this Root springs forth several hard, four square, hairy or hoary Stalks, a foot, or foot and half high, or more, set with two hairy green Leaves at each Joint, being covered also as the Stalks are with a hairy Down, somewhat larger than any of the other Wild Basils, coming near unto the bigness and fashion of the Leaves of Origanum: the Flowers grow in Rundles, or round the Stalk, in greater plenty than in the Wild Basils of the following Chapter, and of a purplish colour, but sometimes white, the Husks of which are somewhat larger and rougher.

IV. The Lesser Stone Basil, has like Roots, Stalks, Leaves, Flowers and Husks, and differs not any thing from the former, save that the Stalks are lower, the Leaves lesser, and the Husks of the Flowers smaller; in a word, it is of the same Kind, but the whole Plant is every way less.

V. The Places. Gerard says they grow plentifully in Autumn, almost by every Hedge: Parkinson says, they are found sometimes in Corn Fields in England, but more often in open Woods and Copses which have been filled, and that almost through all our Countrey; more especially if they are stony places.

VI. The Times. They Flower in the latter end of May, all June and July, and the Seed is gradually ripe in July and August.

VII. The Qualities. They are hot and dry in the first Degree: Discussive, Astringent, and Vulnerary; and dedicated to the Womb.

VIII. The Specification. They are peculiar for stopping Fluxes, and the Terms in Women more especially for Fluxes of Blood.

IX. The Preparations. You have from them,
1. A Juice.
2. An Essence.
3. A Sprituous Tincture
4. An Oily Tincture.
5. A Decoction.
6. A Balsam.
7. A Cataplasm.

The Virtues.

X. The Juice. Given from j. ounce to ij. ounces, it strengthens the Stomach and Bowels and bathed upon an Inflamation it asswages it.

XI. The Essence. This is more Stomatick than the former, and given inwardly, stops all sorts of Flaxes, whether of Humors or Blood, as also the Terms in Women. Dose from j. to iij. ounces, in some proper Vehicle.

XII. The Spirituous Tincture. This has all the Virtues of the former, and is good to take inwardly, to heal Wounds and Ulcers, from j. dram to half an ounce, in a Decoction of the same Herb 'tis an excellent Vulnerary.

XIII. The Oily Tincture. It is good against Pains and Aches from a cold and moist Cause, gives ease in the Gout, and heals Wounds, Punctures, or other hurts of the Nerves, by anointing therewith Morning and Evening.

XIV. The Decoction in Wine. By fomenting therewith, it Discusses hot Tumors and Inflamations; used as an Injection into foul, foetid, and hollow Ulcers, it cleanses them: and daily drunk from iv. to viij. ounces, it stops the overflowing of the Terms in Women, the Bloody Flux, and other Fluxes of the Belly.

XV. The Balsam. It is an excellent Vulnerary, cures Wounds by the first intention and digests and cleanses, old, foul, rotten, and filthy Ulcers with great facility, after which it incarnates, or fills the Ulcer with Flesh, and presently heals it up.

XVI. The Cataplasm. It is made of the Herb chopt small, beaten in a Mortar, and boiled in Milk, and brought to the thickness of a Pultise, with Yolks of Eggs, and Crumbs of Bread. It is Discussive, Resolutive, and Anodine, and of singular good use to be applied to a recent Contusion, or a Gout from a cold Cause.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.
This chapter has been proofread by Nick Jones.